Monday, March 24, 2025

The Dragon family makes Trump an offer he would be wise not to refuse

The Dragon family makes Trump an offer he would be wise not to refuse

By Benjamin Fulford

March 24, 2025, sample

Events that were supposed to take place in 2012 –ie the start of a new golden age– look like they are finally about to begin. This opportunity comes because the Dragon family is offering virtually unlimited funding to US President Donald Trump.

As background, the former head of MI6 asked a direct descendant of the last Emperor of China for an introduction to the Dragon family back in the early 2000s. He was told that if you want to talk to China, the DF is as high as it gets. The DF is composed of all the Chinese and Asian royal families including the Tang (Li) the Soong, the Ming (Zhou), the Ching (Yi), etc. It is above the Chinese Communist Party and the government of Taiwan.

The original introduction was followed by an agreement between the Western White Dragon and the Asian Golden Dragon to finance a new age of abundance starting in 2012. Unfortunately for us all, the Khazarian mafia managed to delay things by 13 years.

The start of the delay came with what is known as the Chiasso incident. In June of 2009 two Japanese nationals with diplomatic passports: Akihiko Yamaguchi and Mituyoshi Watanabe, were stopped by Italian police at the Swiss border and had $134 billion worth of Dragon family Kennedy bonds confiscated.

What happened then is that Neil Keenan, the head of CIA for Europe, handed the bonds to P2 freemason banker Daniel d’al Bosco. D’al Bosco took them to the Chinese Communist Party, the US Senate Finance Committee and elsewhere until Ban Ki-Moon, the Secretary General of the UN offered d’al Bosco $100 million to “go away.”

Neil Keenan subsequently tried to both cash the bonds and access Dragon family gold bunkers until he was killed in 2016 and replaced with a body double working for the Rothschild family.

The reason we are bringing this up now is because the people who assumed his identity now claim Keenan has died. What this means is the Rothschilds have formally given up on trying to use the fake Keenan as a way to access Dragon family treasures.

At the same time, Akihiko Yamaguchi has re-emerged with a Dragon family offer to Trump. The documents below are all related to this.

Another person who vanished around the time of the Chiasso, a former Federal Reserve Board troubleshooter, has also contacted the White Dragon society on behalf of both the FRB and the Dragon family.

Here is part of what he had to say:

Ben, I have been captured and locked down since the time I saw you in 2012.

My mandate is very powerful and many secret societies were trying to hijack the mandate and steal assets. Just finally broke free about eight weeks ago.

Barack Obama, Rahm Emmanuel, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, Denis Hassert; all from Chicago were involved in my lockdown and attacks.

In other words, as soon as Trump became president, this former Fed official was released and given a mandate to cash Dragon family bonds.

This is very interesting because a recent White Dragon Society effort to monetize $50 trillion worth of Bonds backed by Santa Romana gold was blocked by Emmanuel and Obama.

Now that they are out of the way, it looks like nothing is preventing the Asians from providing countless trillions of dollars to Trump.

Trump needs to take this offer because right now the US government is running on fumes. Take a look at this chart to understand.

In 2024 countries with big real-world economies and big trade surpluses like Brazil, China and Japan were dumping huge amounts of US Treasuries. The biggest buyers of US Treasuries were either countries with trade deficits like France and the UK or places like the Cayman Islands and Luxembourg that have almost no real economic activity. Recently the seventh biggest buyer of T bonds was a crypto-currency by the name of Tether. In other words, the US is cooking its books in order to appear solvent. The gig is almost up.

Trump is not going to be able to solve the problems with tariffs and the like. For example, the USTR’s aim to counter China’s growing dominance in maritime sectors by imposing port entrance fees of up to $1.5 million on Chinese-built ships and operators, while promoting U.S. vessel usage is doomed to fail.

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), representing over 80% of the global merchant fleet, warns that the proposed fees could severely disrupt U.S. trade and increase consumer prices. Current data shows China builds 61% of the world’s new merchant vessels, with the proposed fees potentially affecting 98% of container ships calling at U.S. ports.

“Due to decades of neglect, the US maritime industry has seen a steady decline… we necessarily must rely on vessels registered in other nations,” CSA states in its submission.

