Sunday, May 19, 2024

How to Safely Channel Higher-Frequency Energies

How to Safely Channel Higher-Frequency Energies

The 9D Arcturian Council 

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Posted on May 19, 2024

how-to-safely-channel-higher-frequency-energies-the-9d-arcturian-council - channeled by daniel scranton

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 

We are filling ourselves up with higher-frequency energies from the tenth, eleventh, twelfth, and even thirteenth dimensions so that we can feel what we are moving into and so that we have more energy to share with all of you. When you are sitting around wondering what you should do with your life, and you cannot come up with one action that seems compelling or interesting enough for you to participate in it, we recommend that you simply set that intention to open up and fill yourselves up with higher-frequency energies from the higher-dimensional planes. You cannot go wrong if you do; you cannot get it wrong.

Many people are afraid that if they open themselves up, then they are opening themselves up to attack and opening themselves up to lower-vibrational energies and entities. And so, we advise you to always come to this practice from an already good-feeling place. In other words, do what you need to do to get yourself in a higher vibration. It doesn’t matter what it is, but you know what puts a smile on your face, a skip in your step, what makes your heart beat a little faster. Maybe it’s watching videos of kittens playing, or taking a bath, or looking up at the clouds in the sky and staring and watching them as they move across the expanse. Maybe it’s listening to music, singing along with that music, dancing, playing with your dog, or petting your cat.

There is always something that you can do to raise your vibration and then from that place, you are wearing higher-vibrational armor. You don’t have to worry about beings or energies coming up to get you because they can’t. They must exist in their lower-vibrational state, and you in your higher-vibrational state are out of reach. And you in your higher-vibrational state are more likely to then receive from higher-dimensional planes of existence and beings and collectives who exist in those higher dimensions.

So you see, there is nothing to fear when you use the tools that you have been given appropriately. That’s what we are suggesting, because we know that so many of you want to anchor in higher-frequency energies for the rest of humanity. You want to do it for Mother Earth, and you want to do it to access more of the guidance that you desire. Some of you want it for the purposes of healing yourselves and others. You can also engage in this practice just because you want to feel good, just because you want to feel better than you were feeling before you started it. Those are good enough reasons, and you know that when you feel better, you spread that better-feeling energy around.

Everything that you do can be an act of service when it is infused with higher-frequency energy. We recommend you go out and get some, and see where is takes you.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.

Daniel Scranton 

Who You Truly Are

Who You Truly Are

Archangel Gabriel and Shanta Gabriel

Posted on May 19, 2024 


We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

For this week's issue, our message from Archangel Gabriel helps us remember the truth about ourselves that will keep us in harmony.

The Gabriel Message Card for this week...

Your way to Harmony is by remembering who you are in every moment
... a Divine Expression, Spirit into matter.

Harmony as a spiritual principle was first introduced to me by Archangel Gabriel in 1991. Prior to that, I had no awareness of what Harmony meant and why Harmony was so important to my life.

I found that Harmony represents alignment with my Source Energy. It is connection to my Higher Self and my guidance working in and through all that I am. When I am in balance, I feel a sense of Peace and Harmony within myself. In short, when I am in Harmony, I am happy.

I started using Harmony as an intention. I would go into situations and ask to be in Harmony with all who were involved. I asked to be in Harmony with my Highest Good and with my Soul's Purpose. I asked to be in Harmony with the Truth of my Self.

Most of us are familiar with the idea of harmonies in the music of choirs or symphony orchestras. It is glaringly obvious when it is out of harmony. Disharmony makes us very uncomfortable. In fact, that is my clue — when I am not in harmony, I feel uncomfortable. When I actually become aware of how uncomfortable my body feels, I can take positive action. From that point, I can start to breathe into my heart and come back into alignment with myself and with my higher guidance system. That is Harmony.

I looked up the word harmony in the dictionary. The definitions are mostly musical, although there is one that says, "the quality of forming a pleasing and consistent whole." This sounds like Unity consciousness to me — living in a pleasing and consistent wholeness. It even sounds like a worthy goal for my life.

