Saturday, April 6, 2024

Until Peace Returns

Until Peace Returns

By Steve Beckow

Posted on April 6, 2024

Jesus through Linda Dillon speaks precisely for me:

“You live in tumultuous times and you live in a time of fulfilment. … You are leaving compassion and latitude for correction and understanding.

“You are bringing to light what needs to be revealed so it doesn’t destroy the fiber of your society. …
 When you see the shadow, it defines the light.”  (1)

Speaking personally, it’s not the time for me to be holding up non-dualistic goals when the world is at war. Granted everyone is trying to keep it contained, it’s still been a war since Lahaina. And a hidden war long before that.

What I’m saying doesn’t negate non-dualistic goals. It’s just a matter of timing and necessity.

Right now a group in the world is under attack and we need to come to its aid. That group is us.

The deep state wants to depopulate the globe. In the face of that, I say, we must defend ourselves. We’re up against all manner of bioweapons, weather warfare, political control, etc. And those are just the weapons and strategies we know about.

Yes, we know we’re generally protected against nuclear war and world war, but people are dying nonetheless; witness Lahaina.

After peace returns, let’s talk about universals like human unity.

Right now, let’s talk about how to end this war with the minimum of casualties but with its former management completely removed.


I have the same attitude towards truth and reconciliation. You don’t have to agree with me.

To jump immediately to forgiveness (reconciliation) before we know what we’re forgiving (the truth) is what may have gotten us here in the first place (read: Operation Paperclip).

There’s nothing to reconcile until we know the truth. And that means we all know it, not just a band of insiders who use it to manipulate us.

As well, to jump to forgiveness when so many people have been oppressed and abused ignores their suffering. Trauma lifts by being testified to and received/heard. Establishing the truth, in my opinion, is not a step we can afford to skip.

Remember the cycle of conflict: Too many times we think that the couple getting back together is THE significant event. No. Handling the “nuclear” issues that “never change” is THE significant event. (2)

The same here. Reconciliation is only significant if the wounds have been treated first. Otherwise the patient may die. Treating the wounds of society first before discussing reconciliation seems to me a more solid foundation on which to build a New Earth.

Our society is under attack. And we haven’t taken the necessary steps to see that their evil behavior (and I’m flashing on unspeakable scenes from Frazzeldrip) is permanently and completed stopped on Planet Earth.

If you saw what I’ve seen of Illuminati behavior, the unforgettable sights and sounds would be a huge sobering for you. (5)   Our children deserve our protection.


(1) Jesus through Linda Dillon, Heart Call, Sept. 19, 2020.

(2) See There is No Greater Gift than Listening. Vol. 3. Leaving the Cycle of Conflict at

(3) Posted separately at and at

(4) Matthew has described the Illuminati on many occasions. I may put together a booklet giving just his discussions of them. This is my preferred definition from 2010:

“The Illuminati is not an organization of card-carrying members, but rather the ‘umbrella’ name of disparate groups and a large number of powerful individuals who have been controlling or heavily influencing the most important aspects of life throughout your world for centuries.

“In recent years they also have become known by other designations, such as the secret government, New World Order, dark cabal or the elitists; and they include the top figures in financial institutions, investment markets, multinational corporations, religions, education, media, military forces, judicial systems, entertainment, the medical ‘establishment,’ regulatory and advisory bodies, royal families, Zionists.

“They have controlled governments, started civil and international wars, caused famines and widespread impoverishment, created boom times for industrialists and depressions for the poor, released laboratory-designed viruses, assassinated opposition.

“They are the perpetrators of unjust laws, Satanic rituals, chemtrails and other toxic pollution, destruction of animal life on land and in the seas, mind control, the ‘illegal’ drug industry, erosion of civil rights and denial of God-given freedoms, suppression or misuse of technology, political and ideological divisiveness. In short, the Illuminati have been profoundly adversely affecting all life on Earth – indeed, the very life of Earth herself!” (Matthew’s Message, April 26, 2010.)

(5) To describe it would be to traumatize you. I’m horrified, each time I flash on it.

Steve Beckow



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My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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