The situation is hopeless without DF help because the Khazarian mafia has destroyed Western industrial infrastructure and it will take years if not decades to rebuild it. Instead of building the real-world economy, the KM has been keeping the Western financial system afloat since 2012 by doing things like using gold-plated tungsten bars leveraged a thousand times over. That is all about to...
(Continued on March/27)


Benjamin Fulford

[This is the full update]
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Sunday, March 23, 2025

Most Spiritual Experiences are Impermanent – Part 1

Most Spiritual Experiences are Impermanent – Part 1

By Steve Beckow

Posted on March 23, 2025

The longing persists after the experience has vanished

Audio Player


Maybe 99.99% of the experiences we have (more or less) don’t result in a change of dimension; what we’re calling Ascension.

You’ve watched me over the years, going in and out of other dimensions. In 2015, I stayed, off and on, in the Seventh Dimension of love, as Michael identified it. (1) That then became the Eighth or Ninth Dimension of Bliss for another few months, from Sept. 28, 2015 to mid-January 2016.

And even after that extended a time, I returned and I’m the same old knock-kneed critter I was before I left.  I even have many of the same core issues (or vasanas). (2)

Before turning to how 99.99% of our spiritual experiences are not permanent and don’t result in a permanent change of dimension, I need to explain why, over the past any number of years, I’ve been having so many spiritual experiences myself. (3)

Is this normal? I think it probably is not. Let me explain.

I only started recording them when I opened this blog. I’d had 23 peak experiences by the time the vision occurred in 1987. (I even gave them names – the Silver Bullet, the Flame in the Heart, Porteau Cove, etc.). Why so many?

The answer, I discovered, had to do with an agreement I have with a Being I serve.

You know that I serve Michael and the Mother but you probably don’t know that I also serve the Lord of the planet I’m currently residing on: the Lord Arcturus.

I have an agreement with him – numerous others around the globe have the same agreement – to allow him to see the Ascension, because it’s that important an event, through my eyes.

Other than that, I’m to dismiss him from my consciousness and carry on. I sell the popcorn; I don’t watch the game.


However, he has asked me to visit the various higher dimensions so I could keep people focused on the journey, rather than stopping in the Seventh or even the Ninth.

I’m going to share his request with you and I do so as one spiritual adult to another. Another of my missions is to go up with everyone else and to do so publicly. So here goes:

Lord Arcturus: Now, you have come to a planet in this and in other lifetimes to assist – yes, through communication, through clarity – with the progression of the planet through the elimination of the old Third, which was really quite disastrous, [to] the progression up through the Fifth, through the Six, to the Seventh so that the planetary system will reside in a level of higher consciousness, Christed consciousness as you think of it. (4)

Now in order to do that, it is highly beneficial – and this is where mutuality (5) comes in – that you would have, not only the intelligence but the perspective of the higher dimensions (it is not a hierarchy but it is different).

And so the perspective say of the Ninth Dimension is very different than the perspective of say the Third, the Fifth, or the Seventh Dimension.

Because it is very important that humanity realize, as they are in their unfoldment to a greater plan, that the Seventh Dimension is not the end of the road, not the be all and end all.

And so, some of the perspective, the experience, the knowing, the intelligence of different dimensionality is highly beneficial in helping them move into that higher-dimensional anchoring.

And so in this, we have contributed, not as a clone but as a contribution, shall we say, from my heart, from my soul, from my being to yours, this piece of myself. Now is that … clear? (6)

His gift to me is a library of Arcturian knowledge which will holographically release after Ascension.

When I look at all the travelling I’ve done, when I heard this from him it made things understandable.

I take what he says as a mission statement and think I have been reporting my consciousness states and their consequences fairly well and faithfully. (7)

So this is the reason I have, in the past, had a rather large number of experiences of other dimensions. But, as I started out to say, none of them have lasted.

Let me close here and discuss their impermanence in the next article.

(Continued in Part 2.)


(1) Steve: The space that I call transformative love, what dimension is it?

Archangel Michael: It is the Seventh Dimension.

Steve: Then what dimension is bliss?