In the dictionary, there is also a reference to physics in the word harmonic. It is defined as relating to component frequencies of a complex oscillation or wave. To me, this relates to the power of Divine Light. We are standing in the midst of powerful waves of high-frequency light. When we are in Harmony, we can integrate this empowering force within our being and direct the light to bring new creativity through us. As we use these harmonic frequencies, it allows us to work with others in more Harmony, because from this place of high-frequency alignment, we are all in Harmony with our own Truth.

When we are in Harmony with ourselves, it is easy to remember that we are all becoming a more Divine Expression of who we are on the Earth. We are each here in this life to blend our most Divine selves in Harmony with our most human selves, allowing all life to evolve.
Divine Presence:

Thank you for bringing more Harmony into every area my life. May I hold the spirit of Harmony within my being and ground it on the Earth so there can be more Harmony in the world.

May all that I do and say be in Harmony with my Soul’s Highest Reality. May all government systems be in Harmony with the highest good of the people. May the blessings of Harmony prevail within the heart of all beings. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel

May 19, 2024

The Good News About Karma

The Good News About Karma

by Owen Waters

Posted on May 19, 2024

Yin and Yang in motion

Karma is very different from what most people think it is. The word itself, usually prefixed by the word “bad,” generates ideas of retribution or punishment for past misadventures. Somewhere in the heavens above, so people imagine, an accountant is supposed to be keeping track of your karmic balance.

I used to assume that karma was all about maintaining a balance, so therefore the universe contained some law that made it reflective in nature and therefore automatically self-balancing. However, I stand corrected by recent revelations from my senior guide and mentor, an archangel who serves humanity during these times of transition in the vitally essential office of Lord Protector of The Shift.

Karma is an effect of creation. There is no inherent reflective capability in the universe. The apparent reflections, which people sometimes call their karma, come from the ongoing patterns of consciousness which they have created.

Each of us has a karmic pattern, which is like a tapestry filled with a variety of cross-linked energies. It is held within the energetically magnetic aura that surrounds your body.

Each thread woven into your karmic pattern was placed there by your creation of a certain pattern of consciousness. Each created thread within the tapestry of your karmic pattern exists because you have given it life. It will continue to exist and attract circumstances to itself as long as you feed its existence.

The Law of Creation is invoked when intention and feeling are set into motion.

Yin and Yang in motion

Intention is the yang component as it sets the frequency of consciousness. Emotion sets the yin component of magnetic attraction which, by its nature, attracts relevant circumstances into one’s life.

People often ask if their karmic pattern can be changed. Yes, it can. It changes all the time.

What has been created and empowered by an emotional charge will soon fade away when that emotional charge no longer supports it. In a more sudden fashion, a rise in consciousness can transform a karmic pattern.

For example, if someone were intent on jealousy as a way of life and then they experienced a sudden awakening which transformed them to a higher level of thought, their life could change at that very moment. They could decide to become loving and forgiving instead of continuing to feed the old jealousy pattern. That decision would be the end of the jealousy part of their karmic pattern. It would be taken out of existence by the transformation which made the person no longer interested in feeding that pattern of consciousness. The former creation would dissipate, its energy being released back to the universe, and it would stop generating karmic circumstances.

In Summary

The Law of Karma is an effect of the Law of Creation. Your overall karmic pattern is a collection of each thought pattern you have created. It can change as you raise your level of consciousness through spiritual growth but the Law of Karma never ceases to operate. It is always in full operation at all levels of Creation, attracting those patterns you have created through your intentions, feelings and actions.

Here’s the Especially Good News

The Law of Karma guarantees that when you give, you will receive. When you heal, you will receive healing. When you teach what you have learned to others, you will find that even greater insights dawn within you as a result.

If you decide with all your heart that you will succeed in fulfilling your soul purpose in this life, that adds a thread to your karmic pattern which will affect your present and future. Like a magnet drawing resources and circumstances toward you, this thread of intention will help you navigate through life to fulfill your wish in every possible way.

