Sunday, April 7, 2024

Health Event has had Some Consequences

Health Event has had Some Consequences

By Steve Beckow

Posted on April 7, 2024

OK, just kidding!

Let me add here before starting out that the good side is that my hip pain has almost entirely vanished and the arthritis in my knee is again way better.

As an awareness writer and an Ascension ethnographer, I need to write about what’s actually here, right in front of me – the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Moreover I’ve agreed with Archangel Michael to live in the moment, which precludes hiding and denying. (1)

If I were to hide, I’d lapse into talking over top of my feelings, my depth would disappear, and my usefulness would quickly diminish.

The coup de grace would be that, if I start to block things rather than share them, (A) not only will my awareness decrease, but (B) my awareness that my awareness has decreased will also decrease. I won’t be aware of what has happened.

So let me state plainly that the health event – which I believe was a minor heart attack that happened in my sleep (2) – has had some consequences. My energy level has decreased. My ability to concentrate is not quite as great.

My long-term memory and my writing are unaffected. But my short-term memory (what did I have for breakfast?) is a little worse than it was, causing concern to folks around me.

And, by the way, others around me report the same memory loss.  AND Michael has explained mine to me. (3)

On the short-term memory, I have to surrender to being here now because I have no other choice.

It’s just that the prospect of being only in the present, as he’d like me to be, forgetting about Third Dimensionality, scares me.  My fear is that I could end up in a psych ward for only being in the “now.” Promise you’ll come and get me!

All that aside, how it looks to me at present is that I’m in a normal recovery phase and that may take a short while. But I need to keep working just the same.

So I may switch over to researched material for a while, rather than current-events commentary (which requires me to keep up with a baseline of events, which is rapidly probably getting beyond anyone’s reach).

I may have to narrow down my range of focus, again to prevent stressing out trying to keep up (which I’m sure was the cause of the first health event).

Med beds are the answer. And the Divine Mother is the answer above and beyond medical technology.

Michael and the Mother have demonstrated that they want me to stay by stopping every heart-attack symptom I had. As long as they want me to stay, I’ll stay.

But, right now, switching for a while to researched backgrounders and reining back from “covering the whole of the waterfront” will give me the room and space I need to recover.

Thank you for your understanding.


(1) Archangel Michael: This is an agreement that we have. … You have agreed and you are living very much in the moment.

One of the difficulties of humans is that they have a proclivity to either live in the past (and it can be recent past or ancient past) or to project themselves and live in the future.

It is a very curious malaise that most of the human race – yes, most of the human race – chooses not to live in the moment. So you are living in the moment. And you say, “Yes Lord I’m very willing to live in the moment but I would like to be able to access memories, recent events so I don’t feel like a fool.”

We hear you. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow thjrough Linda Dillon, Aug. 5, 2020.)

(2) See:

(3) Michael discusses memory loss here (and in other places):

Steve: Sometimes my memory goes completely blank and I can’t remember a word or can’t remember what I was saying and it’s pretty embarrassing. That’s for sure.

AAM: So make sure, Sweet One, that you are [anchoring] adequately because you are travelling inter-dimensionally. That is where those lapses tend to occur is when you are shifting dimensions. And so make sure that you are deeply anchored into your Mother Gaia. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, May 13, 2020.) (Hereafter, AAM.)

Steve: Do I have Alzheimer’s?

Archangel Michael: No.

Steve: So there’s no percentage in me going to the North Vancouver Company and going through their tests… Because I don’t, right?

AAM: No, you don’t. Now, let us be clear about this. Is there some interdimensional, is there a great deal of interdimensional and what people would think of as mental or memory slippage? The answer is yes, and you have known this for some time. [Since at least 2012.]

Do you have calcium or other deposits in your brain? Yes, you do. Most people do. And so … it would be a false [trail]. So [going for tests] is not a path that we are recommending that you travel upon.

What we would recommend is that you begin to work with your DNA markers to simply reset, not only your memory markers (which we have already been restoring), but also to begin to clear and claim your higher-vibrational body, which is already underway as well. (AAM, Sept. 7, 2020.)

Steve Beckow



Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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