AAM: It is between Eight and Nine. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Jan. 20, 2016.) (Hereafter AAM.)

Archangel Michael: 
You are the communicator. … You love to access and spend time in the Eighth and Ninth, the areas of creation and connection. (AAM, Feb. 18, 2011.)

(2) In my opinion, vasanas or core issues are the main obstacle to our enlightenment. See Vasanas: Preparing For Ascension by Clearing Old Issues at

(3) See An Ascension Ethnography – Part 1 at

(4) On the Christ Sphere, see New Maps of Heaven:

(5) Mutuality.  The Lord Arcturus equipped me for the ride by helping design my life plan and soul contract:

Lord Arcturus: What I have contributed to your design – it was a very good design team – is qualities or aspects, understandings – not only that would serve me; that would simply be myopic and rather selfish. But aspects or qualities, talents, capacities that would serve you and, in turn of course, serve the grander Plan, the collective, and ultimately the Mother. (The Lord Arcturus in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, June 12, 2019.)

What the Lord Arcturus contributed was a library of Arcturian knowledge that would become accessible after Ascension.

(6) Loc. cit.

(7) See again An Ascension Ethnography – Part 1, ibid.

Steve Beckow

You Have Begun Your Ascension

You Have Begun Your Ascension

The Creators (12D)

A Nonphysical Collective Consciousness

Channel: Daniel Scranton

Posted on March 23, 2025

We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help. 
You have begun your ascension, and your ascension and your ascension will continue. There is nothing that can stop it from happening, because you are a part of this universe, and this universe is ascending. You know that you grow spiritually through experience, and what you may not know is that you are growing because of all of your soul’s simultaneous experiences right now. Therefore, if you feel that not much is going on in your life, in your little corner of the universe, then please do rest assured that other aspects of your soul’s consciousness are having quite the ride at this time.

You are providing stability for those other aspects of your soul. You are granting those other aspects of your soul a spiritual perspective on the wild ride that they are currently on in their realities. You see, you don’t have to have a lot going on right now in your experience to fully benefit from all that is happening within your soul. You soul does not limit itself to one incarnation at a time. Everything is happening right now, and you are not there to be punished for the ‘sins’ of your past life selves.

You are there benefitting from what they are living, and you are also benefitting from what other aspects of your soul are living right now who are achieving milestones in their consciousness evolution. They may be accessing spiritual gifts and abilities that you’ve always wanted to access. They may be writing brilliant books or painting beautiful paintings. They might be having wonderful relationships. The list goes on and on, and you benefit from all they are experiencing. It is a team effort. You are a group consciousness, and you are all helping one another.

So if you do become aware of something that another aspect of your soul is doing or living that you would consider to be an unwanted set of circumstances, know that you are there healing that aspect. You are there to forgive that aspect. You are not hampered or hindered in any way by what’s going on in that other incarnation unless you believe that you must be punished, or you must be limited because of the limitations set up by that other you in that other incarnation.

You are there helping your family line. You are there to help humanity, and you are there to help other aspects of your soul that need your help. Because you are awake in this lifetime, you have the stability that is required to help all other aspects of your soul. And you are helping all other human beings there in physical form, as well as the animals, as well as Mother Earth herself, just by being there.

So when you feel like you don’t have a lot going on in your life right now, reach out and reach within, and you will find that you can connect up with the totality of your soul. And they can benefit from you, and you can benefit from them more consciously because of this expansion of your consciousness that is going on right now and that will continue to occur because you are ascending and because you are ascending as awakened individuals who want to help. You know this about yourselves, and we just want you to know that you are in fact helping.
We are The Creators, and we love you very much.
Daniel Scranton 

This New Experience

This New Experience

The Creator Writings

Channel: Jennifer Farley

Posted on March 23, 2025

The waves of change are now upon you!  They have been gathering and gaining speed like swells in the ocean.  

What started out as a ripple has grown, becomes larger and more powerful the closer it moves towards your shore.  However, rather than crashing on to your beach, you can control how this new experience arrives.  

It can be gentle and soft, fast and furious or it can feel as if just appears to fill your inner space with tremendous light.  