Owen Waters


37 Subtle Signs a Relationship Is Over

37 Subtle Signs a Relationship Is Over (That Most People Fail to Recognize)

By Janey Davies, B.A. (Hons)

Posted on May 19, 2024
Featured image by freepik

It’s easy to spot the obvious signs a relationship is over, but what about subtle signs?

Unless something drastic happens like an affair or abuse, people don’t just walk away suddenly, there’s usually a gradual decline in both physical and emotional intimacy.

In this article, I want to examine the subtle signs that show a relationship has finished.

37 Subtle Signs a Relationship Is Over
  1. Something important happens and they’re not the first person you think of telling.
  2. They’ve become a neutral person to you. They are present in your life but add nothing to it.
  3. Spending time with them feels like a chore.
  4. You don’t look forward to seeing them.
  5. You stay late at work because it’s better than going home.
  6. You’ve stopped arguing or disagreeing on stuff; not because there’s no problem, but because you don’t care anymore.
  7. Their car pulls into the driveway, and instead of feeling happy, your reaction is, “Great, they’re home.”
  8. You used to reply to their texts or calls immediately. Now, you take your time, or ignore them.
  9. You’re more in love with memories of the relationship, rather than the person you’re in the relationship with.
  10. You can never seem to agree on plans for the future.
  11. You feel like you have ‘settled’ for this relationship.
  12. You can’t imagine spending the rest of your life with this person.
  13. Everything has become a habit.
  14. You feel lonely when you are with them.
  15. You find excuses not to spend time with them.
  16. You don’t like how they smell anymore.
  17. You don’t touch each other like you used to.
  18. Seeing them triggers an awful feeling in the pit of your stomach.
  19. You fantasize about being single or dating other people.
  20. Your dreams and aspirations are poles apart.
  21. You’re just waiting for something better.
  22. You don’t feel you are a couple anymore. You’re more like roommates.
  23. Being with them is exhausting.
  24. You don’t share the same values anymore.
  25. You smile and laugh at things on your phone, but not with them.
  26. You don’t even bother asking them how their day was.
  27. You suspect they might be cheating, but you don’t care.
  28. Your partner keeps trying to change you.
  29. You look forward to when you’re not with them.
  30. Leaving is challenging after such a long time together.
  31. Your mood drops when you’re with them, but not with everyone else.
  32. The little quirks that you once found cute are now intensely irritating.
  33. You don’t introduce them as your significant other anymore.
  34. You no longer talk to them about your goals.
  35. You haven’t laughed together for ages.
  36. You don’t respect their opinion anymore.
  37. You don’t miss them when they’re not there.

If you recognize any of the signs a relationship is over, what you do next depends on whether you want to salvage it.

Do You Want to Save the Relationship?

1. Ask yourself why you want to stay in this relationship

Do you want to stay with this person, or are you afraid of being alone? Is this person truly your soulmate or someone you have got into the habit of staying with? Starting out on your own is traumatizing.

I left my ex-partner after 10 years with nothing but a food blender. I know how easy it is to get into the habit of being in a relationship. But we weren’t compatible by that time. The best thing I ever did was to leave that controlling-coercive SOB.

2. How would you feel if they died?

If you’ve spotted any of the signs a relationship is over and want to know the ultimate test of whether you should stay, imagine how you’d feel if they suddenly died. I find it puts everything into perspective. It may seem drastic, or silly, but I’ll tell you why I do it.

My best friend of 40 years died suddenly a few years ago. He was a little OCD, and I could be impatient with him. Then he died unexpectedly in a motorbike hit-and-run accident. Sometimes it takes something drastic for us to realize how much someone means to us.

3. If it’s worth staying, what went wrong?

Relationships can lose their spark after a while. But if you feel there’s something worth saving, think about why you both fell out of love. If it’s something drastic like cheating, then trust has to be rebuilt. However, if it was a gradual growing apart, then there are things you can do.

Perhaps you are taking your partner for granted. Listing their strengths or what attracted you to them in the first place might be enough to rekindle that initial attraction.

