Monday, April 8, 2024

The Rush to Reconciliation

The Rush to Reconciliation

By Steve Beckow

Posted on April 8, 2024

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t support war or a lack of reconciliation after a war, etc. I’m not a warmonger and I have experienced the deep peace that we’re all aiming for – and will get to in time. (1)

But what I’ve noticed as a historian looking at the sweep of human history – which is mostly a chronicle of war, by the way – is that people who rush to reconciliation after conflict, before the full truth is made known, increase their chances of being in the same predicament at a future time.

What was it the historian said? Those who ignore history are destined to repeat it? If we knew what it was we’re forgiving, which we don’t right now (it’s been hidden from us), we’d wish we’d slowed down and … followed the plan.

Sometimes the people who are rushing to resolution have an ulterior motive for doing so – such as keeping their actions hidden or ending an “unpleasant” chapter with the least damage to themselves.

If that had worked in the past, I’d support it.

But the lessons of the Second World War, whose roots lay in the First, whose roots lay in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1, whose roots lay in…… must surely have us realize the need for completion rather than a rush to anything.

We saw how well Nazism survived and how deeply entrenched it is at the highest levels of world governance. Reconciliation does not achieve a lasting effect under these circumstances.

Especially given the unspeakable nature of what there is to reveal.

Evil behavior has one common characteristic: The people doing it have severed their tie with all standards of decency, honesty, morality, etc. The things I’ve seen and listened to, having seen and listened to parts of Frazzeldrip and related photos, would instantly convince you that what is happening, unknown, on Planet Earth must be stopped immediately and everywhere, and never allowed to happen again. Period. Full stop.

I’m referring to things that caused New York policemen to vomit. It caused me to go into a fit of despair which it took a spiritual experience to jackhammer me out of. (2)

And scale. Children are being caged and tortured for adrenochrome in large numbers underground. Enough said. For now.

But the truth will have to be known. Like the New York policemen, we may vomit.  But we will end the … is there a word for it? No words I can think of capture what they’re doing right now.

This time I ask us to act as responsible spiritual adults and global citizens to commit to knowing exactly what has happened before we assume we know what we’re forgiving.

It doesn’t mean we won’t forgive. It means that we take the right steps first this time to see – not just hope – that it never happens again.

Then we can look at what we need to reconcile.


(1) Here is a description of one experience:

What was my experience?

While lying down, I had an experience of watching my thoughts and feelings flow by me. Later, Archangel Michael, in a personal reading, told me that I was “interdimensionally travelling.”

I felt as if I were on a train, watching it slowly leave the station and looking at the faces as they passed by. I suddenly saw a red-headed man who had a remarkable composure to him. I was struck by it on a spiritual level and took a mental snapshot.

As soon as the man was recognized, it was as if he shot out an energetic dart at me. A bond was made.  And I said to myself: “I know this depth of peace that this man has shown me. It’s the Natural Self.”

Immediately I found myself sinking into a deep, deep sense of peace, way down deep. I ended up in a place that was absolutely solid. It was as if I were standing on a slab of granite.

Later again, on An Hour with an Angel, Michael also described peace as being like stone and I remarked that that was my experience as well. I would have expected downy softness.

The solidity of the ground under my feet probably reflected my own inner stability, which seems to be a gift of true peace when it becomes permanent.

This peace passed understanding in the sense that the mind was so still I’d have to describe it as inactive, archived, taken offline. There was no such act as understanding going on because the mind was decommissioned.

Of course the experience passed, as all do short of Ascension. (“The Peace that Passeth Understanding,” July 18, 2017, at

(2) I don’t discuss what I saw in Frazzeldrip, in these two articles. I couldn’t bring myself to. Instead, they focus on the spiritual experience it took to lift me out of my despair.

Recently I saw a description of Frazzeldrip which exactly described what I saw.  But again I can’t bring myself even to post that description, it was so hideous.

It can be said that, as a result of watching Frazzeldrip, I came to understand “evil” at a much, much deeper level than I had before. In this instance, I’m serving as an honest witness to the truth, hoping to save you the necessity of watching what I did. (See “Every Society Needs Honest Witnesses to the Truth,” January 5, 2021, at
Steve Beckow



Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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