Just as it has always been with free will, you choose… you choose… you choose! 

The Creator

Reclaiming Your Power

Reclaiming Your Power

Archangel Gabriel, and Shanta Gabriel

Posted on March 23, 2025 

Near sunset at Sete Cidades volcanic crater; PD, Portugal

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of #45 from The Gabriel Messages Book to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

This message from Archangel Gabriel reminds us to turn away from outer appearances and find the grounded presence of Love within us and within all things.

Your job is to have no attachment to the appearance of disharmony but to hold to the Love within all things.

At its deepest essence, Divine Love is inherent within all things. Purposefully coming back into our centers and allowing ourselves to see this as our Truth is a powerful spiritual practice.

Awakening within us all is a connection to the divinity that is the deepest part of our true nature. We are here in this time on Earth to blend our human selves with the most Divine Love that exists in all the Universe.

It is very reassuring when we remember that this Love is always present, guiding us through lives that are changing more quickly than we can comprehend. I know that when I turn away from outward circumstances, come back into my heart and pray for it, there is a Peace that enfolds me in surprising ways.

I have absolute Faith that we are not alone and that we are being led through life's changes by a Love that never ends. With every breath I take, may I and all beings remember this deep and abiding Truth.

Shanta Gabriel

March 23, 2025

The Power of Imagination

The Power of Imagination

by Owen Waters

Posted on March 23, 2025


In the dream state, you create any reality that you desire. In a dream, you can be with anyone you imagine and in any surroundings that you choose. In a dream, you might be walking through the local scenery, then suddenly switch to driving in a car and, finally, be flying through the air to get somewhere more quickly. The background scenery can change from one scene to another in a split-second.

When you awake, you may dismiss the dream as an imaginary, fast-changing jumble of pure fantasy. After all, when you come back into the cold, solid light of the physical world, the dream world seems so unreal. But is it? Are all dreams just your imagination running wild, or are those scenic backdrops really created around you within the very fabric of the dream world?

What about those times when you awake from a dream that seemed so real, you find it hard to believe that it wasn't real. And yet, you've been taught to believe that dreams are never real, so then you struggle between that in-built belief and the fact that you've just had a very real dream experience.

For example, in a dream, was that really your favorite granddad visiting you, or did you just make it all up? And, why did he look so much younger than when he was alive?

Now, here is the surprising secret. Dreams are real. Very real.

When you are dreaming, you are out of your physical body and functioning in your spirit body in the spirit world.

The fabric of the dream world, or spirit world, is called etheric energy. Mystics call it the 'astral light' but, technically speaking, its correct name is ethero-magnetic energy. The substances of the physical world, on the other hand, are composed of electro-magnetic energy. Your spirit body is composed of etheric energy and so is the world that surrounds you when you are in the spirit or astral world.

Etheric energy responds instantly to your thought commands. If you want to change your appearance - shape shift - then just think it, and it will be so. If you want to change your surroundings, just imagine a new set of surroundings and they will appear. At least, to your perception, they will, and to anyone in your close proximity.

Those surroundings are created for you temporarily, as a backdrop, by the power of your imagination. The real surroundings of that location are independent of your imaginative creations, which survive only for as long as you pay attention to them. In the spirit world, these mental creations are called thought forms. The more powerful your ability to mentally focus, the larger and more vivid you can make your thought forms. Within the spirit world, they are solid to the touch, as are the bodies of other spirits.

This demonstrates that, in the spirit world, your imagination is very real as it creates new realities instantly. In the physical world, your imagination creates realities over time. In fact, new realities physically manifest only after you have applied the necessary action in order to organize them in the physical world.

Physical realities don't just manifest out of thin air like they do in the spirit world. You have to intend them, energize them with your feelings, and then walk them through the steps that will enable them to become physically manifest using existing materials.

The common key between the dream world and the physical world is that imagination creates realities. In the spirit world, they manifest instantly and in accordance with the degree of your mental focus. In the physical world they manifest slowly, also in proportion to the effort that you invest in making them happen.

Never let it be said that, "It's only your imagination." In the saga of life, your imagination is everything.