4. Rediscover your partner

Boredom can erode the strongest relationship bonds. Humans like repetition, but that means it’s easy to fall into a rut.

Try doing new things with your partner. Put down your smartphones and go out. Reestablish that connection you once had. Engage with your partner.

It could be a regular date night or starting a new exercise regime. Where have you always wanted to visit but never had the time? Work out a schedule for city breaks or day trips.

5. Look out for repeated negative behaviors

Sometimes we repeat the same patterns of behavior without knowing it. It could be body language; for example, the way you fold your arms across your chest when you are arguing, the language you use, rolling your eyes or sighing when your partner asks for something.

Watch out for this behavior and stop it before it spirals.

Final Thoughts

Whether you are ending it or your partner, it’s distressing to see signs your relationship is beyond repair. Spotting the subtle signs a relationship is over can help salvage it before it’s too late, or confirm what you already know.


Janey Davies
Sub-editor & staff writer at Learning Mind
Janey Davies has been published online for over 10 years. She has suffered from a panic disorder for over 30 years, which prompted her to study and receive an Honours degree in Psychology with the Open University. Janey uses the experiences of her own anxiety to offer help and advice to others dealing with mental health issues.
Copyright © 2012-2024 Learning Mind. All rights reserved. For permission to reprint, contact us.

You're different. It's a new beginning

You're different

It's a new beginning

The Arcturians

Channel: Ailia Mira

Posted on May 15, 2024

WE ARE THE ARCTURIANS and we know you. We have connected with you in other ways when you open your field to higher light and we are happy and honored for this opportunity to connect now.

You are awakening more deeply to the Truth of YOUR Being. You are becoming more aware of the infinite possibilities out there, for communion, co-creation and connection. You are also daring to ASK FOR MORE. This is wonderful.

We wish to remind you that you are LIGHT, Infinite, eternal Light. You are free and always free, no matter where you are focused. And in this freedom and as this Light you are LIFE ITSELF. And so are we, so know this: We Are One.

We will attune you now to our frequencies so you can open up this connection more fully. As you call upon the Lord of Arcturus and the Arcturians we come and we are happy to be in this connection with you.

You are feeling pulled, called, inspired towards new things. This is an indication of the expansion you are allowing and creating. See this as a positive thing. You can become overwhelmed because the awareness of how much of this new is calling. How much you may want to change. We wish to help with this.

Again - realize this is an indication of great change and a beautiful affirmation of your ascension journey and how far you have come. Recognize it as this and instead of being overwhelmed, understand that you don’t have to do it all, all at once. But you may be very aware presently, of a new vision of life, flowing in and it may come in piece, and you may be receiving this as an awareness of a great many things that are no longer current with who you have become and what you are expanding into. And with an awareness of the new that is now calling to you and it may feel like a lot.

As you become aware of the possibilities for changing a whole lot of things in your life, and at this point in your life, where you feel much is already established, understand that you are living now, in a new time. You are witnessing and co-creating a new time. You are emerging INTO a new time.

And in this new time, things can be created differently. Will be created differently. In this new time, you will create many new things, many new experiences. For this is the nature of this new time, it will inspire you to create.

What you create in this new time, may feel to be more fundamental, you may feel inspired to change foundations within your life, things that have in the past felt steady or stable and unchanging and now? You may feel like you are starting over and that idea can be interpreted as a setback, but it isn’t one. So see if you can realize when you get into that frame of mind and laugh about it and open it it.

This new reality you are moving into, expanding into, filling with your light and your awareness? It is becoming luminous and radiant with your light. And this light is drawing more human beings upward, into this higher light expression. Those of you who are already experiencing these higher planes of being, are not only discovering them for yourselves, you’re becoming a beacon, shining a homing signal to others. You’re awakening others simply be being here now. And your simultaneously and more aware of your own new beginnings. It’s a magnificent time of newness.

What’s your relationship with new beginnings? Take a moment and consider this.

Ask yourself HOW you want to participate in THIS new beginning — the one you created. The one you felt was coming, and which also may have felt like a dream, or out of reach, for a very, very long time.

