Greater Plan
One Who Serves and Shoshanna
Channel: James and JoAnna McConnell
Posted on April 5, 2024
One Who Serves: Om, Mani Padme Ume, Om, Mani Padme Ume, Om, Mani Padme Ume! Greetings to you. One Who Serves here and Shoshanna is here and we are ready to answer your questions if you have them.
Would there be questions here?
If no questions, then we can move on. One more time. Are there questions?
(OWS Answer)
We can tell you that this is all part of the greater awakening. That which you call the 9 -11 event and the Fukushima event and all of the various events that have occurred previously and the ones that are doing so now and the ones that are yet to come are all part of the greater awakening of mankind here on this planet and throughout the solar system and the galaxy. So all is a part of the greater whole, all is a part of the universal plan. So yes indeed, this is the great awakening, this is the time when many, many more truths are going to come forward from many different directions, many different sources are going to be bringing the truth forward. And the mistruth or the misinformation is going to become less and less because even your mass media is going to make an alternate change, or going to be changing here as we move forward. Not so much that they are going to immediately start telling the truth, but they are going to be moved in that direction more and more so just in order for them to be able to survive they know that they cannot continue to utilize the same old same old and think that the populace is going to believe them. That is not going to continue for much longer here and is already in the process of shifting here and there’s going to be many other avenues of expression for truth to come forward here. So yes, indeed, this is the Great Awakening and you are all a part of it and it is going to continue greatly here as we move forward. So Shoshanna, do you have anything you add here?
(Shoshanna Answer)
We can add. May we add sister? (guest)Yes, please.
Dear sister, this is a component of the Great Awakening that many, many that are asleep are waking up to and that is your social media. Your social media is abounding with stories about the possibilities of the events that happened recently in your Baltimore harbor. More and more are tuning into that you see. First it is one, then it is 10. then it is 100, then it is 1,000. Then it is 10,000, then it is 100,000, and then it is a million, you see. They are all tuning in, wondering, where’s the truth? What is really happening? And that is why the social media outlets are attempting in every way to censor the speech, censor the stories, because the truth is abounding out there. And those that notice the censorship are even more furious, you see, that they are being censored out. Yet there are heroes in this. There are heroes like your Musk, your Trump, that are leading the charge so that more and more can hear the truth. And that is what is important here, is that the news that used to be is no longer. The social media channels have taken over and are spreading the truth like wildfire. And that is the component of the Great Awakening that will cause the truth to be revealed. Namaste.
(Guest continues…)
Very good. Can I just ask a real quick follow up with that, please? Do we know if it’s foreign like? Ukrainian deep state or American or combination because they’re all the same.
(Shoshanna Answer)
We will say it was an inside plan here. Not so much directed to who or where this came from, but it was a plan from within. Very much like your 9 -11 as well. There is still the faction of the dark hats and the white hats. There is still that faction. And it does not matter what country they hail from, you see. There are evil ones everywhere. So we find that this event was a collaboration of many dark hats and their move toward winning what they think they are winning.
It is a collaboration, you see. It is not just about who is in the US, who is in the other parts of the world, because they are all black hats. You see, they’re all dark hats. And these are the ones that are attempting in every way to spoil the Great Awakening. So you see, it does not matter what country it is. It matters what side you are on. Namaste.
(Guest Question)
Thank you. Thank you.
For the solar eclipse that’s coming up on the 8th of April, is it just a shadow of the moon on the Earth, or is it something more?
(One Who Serves Answer)
We will tell you that it is a great deal, much more here. Not so much in terms of the fear -mongering that is occurring. That is just their side of the dark forces doing what they believe they need to do to hold back Ascension here.
That is their overall goal here for those that understand what ascension is and everything they can do to keep it from happening here. But understand that there is so much more that is occurring here in terms of the greater universal plan and the opening of a gateway or a portal into entire realms of consciousness allowing for vibrational frequency to raise because of an event such as this. Is this the event? Is this the solar flash? No, it is not. But it is a precursor of what is coming in the times ahead here as the vibrational frequency continues to increase because of these types of events that are occurring.
In terms of solar events, in terms of cosmic events, all of these things move you forward further and further into and through your ascension process. It is all part of the whole. Shoshanna?
(Shoshanna answer)
We’ll add here, if we may add, dear brother.
Of course, always.
(One Who Serves)
And we will add here that for those that do have the eyes to see. And we are not speaking about the physical eyes here in this case, for it is detrimental for you to look at it with your physical eyes directly. But just know that as it is happening, feel the energy, feel the intense energy that you will likely feel at that point if you are ready for it.
Just do that as an experiment for yourself. Know what the time is going to be where this is going to occur, those few minutes, and at that point, focus yourself, focus your inner eye, your third eye, if you will, on that event and feel it within yourself and just see how you experience that at a deeper level.
We are ready for next question, if there is.
