Friday, May 31, 2024



By Holly Hawkins

Posted on May 31, 2024

Showing the love that we have for our Earth

Showing the love that we have for our Earth

By P'taah

Through Jani King

 Posted on May 31, 2024



Q:  It seems that most of the technologies we have these days are damaging to the environment, however I would not want to be without them.  Is there any way to be a more beneficial human being on this planet without moving in to a cave?


P’taah:  Well indeed, you know, this is what is called a conundrum for all peoples living in this day, this age.  And so the only thing that we may say to you, really, is to be aware and to do what you can in your own corner of your Earth, in your own life.


You know there is a kind of mass consciousness, and you have your own, what we would call, umbrella of consciousness that exists within this huge umbrella of mass consciousness.  And so you can only do what is possible in your own sphere whilst existing within this larger framework.


And you know you do create your own reality, and your own, if you like, bubble of consciousness within this umbrella of the larger consciousness.  And so for your own wellbeing, your own peace of mind, it would behoove all of you to do what you may in your own sphere to show honour and respect to the Goddess Earth, and to show the love that you have for your Earth.


And you may be well surprised, as more and more of you tune in to this consciousness of care, of responsibility, of love of your planet, you may be well surprised at, in fact, what you may achieve or create.


So we say to all of you, do not give up hope, but to live as responsibly as you can.


Q:  Thank you P’taah.



Jani King
Light Source P'taah (Australia)

Texas launches investigation into Big Tech election rigging

Texas launches investigation into Big Tech election rigging

By Mike Adams

Posted on May 31, 2024

Huge news today from Zach Vorhies, the Google Whistleblower (and we will be interviewing him shortly). The Texas Senate just approved mass subpoenas to be issued to Google, Facebook and other tech giants to investigate their election interference schemes.

Texas is once again leading the way in exposing Big Tech's election crimes against America, and Texas is working to protect election integrity.

Get that full story and much, much more in today's Brighteon Broadcast News here.

P.S. Today's featured interview is with Allan Campbell, who is announcing the Spring Permaculture Summit at Brighteon University, which teaches you how to grow your own abundant food forest to fight inflation and secure your own food supply. Watch for this interview at the same link above, usually posted before noon central.

What the June 2024 Energies Will Bring

What the June 2024 Energies Will Bring

The Andromedan Council of Light

Channel: Daniel Scranton

What the June 2024 Energies Will Bring - The Andromedan Council of Light - channeled by daniel scranton

Posted on May 31, 2024

We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we are very excited to connect with humanity. 

You are on the precipice of so much there on Earth, and much of what you have been asking for is coming to you energetically throughout the month of June. The June energies are going to be about helping you to know yourselves more as energetic beings. There will be an amplification of what you may know of as your energy signature, or your vibrational signature. That means you are going to know yourself viscerally more as the Source Energy Being that you are. 

You are going to be able to dictate with more clarity and precision which upgrades and which activations you will get, because the June energies are all about aligning you more with the self that you truly are. And that self, your soul, is responsible for the upgrades and activations that you do get. Much more importantly than all of that is the truth that you will be able to feel yourself more fully as you truly are throughout the month of June and beyond and that is because of the amplification of energies that are coming to you from your very own soul.

It is time for you to know yourselves more fully as your true selves. It is time for your identities to change, and these changes can be hard on those who are clinging to an identity that they have cultivated for themselves in their entire lives on Earth. Those of you who are ready to let go of that identification will have an easier time with these blasts of energy coming to you from your soul. You will feel them as goosebumps, tingles, chills. You will feel that there is more energy present as there is when someone like Daniel here is channeling. There is more energy present for him, and he feels it.

And you will feel it because you are in alignment with the receiving of this transmission. That is true because you are receiving it, and if you weren’t in alignment with receiving it, you wouldn’t be receiving it. So now is a good time for you to consider which upgrades and activations you would like to initiate yourselves. And it is a very good time for you to also be preparing yourself for the energies of your self, your true self, that are coming. You do that by grounding in your body, getting plenty of rest and hydrating. 

Pay attention also to those unusual feelings that come to you while in the shower or bath, those unusual feelings that come to you while you are meditating or spending time in nature. These are the bursts of energy coming from your soul, and they are also the activations and upgrades that you desire. It is time to know yourself in a feelings-based way as much more than just your human self, as much more than just the individual you have always known yourself to be. 