But now you’re here. You’re different. It’s a new beginning.

And as you allow it, move into it and do so with joy, with curiosity, with a willingness to experiment and see what comes of things, we are confident you will be pleased and this will empower you to step forward into the new, even more.

So do make some changes that are calling to you. Start with anything that appeals to you. Know now, that you have time, for investing in and creating so many things. You are supported. Your frequency is such now that the kind of support you can allow is significantly more. That will be wonderful to discover, too.

We are happy for you and for humanity as a whole. Even though there is war, and disturbing news in the world, there is also these kind of new beginnings, as new planes of expression and being have opened up and are available.

Earth exists now in an ascended state and some human beings are moving into these higher frequency planes of existence and beginning to live there. Anyone can do this if they wish. It is simple a matter of tuning in to it, by feeling for your heart’s guidance and allowing love, allowing joy, allowing peace, allowing harmony, allowing ease. Allowing authentic expression. Being PRESENT and noticing what is calling to you NOW. What is presenting to you now and opening to it. Allowing it to be and in your sovereign authority and power, creating from that present moment awareness what you want to live, create, express, and be.

That is the way forward. Notice what is calling to you in the present, NOW, and let yourself repeatedly come into your heart, expanding the heart light until it expands and encircles you. Grounding into the Earth and also activating your Divine Flow; the connection you have with All That You Are, and All That Is.

And from that state of transcendent sovereign alignment, opening to the flow of life within you and letting it light the way, call you forward into being more, into being you more fully, here and now.

This light? This life within you that can lead you? It’s YOU. The vaster you. The Eternal Self. The Divine Self, the future you, the core of your being and the ascended you.

They all live within you and there is a way of being in which they come together within you as ONE, in a unified field of light and harmony and this is how you want to live. As this unified field, more and more. As this harmonious aligned expression, or more accurately, emanation of All That You Are.

We are so very pleased for all of you that are discovering this Oneness within you. And for any of you who have yet to feel, or notice this, we point you towards it: it is there, waiting to be recognized, acknowledged, owned, centered in.

Get familiar with your inner harmony, the Oneness within you, the Truth of Your Being. Make friends with these fields of light and consciousness that exist within you and which feel like home. Which feel like peace. Which feeling like you being you, naturally, easily, openly, fully.

The divine Light that is you, the Eternal Self, the Atman, the Monadic Light calls to you. Calls to you. Endlessly calls to you.

Come as you are.

You are welcome in this endless, infinite field of Love now. As you are.

There is nothing else to accomplish or do, only to be who you truly are, here.

We love you very much.

We are complete.
We are the Arcturians



Ailia Mira

Closer To Your Heart

Closer To Your Heart


Channel: Jennifer Farley 

Posted on May 19, 2024

Most of the time logic takes the front seat.  Logic is safe, sane and it is how your world moves forward most of the time.  Today, you are being invited to follow your feelings.  

It may take you down roads you have not been in a while and bring up emotions you disregard but, it will also bring you closer to your heart.  Rather than shying away, bring them in for closer examination.  

Then you can decide if it is something you truly want to keep or release.  You always have a choice, my dearest one!  Embrace the change! 

The Creator
Jennifer Farley 

 Reminder discernment is recommended



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The flow of high frequency energy expose and manifest dense energies