(Guest Question)
I have a question. I was wondering if you can tell me. I can’t seem to figure out why I’m where I am geographically. And just the people around me, nobody’s interested. They don’t want to wake up. They don’t want to hear it. It’s actually starting to come, you know. between my relationship a little bit just because we’re so we’re in totally different worlds, you know, and I was wondering if I’m handling things the way I should be. I don’t know if there’s any real answer.
(One Who Serves Answer)
First of all, there are no shoulds here. So it is not where you should be. It is where you feel you need to be at this point. And it is your path. Your path as well as your partner’s path. But it depends on whether it’s right for you at this point to continue on in that area. And if you feel like you should need to, not should, but need to continue on in that area, then do your best to be in the moment, each and every moment moving forward. Do not focus on what others are thinking around you, but what you feel within yourself. But remember, ascension is an inside job here. It is not about the others around you. So focus within yourself more and more, and let your, that loving part of you come forward here, and fill the space with love and light. And you will find that,
Whether it is the right place or not will not matter anymore. See? Shoshanna? IGuest) Thank you so much.
(Shoshanna Answer)
We can add our perspective to this if we may, dear sister. (Guest)Yes, please.
And you cannot influence those that are not ready to hear it, you see. There is not one among you that are awake that do not experience this on a daily basis, you see. You are in an area where there is mass hypnosis. Yet, there are stories. There is your governor that was at a wake. You see, that was on social media everywhere because there are those that hate her. There are those that hate what she stands for. There are those waking up to the evil that she has perpetrated on your area of the country. So rather than, my dear sister, rather than focus on what is not, what is not happening, focus on what is happening. Focus on those events that are changing the face of the strategies of the government there. Those that are changing the ideology of the individuals that live there, that is happening right now, you see. So we say focus on what is awakening rather than what is not awakening. And we will say once again, dear sister, that there is not one among you that doesn’t experience this on a daily basis. Yet we must forge forward as we have been given the task of the way showers and that is your task and you have to maintain that idea because you cannot go back now. But in order for you to continue to withstand the level of sleepiness, you must focus on that which is awake. Namaste.
Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. I needed those answers.
There be any further questions here?
Yes, please. Yes. Thank you. Thank you.
This is a personal concern. There is a person that I’m associated with and I want to make sure I’m to the point and clear. So it’s become evident that this person who is a light worker has been infiltrated by the dark. And so, me being associated with that energy, I’ve been experiencing some very uncomfortable situations and accusations and have been emotionally and mentally attacked. So I am asking, what can I do to protect myself? I’m doing everything that I think I can, you know, calling on the light and meditating and praying. And I’m now even involved with 12 steps and that’s very supportive as well. So that’s my concern for myself and for others that may be associated with this individual. Thank you.
One more thing, please. So, it comes as a shock, I mean, like out of the blue. And that, so it sets me off center. And I’m learning to reach out and ask for help with that. So, that’s what happened to me. It’s like somebody hits me upside the head with a train. So, that’s my experience. Thank you.
One Who Serves:
What is very simple is that in that stage of your life you are experiencing a great awakening and you are experiencing the power of the light and the power of the truth. That dream was revealing that to you but we cannot, we cannot truly give a complete and total answer because each part of this dream had a significance. We would make a suggestion that because of the power of this dream, and we know that you have a journal that you write your dreams in, that you visit that journal and in each phase, because this dream had multiple phases, we will say at least eight, that you examine each phase in a meditation and you will receive more clarity, you see. For it is not, it is not our purpose to give you the answers. It is our purpose to, to guide you to your own understanding.
So we would ask that you meditate upon each phase and section of this dream, in each phase and examine how one phase takes you to the other. It is very complex, you see. It is what we call in the spirit world a juicy dream, and we would love to give more clarity, but we would ask you first to meditate upon these sections of the dream, because each has a superior significance, you see, in your own evolution, in your own awakening. Namaste.
(One Who Serves:)
Very good. Thank you. We need to release channel here. Shoshanna, do you have any parting message here?
We do not.
(OWS continues)
Then we just end here with just know that you are each and every one of you within the Ascension process. And it is all moving at a rate here for you individually as well as the collective to know that it is all part of the whole. We know we say this many times, but it is important for you to know that, to look at the bigger picture here, not to focus on the minutiae.
But look at the larger universal plan that you are all a part of. Shanti, peace be with you. Be the ONE.
(End of Channeling Session)
James and JoAnna McConnell
- james mcconnell, joanna mcconnell, one who serves, ows, shanti, shoshanna,
alliance, ascension, awakening, boots on the ground, breakthrough, changes, crystal pendulum, cloning operations, compression, finish the game, great awakening, greater plan, guidance, higher consciousness, higher self, independence, kara, kara of the pleiades, life itself, lockdowns, love, med-bed, meditate, pleiades, reset, revaluation, saint germain, the cabal, the jouney, the picture, the storm,
February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.
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