Wednesday, February 19, 2025



The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev

Posted on February 19, 2025

The death of a child… is it a punishment or a lesson for parents and non-embodied Soul? Even knowing about our multidimensionality, the meaning and goals of incarnations we have passed through, to us, by our 3D consciousness, the loss of own kid is a huge tragedy. But is this always the case? Below are excerpts from the chat about this problem with the Guardian on the example of Mrs. N.

THE QUESTION: Why she got so terrible lesson in the absence of actual reasons? Did N.’s Soul deserve such an ordeal and grief?

ANSWER: You misunderstand the term “deserve”, the concept of guilt. Once again, you forget that everything is experience and Souls’ emotions in decision-making are not the same with which you take them here, on Earth. Through physical and mental pain, vibrations increase and boost change, upgrading. What you consider unhappiness, we perceive as an impetus to development and Spiritual growth.

Q: Emotions are given to us so that we can work through them. The person who did nothing wrong in this case was punished with a heaviest life blow.

A: What makes you think she was punished?

Q: The death and loss of her child looks like punishment. We were told earlier that the decision was made at the level of Souls and Higher Selves. I’d like to understand why?

A: In our take, no one deserves to be punished and no one has any so-called “sins”. “Punishment, good, bad, loss, hurt” – all of these things disintegrate a person. When you learn how to apply what we give you in life, you will realize that no one is inflicted with a penalty. Each incarnation has a specific program, and to fulfill it, everyone got free will and choice freedom. Yes, things constantly alter, but in turning moments, only the Higher Self makes decisions for your Spiritual growth, and the perception of events as bad according to the principle of “why” is deeply erroneous from the beginning.

Everything is given not “because of”, but “for something”, and always aimed at the Soul’s further strengthening through a certain experience and emotional outbursts. No one is chastened for anything. The causal relationships that you call karma impact on in a different way. Majority has already worked it out.

Q: But what is the point of losing Mrs. N’s child, then?

A: In this case, the child’s Soul, as well as the Souls of the parents, initially agreed on the possibility of such an outcome after the kid’s incarnation. The key word is the possibility, and NOT the guaranteed success. The fact is that N’s Soul in many embodiments had not evolved and stopped at the third stage out of ten. This could have been overcome by conscious inner work or through trauma.

For example, a kid grows up when he falls off a bike or gets burned. Yes, it hurts, but this is a learning and integral part of life that teaches him in the future to be more careful, attentive and responsible for his actions. No one is punished by this pain, it is simply part of the choices made – getting on a bike that is too big and fast, sticking fingers in boiling water or touching hot stove, etc.

You can teach a child not to fall or get burned in theory, but this doesn’t work without practice, because the kid’s mind is inquisitive and wants to explore this world by itself. This is how the main aspects of the creator and creation manifest in him – curiosity, openness to experimentation and the search for his own answers. In this search, pain is both a response to exceeding one’s capabilities and needs, and an incentive for growth. Of course, the pain can be avoided, but not everything happens as wanted.

Similarly, young Souls who are striving to move on the next level of their evolution, enter worlds like 3D Earth, undergo growing up through various types of pain – the pain of separation from parents, the pain of physical body maturing, the pain of first unrequited love, and so on. All this is part of the incarnation program, and it’s impossible to bypass that if the aim is to get a full and rich experience.

In the case of N., she had to develop certain understandings and energy intensity that would allow her to bring the child’s Soul into the world in compliance with true potential of both. It unfolds with the growing together with a kid’s Soul. This upgrade can be independent and based on the knowing not to stick fingers in scalding boiling water unnecessarily. Or it can be stimulated by terrible loss, as it happened with her.

She is aware that her behavior in many years was far from conscious and correct. If previously, she took risks solely for herself, then now, she has no right to do the same for both by a unilateral decision. Not only because these risks are unjustified. They significantly reduce her vitality that won’t allow the child’s Soul to harmoniously enter the physical body and reveal self the way his Soul desires.

Q: What risks are we talking about?

A: Booze, smoking, hazardous driving habits, disregard for own body, flirting with “magical” energies and entities beyond her comprehension, and a couple more things, about which she perfectly knows. There were many incentives to stop and not stick fingers anywhere, but she didn’t hear them.

Q: What kind, for example?

A: Three car accidents, the loss of an ex-husband, health and business, for instance.

Q: Well, then, how could she get pregnant this time?

A: She was given a chance that desired so fervently. The Higher Self guides and prompts, but the personality always decides for self, because has free will. The child’s Soul was ready to incarnate, but when it became clear that N. can’t give him the life he needs, the kid left your dimension.

Q: Did your trust run out in the middle of pregnancy?

A: Yes.

Q: Why?

A: Because she took too many risks for both again.

Q: Has her timeline changed?

A: Initially there were several of them. This is always the case at key starting points. In one timeline, she could have given birth to a child with heavy disability, which would have been even more shocking. But it was decided not to do it, in the hope that next time she would be more responsible as a mom. In another timeline, she could have become more conscious, more energy-intensive, and perfectly cope. All of these and some other vectors were planned in advance, but the crucial point at the starting point was the sequence of her choices.

Q: So, the child’s Soul decided to incarnate, but had to refuse because the mother wasn’t ready to bear such responsibility?