The flow of high frequency energy expose and manifest dense energies

The Arcturian Group

Channel: Marilyn Raffaele

Posted on May 19, 2024

Welcome dear seekers and readers.
The world has become an intense and frightening place for many. As the flow of high frequency energy expands it is serving to expose and manifest dense energies that have long been simply ignored or covered up both personally and globally. There are a few who feel empowered by these energies and are choosing to act on them rather than allowing them to simply move through and clear.
Earth's recent solar flares are manifestations of the increasing presence of the high resonating frequencies now integrating physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually in every person. At the same these high frequencies are opening many more eyes to concepts of separation that have long been accepted as being right and normal.
Many of you are experiencing episodes of depression, anxiety, anger, sadness, and doubt that seem to come from nowhere. You may find yourself looking back at the past with longing or you may be becoming more judgemental and negative. These are all old energies flowing though as they clear. You are personally and collectively clearing centuries of living fully from a consciousness of separation. These emotions were often necessary for survival and as a result are now firmly established in almost everyone's consciousness as being normal and real. Do not claim them as yours.
Thoughts, feelings, and emotions of a negative nature are not, never have been, and never could be yours personally. Because you are Divine Consciousness individualized, the only qualities that are ever really yours are God qualities--harmony, joy, life, intelligence, abundance, completeness, peace etc.
Never deny the negative emotions that may arise or pretend a state of consciousness where they do not exist that you have not yet attained, but rather simply allow them to flow through while recognizing them for what they are--suggestions from the three dimensional collective. Remember, whatever you believe is being personally yours and who you are (I am sick, I am poor, I am stupid, etc. etc. ) becomes yours because you are creators creating from the state of your consciousness.
There are times when you must deal with issues that come from living in third dimensional energy. Without guilt or a sense of spiritual failure when you have a problem of some sort, allow intuition to guide you to whatever human footsteps may be appropriate. See the doctor, lawyer, or professional but always first know the truth--that the omnipresent Divine Consciousness/God can not, does not, and never has created or manifested as anything other than the fullness of ITself.
Over lifetimes of ignorance, the creations of duality, separation, and two powers have accumulated, expanded, and solidified in earth's collective consciousness which is what human minds draw from. These ancient energies must surface and clear as the ascension process proceeds. Recognize their manifestations for what they are without endowing them with power.
Change is coming on all levels. Be prepared, always remembering that good material appearances are just as illusory as bad ones. You are going to see many generally accepted traditions of belief and practice begin to crumble. Hold fast to the truth and go within often simply to rest in oneness, listening for the still small voice that in reality is the voice of your real Self.
Because God is infinitely expressing ITs omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient Self, meditation is somewhat like eavesdropping on God. It is quietly and confidently listening to the Divine consciousness within express ITself which you may or may not always be consciously aware of. Let go of any and all previous concepts about how this inner connection should manifest. It may come as a feeling or knowing, or it may seem as if nothing at all has happened but always know that every intention and action for spiritual alignment makes a connection because if God was separate from you, you would not exist.

Practice silently and secretly acknowledging the real nature/Divinity of every person, those you like and those you don't, those caught up in lives of separation, and those trying to harm others physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. This does not mean you must like them or their actions, it means that you see though the human appearance to reality. Even those who are loving and kind are not in and of themselves "good" but rather are allowing the God qualities within them to flow out.

False concepts and beliefs must first play out materially in order to be really seen and moved beyond by the majority. The three dimensional world has built a consensus consciousness that allows people to do whatever they believe they must do in order to be happy and fulfilled regardless of how it may affect others. Many commonly accepted beliefs based in separation continue to be promoted as truth by governments, some organized religions, and self serving individuals.
Never doubt that the Divine Plan is alive and well bringing about the demise of that which is quickly becoming obsolete on earth as an evolving planet--activities supported by individuals, organizations, businesses, religions, governments, and all who seek "power over" others. These things have have held mankind in bondage and ignorance of their true Self for eons. The time has come for the people of earth to wake up from a very long dream.

As part of this process, much is coming that will bring about confusion, questioning, and doubt but at the same time will awaken a sleeping majority to levels of awareness not seen on earth in a very long time. Be an observer.
Earth is a pure high resonating planet formed in and of Divine mind and cannot be destroyed or eliminated by human egos deluded with personal power and greed even though it may seem that way.
Hold the truth dear ones and be the Light you came to be.
Allow the process.
We are the Arcturian Group

Marilyn Raffaele

Crystallizing the Issue: Institutional Evil

Crystallizing the Issue:

Institutional Evil

By Steve Beckow

Posted on May 19, 2024

Candace Owens

One of the things about collective awakening is that someone says publicly what we’re all thinking and are afraid to say (or encounter) and it crystalizes things or pushes the envelope.