We and others like us here in the higher realms are here to help, and we will be supporting you through this transition throughout the month of June and beyond, because it will be ongoing, and those of you who open up to these energetic blasts will be getting more and more. And you will be able to share those experiences with others to let them know what is possible for them as well, if they are willing to open up and pay attention to all that is happening to everyone there on Earth, as this is a universal ascension and not just an ascension for the few. Enjoy the journey through your month of June. We will be here for you always. 

We are the Andromedan Council of light, and we have enjoyed serving all of you.
Daniel Scranton 

Coming Out of the Shadows

Coming Out of the Shadows

By Steve Beckow [Editorial]

Posted on May 31, 2024

He’s not worried. I’m not worried.

I’m not really disturbed by President Trump’s conviction. I’m writing because I hope you’re not worried.

It gives him the opportunity to draw attention to the court’s behavior, on appeal, and to indict presidents (most of whom are reported to have been executed).

It certainly gives us all another chance to watch corruption at work. And since we know who our allies are, (1) I don’t feel grounds for fear.

But there’s a really far-reaching principle at play here, that I’d like to draw attention to.

A person cannot have spent their adult lives raping children and worse, ridiculing and strong-arming political opponents, possibly assassinating them (eg., the Clinton body count) without it affecting their character.

That sounds too obvious to say, doesn’t it?

And yet I think of how some of the cabal have hidden lives of pure evil behavior and the nation adored them. Three immediately come to mind. Four. Five. Some of them I adored.

How could we have been deceived for so long and/or how could we have not seen through it?

And I’m not only speaking of top politicians, celebrities, and religious leaders; the extent of the corruption is staggering.

Meanwhile, many top players have been given tracking devices, released for a while to serve the Light, and reeled back in if they violated their agreements. Some of those players – politicians and celebrities –  are rumored to have been reeled back in and executed. (2)

President Trump is determined to drain the swamp, to see that all the evil behavior is gone. He’s forcing the Satanic, child-raping, child-slaughtering deep state to come out of the shadows. (3)

As he and the Earth Alliance have said for some time: “We have everything.” President Trump (and Presidents Putin, Xi, etc.) had enough on all world leaders for him to carry dossiers around the world in 2017 showing them their crimes. Some leaders wore their red shoes as a sign of submission. (4) Others (as with royalty) allowed the president to walk ahead of them.

The rumor is that most of them are gone and replaced by clones, CGI, masked actors, etc.

There is corruption on the Supreme Court and the Earth Alliance are using it to whitemail the justices involved – to keep them on the straight and narrow.

So I can well imagine that President Trump has allowed himself to be convicted by a corrupt court in a bogus case in order to show the world the corruption in the American judicial system and that appeal will produce even more humiliation for the cabal.

All of this is being done to unite the people – no, not in coming together and letting bygones be bygones. It’s too early for that, as admirable a goal as it may be.

Focusing on that right now does not support the men and women risking their lives to free the children.

What does support them is to unite the people in stopping the evil behavior on this planet that sees children be treated like an expendable commodity, to be bred, raised, and used for profit and then killed and discarded. (5)

With the state that the world is in now, with the deep state committed to killing off all but 500 million of us, we have nothing at the moment to celebrate, except the fact that we are putting an end to all of it.

The men and women who are below, on, and above planet, putting an end to evil behavior on Earth at the risk of their lives, depend on our rock-solid determination to end the reign of darkness here on Earth, now and forever.

If you’ll allow me to say it, this is the moment when we need to remain focused to ensure that not a trace of that evil remains behind. Behavior I’m talking about; not people.

Don’t hide from it, kick the can down the road, or distract attention. We need to free the children.


(1) “The Cabal’s Tin Toys and Party Favors,” 

(2) I say “rumor” because I don’t have time to keep a database on ephemeral matters; I’m more interested in the eternal. And I don’t have time to argue over sources.

But the news is out there.

(3) See Suzi’s article, below, “Jack Straw on X ~ It’s Official
.,” at

(4) I don’t want to talk about the Red Shoe Club. Plain and simple. Google it. Hideous, revolting, disgusting. World leaders.

