A Healing Journey
By Steve Beckow
Posted on April 24, 2024

Med beds: The next level in miracles
I know a lot of our readers are interested in healing – either for themselves or for others.
Med beds are the wave of the future but we still have to get from here to there.
For their benefit, let me trace my healing from the pain of a slipped disc and arthritis in the knees to no pain, and from a lack of mobility to recovered mobility again.
In spiritual circles, there exists the notion of shaktipat: It means the bestowal of grace upon a follower. Usually what happens is that a person meets a guru or sees their picture for the first time and they have a sudden experience of higher-dimensional love or bliss. You can see it as a teacher’s calling card.
When I first encountered a picture of the guru/avatar whom I followed for 25 years (and who eventually turned out to be a pedophile) … long sigh … I meditated on him.
Long story short I ended up experiencing a bolt of energy hitting my third eye. I went outside my bedroom to tell my girlfriend what just happened. She said it must have been something because my hair was standing on end. I looked in the mirror and it was.
In the same way that a new student or disciple might experience tremendous results just out of the starting gate, so, I assert, when we take up a new treatment, there can be in the beginning tremendous yards gained and then fewer after that.
I received my greatest gains from scalar energy in the first couple of visits. I was pain free and then over time the pain returned. And the treatment center was so far away by bus that the thought of going there interested me less and less.
Moreover I was only going once a month. I’m not sure that was enough to give the technology a fair chance. And there was cost.
My next exploration was chiropractic. But we never got very far before my medical insurance stopped paying and I couldn’t afford to continue.
Fast forward to Feb. 24-5, 2024, when I believe I had a minor heart attack while still asleep. For the next two days, I went through short instances of the usual signs and symptoms of a heart attack, but they all subsided and did not return. (1)
As an aside, I’m very grateful for having been shown what a heart attack was like without being asked to bear too many severe, continuing consequences. I need to know about these things for an assignment that lies in the future.
But back to the divine method of healing. My chiropractor was very wary of just going in and bone-crunching a 77-year-old. Archangel Michael had no such qualms and so my next phase of healing occurred during the “heart attack.”
At one point, my right knee suddenly began to slam in one direction and then slam in the other. The movement was so unlike anything else that happened that day that I was dumbstruck by it.
But when it was all over, the pain in my knee was gone. And within a week, there was no more pain from a slipped disc. And now I’ve had almost two pain-free months.
Uhhh, well, I can overdo it and pain may return. Particularly late in the day. So I’m not entirely home-free yet. But vast improvement. No need for a cane any more. I can walk freely again.
I did not need Jesus standing over me in the flesh, healing me, to know I had just experienced a healing – and what we’d call, with our limited knowledge, a “miracle.”
If there were a moral to this story, it’d be: Don’t overlook divine assistance, provided you ask for it; even better, invoke a universal law.
But all that will be impacted by the arrival of med beds. And then made moot by Ascension.
In this and other situations, I’ve been given a very good, “hands-on” introduction to how it is for senior citizens. I know this knowledge will be valuable later on and I’m most grateful for it.
(1) I suspect that soul contract has a lot to do with our healing. If it fits with our soul contract to be healed, I believe, we are; if it doesn’t, we bear the conditions a while longer.
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(email:nai@violetflame.biz.ly) Google deleted my former blogs rayviolet.blogspot.com & rayviolet2.blogspot.com just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
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February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.
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