Candace Owens on Telegram said something that was just such a lightbulb moment for me.

She used the phrase “institutional evil” and those two words crystalized things the moment I heard them. (2) I saw how entrainment occurs: With a big “Yes!”

I’ve never had Candace’s exact thought, but the phrase so accurately described the worst of what we’re facing.

I’d come to accept that there are evil acts being perpetrated. But institutional evil?

Yet there it is in front of us – the Biden Administration, WHO, the Vatican, NATO, the WEF, the Federal Reserve, FDA, CDC, IRS, FEMA , CIA – and all around the world: Institutional evil. All the puzzle pieces fell into place; the dots got connected.


It’s agreement on details like this that make a difference (Werner Erhard would call them “distinctions”) that shapes a movement such as ours, to end the reign of darkness and build Nova Earth.

I leave ending the reign of darkness on Earth to the galactic federations and Earth Alliance who are working together to take down the dark structures as we speak.

I’d like to look here instead at “entrainment” – the building of a consensus of basic agreements that shapes a movement and provides both direction and a basis for common action.

On the subject Archangel Michael says:

Archangel Michael: Collective will is in fact sparked, activated, entrained, by those individuals who are willing and able and ready, and actually moving in action to show the way. …

This is one of your primary activities, actions, in terms of being the Mother’s implementers of Nova Earth and the bringing forth, the building, the creation, the anchoring, the establishment – not only of Nova Being – but of Nova Earth, Nova Collective, Nova Humanity. … There are enough of you … to say, “We are going to go with an act of will generated by love. We are going in this direction.” (1)

Our direction is in building Nova Earth and Candace Owen demonstrates being an individual “who [is] willing and able and ready, and actually moving in action to show the way.”


Matthew Ward tells us how important agreement in the collective consciousness is:

“Only when the collective consciousness reflects the intense desire and determination of a civilization to live in unity and harmony instead of divisiveness and killing can this come about.” (3)

“Your world could be transformed into the Golden Age in the twinkling of an eye IF that belief and vision were in the collective consciousness, but it is not and so all the changes will be a process.” (4)

Entrainment means we agree on the basic direction, goal, etc. And we’re in motion. Those who want to join us can. And will.

Entrainment is catching. It can snowball for good or for ill.

If bad, we call it “mass formation psychosis.” If good, we call it “entrainment.”  In this case, we’re snowballing for good, for the light and the love.

In human terms, entrainment is always happening. Just look at all our short-term fads, fashions, and trends, but also our long-term norms, traditions, and values. All of these, in our wired society, invite group agreement and movement; that is, entrainment.

I think it might be accurate to say that much of our online communications are about entrainment as well. The deep state works to present their narrative and elicit agreement and the white hats do the same. Every business is projecting its message hoping for entrainment.


We in the lightworker/patriot/truther movement – conspiracy theorists all – are in the process of generating a critical mass of insights to shape our efforts, offer a clear message to others, and create momentum in the direction of closing down the deep state and building Nova Earth.

A plentiful supply of insights – or distinctions – shows a robust leadership and helps with building momentum.

We are blessed in being led by really-courageous cohort of frontline doctors, intel providers, talk show hosts, freedom convoys, farmers, online digital warriors all of whom are consciousness-raising.

They’re creating the momentum to build the new and transform all aspects of life on Nova Earth.

If we can now match their work by creating a return to civil discourse so that insights like Candace’s can become a part of a common heritage rather than a divisive rhetoric, then we have solid grounds for building a movement whose object is to create a new world.

That’s where I hope we’re going.


(1) “You have to come to terms with the institutional evil we are fighting – from pharmaceuticals,  psychology, the judicial system, media and intelligence agencies.”  (Candace Owens @RealCandaceO on SGAnon, Telegram May 17, 2024.)

(2) “Archangel Michael: Understanding the Divine Gift of Will,” September 22, 2016, at

(3) Matthew’s Message, April 1, 2012.

(4) Matthew’s Messages, Oct. 22, 2008.

Steve Beckow