But wearing them was the Pope’s act of submission. By the way, Pope Francis was assassinated a few years back. According to Matthew, we’re watching a clone or masked actor. (Matthew’s Message, Feb. 3, 2021, at

We need to know what’s happening on this planet. Doesn’t mean I want to talk about it though. Pure evil is being done, I don’t care whose name it’s being done in.

(5) After their organs are harvested.

What we don’t realize is that, if our voice was united, the impact on the collective consciousness would be such that the result would be quick in coming. Matthew discusses the matter in relation to Ascension:

“Your world could be transformed into the Golden Age in the twinkling of an eye IF that belief and vision were in the collective consciousness, but it is not and so all the changes will be a process.” (Matthew’s Messages, Oct. 22, 2008.)

Steve Beckow

Time To Listen

Time To Listen

The Creator Writings

Channel: Jennifer Farley

Posted on May 31, 2024

Now is the time to listen, dear one!  You are being given some very pertinent details about upcoming shifts/changes and it is imperative that you take in as much as you can.  

In response to that information is it vital for you to fully understand what The Universe, Earth, society and your body is telling you.  

Worry or anxiety does not have a home in this process.  You have the skills and knowledge to understand and take action in ways that you have never explored before.  Trust The Universe
 trust the process
 and trust yourself.  

You can do this!

The Creator
Jennifer Farley 

 Reminder discernment is recommended


Aiming for Spiritual Growth

Aiming for Spiritual Growth

Midwayer Chief, Bzutu

Is the Teacher

Received by George Barnard

Posted May 31, 2024

llawarra District, Australia, January 23, 2016

Bzutu: “It is so that if our brother, Frank, tried to speak with you directly, you would likely perceive his meanings for much less than a minute. By that time our brother would be utterly exhausted and be in need of urgent rest. So, I’ll do the honors here. There is however something you must understand: It is not just that all Cherubim universally speak another language. Sure, they do! But their language, concepts, ideas and ways come from a mindedness that has nothing much in common with yours.

Frank: “It’s good to be frank and I really mean it that without Primary and Secondary Midwayers to assist us Cherubim, Alice and I would have no contact with you at all, other than a fleeting prompt. Thank you for noting that on your ‘off day’ (he is actually saying that I’m not very receptive today). Thank you, Midwayers, for jumping to the aid of us lecturers.

“One of the most important tasks of morontia Cherubim is to watch-care human children — your babies and toddlers. Few of you will later remember having noticed us as playmates, doing our jobs of keeping you safe in the best way we can. Cherubim are first to successfully instill into their human charges the concept of an other-than-physical world, an angelic realm, a spiritual abode.

“So, OK, this may later even be strongly denied, but that which is denied is at least recognized in some form at some level. See us Cherubim as the elusive primers of Paradise pull, which will sooner or later take over, if allowed by you. You see, at such a young age the Thought Adjuster does not yet indwell the toddler, but the seed-soul soaks up what it can. Later, with the guidance of your Thought Aduster, one needs to purposefully help build up one’s soul as it needs to be in good shape and last for a long long time.

“See the appearance of your soul aided by a positive mind and a hardworking Thought Adjuster as being dressed in a garment with many badges for extraordinary achievements.

“Behold there is a heart-shaped badge for loving service to one’s kin! The colorful ‘roundel’ of fair and staunch dealings with all! The harlequin shape of forgiving and forgetting all hurt! Patches and badges and badges and patches of cooperation, hope, tolerance, good humor and trust, of reliability in convention, upliftment of dispositions, but pure love . . . if nothing else.

“We so wish to see them all ready to begin their morontia career, my brother, yet many from your world merely hold the basic wish to survive. For you, life is but that moment in time of aiming for spiritual growth, so load up for eternity. This is Frank, being frank. We love you all. Adieu.”

Edited by Linda Abell.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source –
ABC-22, January 1972
  Reminder discernment is recommended

Compiled by from: 
11:11 Progress Group <>

Thursday, May 30, 2024

More Signs, and Evidence of This is Coming

More Signs, and Evidence of This is Coming

The 9D Arcturian Council 

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Posted on May 30, 2024

more signs of this is coming - the 9d arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 

We know how well you all are all doing there on Earth, and we attempt to convince you that you are doing well when we connect with you in this way. When we connect with you in the astral plane, you are much more open to seeing your planet as doing very well, because you are able to see the bigger picture. You are able to see how everything is working out for the best, no matter how it might look. You are able to see the necessity of certain circumstances there on Earth and how they all benefit the whole of humankind. 

