“Damn the Torpedoes” Won’t Work Any More
By Steve Beckow
Posted on April 19, 2024

The whole other thing that resulted from this incident of my own making three days ago (1) was that I had another flash or gestalt (seeing the whole thing in a moment of illumination), which I’d like to discuss.
I’d like you to regard this as the kind of flash that has us change our vote, because the flash goes deep enough into our consciousness.
This can also be called a realization; a realization is bliss lifting us up and having us see things from that higher-dimensional perspective. Problems become situations because we have much, much more patience at this higher vibratory level and can see more variables and options.
What I realized is, hey, Steve, you’re going to be CEO of a very large enterprise.
Let me share with you in a footnote some of the things Michael has said about it so you can get a sense of what I live with from day to day as I contemplate this future as a CEO. (2)
I carry this knowledge with little idea of how I’ll do it, anticipating that Heaven will help. (3) The only thing I know is that I’m ready and I have a good sense of how Michael will help.
Given that many intel gurus are saying the Reval could happen at any time, I could find myself a new CEO at any time.
Moreover, I was speaking from the standpoint of being entitled as a customer. I was acting from entitlement. I’m the customer and I’m entitled to be served with despatch and respect. It’s my attitude that needs an overhaul.
I have to get that, as a CEO, I won’t get anywhere if I act from entitlement. Feel elevated after the Reval? Take the elevator to the basement, Michael says. (4)
I’m already in love with the divine qualities and the one in play here is humility. This valuable lesson is showing me the benefits of choosing humility rather than entitlement.
So I’m saying to myself, my planned-for future position requires me to make changes. The way I’ve been all my life will no longer cut it. I have to become, first of all, a lot more conscious than I am.
(Notice me actually making changes in the way I be, changes that, if successful, will go far to removing me from the cycle of conflict I create around me. Change has to come from a deep level or it won’t stick. The sting of this encounter was enough to have me reach that level, act, and make changes.)
I can’t be offending the people around me or not caring what they think. Resisting need not be offensive; neither should rescuing nor protecting be. The very best among us, like Gandhi, were not offensive as they resisted or protected.
I continue talking to myself: I can’t afford to have an enterprise that serves the Divine Mother sink because I haven’t handled my vasanas (or core issues). And chief among them is “Full speed ahead and damn the torpedoes!” That won’t work any more, if it ever did. It is definitely old programming, a subject I’d like to look at later.
It may have been Mike Quinsey who warned us last week that our old programs won’t work any more. This was a brilliant demonstration of that.
I, who never kowtowed to anyone – gross exaggeration – am going to have to treat people respectfully, even kindly. I now need to call those qualities out of myself, something I’ve never been willing to do, for whatever reason.
Of course I can. It’s a matter of commitment. I don’t like the way I felt after this encounter and not liking it is enough, given other circumstances in my life, to have me change my vote and make other needed changes in support of it.
My working hypothesis is that it’s commitment to a change of behavior, to calling ourselves forth to alter our way of being that will allow us to escape the cycle of conflict.
Download There is No Greater Gift than Listening – Vol. 3. Leaving the Cycle of Conflict here: https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/There-is-No-Greater-Gift-than-Listening-V3-Leaving-the-Cycle-of-Conflict-R9-.pdf
(1) See “The Way In is the Way Out,” April 17, 2024, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2024/04/17/the-way-in-is-the-way-out/
(2) Archangel Michael: This is you becoming the steward of an organization and of an undertaking of massive, massive global impact/import. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Feb. 17, 2017.)
AAM: As we have told you, in the future [your reach] will be global. (Ibid., Oct. 11, 2013.)
AAM: You have known that the time would come when we would ask you to work very much on a very global level. (Ibid., Nov. 30, 2011.)
AAM: You have reached a point in your heart, in your being, in your life, in your consciousness where you are realizing … the magnitude of our partnership. (Ibid., Aug. 17, 2018.)
(3) Steve: My big concern is that I’ll be head of a large organization and have no memory.
AAM: And you think that we would leave you helpless?
Steve: No, I hope not.
AAM: No, dear heart, that is not the plan.
Steve: Oh good! Even knowing there is a plan is comforting.
AAM: There is not only a plan, Sweet One. There is a strategy afoot to implement the plan. (Ibid., June 17, 2020.)
(4) As you assume profile – whether it is because of money or notoriety or political power or financial power, it matters not – it gives you a sense of being elevated. We would encourage you to take the elevator to the basement. (Ibid., July 22, 2016.)
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