A: Yes. This option was one of the main ones, although undesirable. As I said, N. behaved that reckless way in many lives, and we hoped that now she would more conscious, but it didn’t happen.

Q: What will this behavior cause in the future?

A: Much more pain. Today, she faces two choices: to care herself and future children or to sink even lower into burning out own life. We cannot intervene in her decisions, but believe that she will choose the first option.

Q: What will happen with the second one?

A: The extinction of the psyche and the destruction of the body. Slow or fast, depends on her.

Q: What will bring the first option?

A: Full revitalizing, rebirth from the ashes, a new beginning. She reached the higher vibrational level, but can’t keep it, because does not have sufficient energy and determination. She needed an extra charge to break through her own jam-ups, and now she got it, but we don’t know what she will do next. It may help to upgrade or lead to a complete collapse, which will still be followed by a reboot and new chances for growth. Her pain was caused by her deeds and the child’s decision not to incarnate in adverse circumstances.

Q: So, at the level of the Higher Selves, will no one impose or condemn anything?

A: No, they won’t. For all Souls involved, this is just one potential scenario.

Q: What is the role of the father here?

A: Her husband could have had more influence on her to reduce the risks, but it’s too late to talk about this now. He can still ease the pain sharing it with her, and give wife support, love and understanding. His inner strength is sufficient to keep the situation under control. Some Souls go through all possible pains before making the right decisions. Others only need to burn themselves once to avoid putting their fingers in boiling water again. And although she repeated it many times, he can make that new “burn” decisive and final.

Q: Has he been with her in other lives?

A: Yes, they have changed their roles many times, if to look at it from our level.

Q: What happens to them in other timelines?

A: It’s unimportant. For them, the only thing that matters is what happens here, in this reality.

Q: Will she be able to get pregnant again?

A: Yes, as soon as she gets over this trauma and recovers. She needs to live it through and cry it out. We’re helping, but she has to let go of the situation, draw conclusions, and make a CHOICE.

Q: What is the best way for her to give birth next time? She wanted to do it at home in the water, without hospitals or obstetricians.

A: This is one of the great risks that may be, but far from the only one. You call it a quest. For her, this is part of a life quest, walking on thin ice to see how much we really help her. Such behavior is too presumptuous in her situation and with the amount of energy she is now able to contain to offset the consequences of dangerous choices. She can give birth anywhere, having all necessary things nearby for quick response in an unforeseen situation. But it’s impossible to predict how her body and baby will react to childbirth stress, so all options must be considered. Maximum caution, respect for life and minimum risks are required.

Q: Are there any other risk factors?

A: She knows about them, we give her warnings during her sleep.

Q: For example?

A: For example, giving up alcohol and tobacco as well as being reckless. It directly impacts the speed of falling or returning to life, fading or healing.

Q: What experience did the child’s Soul gain from this situation?

A: The experience of not being born. This is the first time for it, and most likely the last one.

Q: Does he feel pain or bitterness about it?

A: No, it’s just an interesting experience for him. Not quite successful, but also not critical, no pain and bitterness. He is very grateful for it.

Q: Is it worth giving N. this information?

A: It’s not worth it yet. She needs time to recover from the trauma and cope. Give this info to her husband. He knows better how to bring it to her little by little in a language she understands.

Q: Can she talk to the kid’s Soul?

A: Yes, they communicate all the time. The connection is not lost and won’t be lost, but her psychological state will not allow her to make full contact in the near future.

Q: What kind of karma burden does N. assume in this case?

A: She does not take any karma burden, only the burden of responsibility and pain, which will subside with a new pregnancy. No one judges or punishes.

Q: Will the same Soul come in the next pregnancy?

A: It is not decided yet. The kid’s Monad has many manifestation bodies, and each wants to get an experience on Earth. With which parents is considered each time in a special way.

Q: Does the child’s Soul want to convey something to N.?

A: Yes. “Everything will be fine, don’t worry. I love you and I’m not offended. Don’t blame yourself.”

Q: How can she not blame herself after this?

A: The feeling of guilt is self-condemnation for something that can no longer be changed. It is an extremely destructive emotion and energy, inherent in the worlds and beings of your dimension. But it’s an excellent breeding ground for the growth of the Spirit, if to draw the right conclusions. In our dimension, guilt and condemnation don’t exist, because we see them differently, like you, on the Soul’s level. But 3D feelings and logic prevent you from recalling and realizing this.

Q: Recall what?

A: That in the higher dimensions, from which your Souls came, there is no guilt and resentment, no crimes and punishments, no victims and executioners. There are only roles that you play, scenarios that you write yourself, and experiences that are more or less favorable for individual and collective evolution.

You come to the physical world to gain this experience. And you can’t be offended by yourself, by the Creator, or by us for your choices and the consequences they lead to. When you forgive yourself for an experience that you consider yourself guilty of, you release a huge amount of energy to continue growing and expanding your capabilities. It couldn’t have been any other way, because that was how you chose to grow up, even though it meant getting burned and crashing against the ground. But from the ashes, you reborn again and again, like a Phoenix. That’s the power of your Spark. It may dim and change the glow, but they never goes out. Remember that.


My note: Reading this week report of independent journalist Benjamin Fulford will help better understand this article: 

 Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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