Imagination is your creative faculty.

With it, you have, quite simply, the power to change the world.

Owen Waters

Saturday, March 22, 2025

The Spirit Energy that IS the physical body

The Spirit Energy that IS the physical body

The Federation of Light

Channel: Blossom Goodchild

Posted on March 22, 2025

Black = Federation of Light 
Gray = Blossom Goodchild

Good morning. Yesterday, I had lunch with a lovely friend, who had an interesting tale to tell. She had been contacted by a voice (originally) which then went on to further telepathic communications. She was informed that ‘it/she/he’ was the Spirit of her physical body! On further questioning, ‘it’ had been with her since before birth … (even though there was no physical body then). She totally understands that she could just be going a little cuckoo … yet, I know her to be a Highly intelligent lady and a very Lightened, awake and aware, beautiful soul. Thoughts?

Welcome, Blossom. Welcome, Each One, once again. You in your World … we … Being US … in no world.

This is a wonderful topic to pursue. It is a matter of knowing where to start to keep it all in perspective.

Yes indeed, there is a ‘separate’ individual from the self, Spirit Energy that IS the physical body.

Well, slap me round the face with a wet fish and call me Tinkerbell!! Who knew!

We shall call this for explanatory purposes a Spirit Energy, for it is not as such a Soul Energy, as one knows themselves to be. It is, as we say, separate from yourself and yet, very much ‘Sharing the journey with you’.

I am amazed I have never come across this.

You have now, Blossom … as with all things that are presented to one in the Divine timing to be accepted and acknowledged.

So, what is its purpose? Is it like a guide?

No. It is not a guide. It is an incremental source of Energy that IS your physicality. In that the Soul, as you have known, has to be within the body in order for it to function and BE. The Soul is attached to the body by an etheric silver chord. This chord enables you to remain within your body during sleep, and indeed, at all times. Once the chord is cut, the ‘life’ leaves the body and the physicality disintegrates.

Does that mean … wait, let’s call this physical spirit ‘Fred’ for ease of flow. Does that mean Fred disintegrates, also?

No. It returns to Source. Whereas the physical flesh turns to dust.

So, how can it profess to be the spirit OF the physicality?

It is its role. Its chosen role. Yet, let us make it clear … it is not in the same, would we say, ‘category’  as the Soul that knows itself to be Human, when upon the Earth plane. ‘Fred’ is more on the Vibrational level of the Elementals.

Ok … Fred isn’t going to work for me, now. Fred the Fairy. Nope! Could you give a name?

Names are not really something we are necessarily in tune with to give out, Blossom. Many names, especially from other Planets, Galaxies and indeed, Elemental Frequencies are not pronounceable in your language. They are of a different sound Vibration and not able to be spoken.

As you are saying that, my neck is stretching and my throat feels odd as if the voice box couldn’t form the sound.

Yes. That is what we mean.

So back to a name. It doesn’t feel right to say ‘it’. How about … Flo(w)?

That will work well for us, also. 

What is the role that Flo plays?

She IS the workings of your entire body. Cells, organs, tissues, muscles. Your body is her Kingdom. She is there to do her best to make everything run smoothly.

Then what of those who are sick … where’s Flo then?

Doing her best to make one healthy, once again.

The trouble is … already there are far too many questions whizzing around my head about this, as the concept is so new.  Can you simplify this … as in … a nutshell?

Blossom, as with your friend … some will, or, already do …  know of this, and are happy to have direct communication with ‘Flo’.  Others never will. For they do not have it as a necessary addition to their understanding.

Everyone … Each one … can communicate with their ‘physical friend’ should they choose, and they will find a connection will be presented.

Many struggle to connect with a guide … let alone chatting with an elemental vibration which IS their physical body.

Yet, we would say, that much benefit could derive from such.

Wouldn’t it be the same though, as talking to our body as many of us do, just knowing it is Consciousness? Many talk personally to an organ, or cell, etc and send it Love to get well.

YET, EVERYTHING IS CONSCIOUSNESS, BLOSSOM. Labels and names are for identification purposes.

May we suggest that those who receive this message decide for themselves, whether to discover a new friend and work together with the same goal in mind … or, whether to carry on as they are.

Those who give it a try will be pleasantly surprised … for the ‘Elemental’ that is on board with them, playing this role for them … will be Delighted to be recognised and work side by side … hand in hand.

Mm. Interesting. I apologize for moving on to something else now, yet,  I know my head is not in the correct space to dig deep today . Anything you want to discuss?


Now there’s a surprise!

You see, Blossom, as you know … this is why we come. For when Each one TRULY KNOWS LOVE … nothing else needs to be discussed.

Yet, for us down here, there are so many unknowns that our curiosity desires to know. This morning for instance, I heard about the Giza pyramid* and the new discovery of what lies beneath it. I think we all know the pyramids were not built by Humans, yet, this takes it to a whole new level. Things like that ‘we’ would like to know the TRUTH about.

Blossom … as much as you could argue this point … EVERYONE ALREADY KNOWS EVERYTHING.

Which helps not … if we cannot access that ‘all knowing’! And with respect, please don’t say ‘we can’ … because we would all be at it … if we could.

It is a matter of Vibration, Blossom.  One cannot ‘access’ this knowledge when not being in the Vibration of it. Yet, that doesn’t mean you do not know it … when you are not within the confines of a certain Vibration … which you are … whilst upon your Earth plane and residing in its Vibrational Frequency.

Yet, apparently, when we sleep or meditate, we can access different Vibrations, so why do we not get to KNOW EVERYTHING whilst in that space?

You can … and yet, you are not able to bring that Vibrational Knowing back with you … into your Earthly presence, because the Vibration of what you KNOW when ‘elsewhere’, is unable to filter back through with you.

 Yet, people have ‘Near-death experiences’ and get to know everything and they DO bring that back with them.

Because that information is of a Vibration that is able to have that experience recalled.

Blossom … If you were to know the answers within your physical, mental, and emotional situation as a Human Being … well, quite simply it is not possible at this stage … for it would ‘Blow your circuits’.

We say ‘At this stage’ … because this may not be the case necessarily in the future, when your circuitry has been almost completely rewired so that your brains and your entire workings are opened up to the full capacity that they are capable of using.

Remember, Dearest Souls … you have been suppressed to a point of almost ‘Shut down’ … compared to the INCREDIBLE HUMAN BEINGS  that you are in TRUTH.


I wonder if you can comprehend how frustrating it can be for us? This ‘not knowing stuff’,  as the world gets madder and madder.  Yet, I know you are going to say … ‘Blossom, you wanted to be here’.

Correct … because you did. Each One of you, as you know, were made aware of your mission before you came. You agreed to it. You were delighted and honoured to be chosen.


We would say … your application form was accepted because you ticked all the boxes. One of the most important ones being ‘Do you consider yourself to be the Strongest of the Strong?’

Others such as … ‘Are you capable of rising above the darkness, no matter how grossly it is presented to you? ‘Can you keep the knowing within you throughout it all that you are LOVE, Only Love?’ … ‘And you will send that Love out from your Being at all times … no matter what you discover’ … we could go on and on. Yet, you get the point.

You answered ‘yes’ to all of these and then an assessment was made … and you passed … and here you are … doing the very best that you can, under the most darkest of circumstances.




That is why you are here. This in itself is an enormous task.

Concentrate on that and its importance.

The answers to all the other mysteries are not as important as this mission you are on.

It is imperative at this time that you focus on who you are … LOVE.

To know this TRUTH with every fibre of your Being.

To know that you are assisted by Light Beings from all around.  For this is no trivial transformation.

Assistance is required by all.


We have mentioned many times of the imagery of holding your swords to the skies and visualizing them being recharged with Light. It is a very Strengthening, Powerful tool to use.

Be prepared for what is to come … by keeping yourself charged.

Yes, as you and White Cloud have often said … We would never forget to recharge our phones … so why do we allow our own batteries to run so low?

White Cloud knows what he is talking about.

He does indeed. He does indeed. Well, I shall go back and read all this now and see how it ‘flows’. In Gratitude. In Loving service. I AM.

Giza Pyramid link.

Blossom Goodchild