We still want to convince you that things are going well and that you are doing better than you think you are as individuals and as a collective, and we want you to know that there will be more signs coming your way of the betterment of the human collective consciousness. You are going to see people coming together to solve problems and to create peace. You are going to see so many instances of people helping strangers out, and that will be shared across your social media. 

Those who understand the power of good news are rising up and sharing that good news with their fellow humans. And we also want you to understand that this is a very special time for humanity, and it must be looked at in that way. This is a time where everything that needs to be seen, that needs to be forgiven and healed, must come to the surface, and you are the ones who can choose to see everything in a new light, and you can choose to see everything and everyone through the eyes of Source, because you know that is who you really are. 

You also know that love heals and love works. You know that love transforms, and love leads to the solutions to those problems that humanity has been facing. You who are among the Awakened Collective are there to shine a light on that which is lovable about what you want to see more of there on Earth. And by giving your attention to the good news and to those who are doing the good deeds, you bring more awareness to the truth that humanity is evolving. 

You are ascending, and you are becoming your higher selves. It’s happening in every moment of every day, and we will continue to shout it from the rooftops of the ninth dimension, because we know that we are getting through to more and more of you who are turning away from the doom and gloom report and accepting the higher-vibrational timelines that are before you and that are available to you. 

You are getting help from more than just us and others in the ninth dimension. You are getting help from all dimensions and star systems, and everyone is pulling for humanity throughout this beautiful universe of ours. So let go of the idea that Earth is not doing well, and embrace all of the evidence that you are, and you will see more evidence coming your way. 

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.

Daniel Scranton 

Creating an Inspiring Reality

Creating an Inspiring Reality

By Kenneth Schmitt

Posted on May 30, 2024 


When we are unaware of our deepest inner guidance, we create an ego to take control of our lives. It has no higher guidance and is based on fear of suffering, lack and feeling isolated and ultimately alone. We build the ego with all of the negative experiences that we want to avoid. Keeping this fear alive requires conscious realization of its reality. We create the reality by recognizing it and feeling its effects on us. It doesn’t matter if we like it or despise it. Only our realization of what is real matters. Our choice in this matter creates our vibratory level, essentially creating the qualities of our experiences.

If we want more interesting and fulfilling lives, we can open ourselves to our ability to create the reality we want in our experiences. Our choices are living in a realm where everything is wonderful or living in a realm that includes instability and difficulties. Through the vibrations of our state of being, we create an energetic wave pattern around ourselves, attracting compatible energetic patterns that resonate with our energy, and repelling those that don’t. There is attraction and repulsion of positive and negative energetic polarities.

When we choose to practice being positive as much as possible, we can begin to recognize our deep inner knowing. This is the source of our ability to realize what is real. Our physical experiences stimulate our physical senses. By remembering what they are like, we can align with those realities in our imagination and feel ourselves interacting with them. By recognizing, resolving and transcending all limiting beliefs about ourselves, we free ourselves to open our awareness to our eternal, infinite essence of Being. Practicing being in a constant state of gratitude in every moment, including the difficult ones, directs us into a path of life-enhancement.

Many moments of creative energy line up for manifestation in our lives. These moments are coming quickly now and more intensely. We are always feeling vibratory patterns. When we focus on them, we can either align with their vibrations and give them reality for us, or we can change our focus to energetic patterns that are more fulfilling.

By choosing to focus on positive vibrations as much as we allow ourselves, we begin to expand our awareness to include the realization of unconditional acceptance and love. These feelings can overwhelm any negative processes in our awareness and create life experiences that are most joyful and inspiring.

Kenneth Schmitt
Click above for more on Kenneth web page.

Hang On

Hang On

The Creator Writings

Channel: Jennifer Farley

Posted on May 30, 2024

Hang on, dearest one, just hang on. The moments of indecision, being uncomfortable and not feeling it will pass. With every surge of new growth, there may be a stage of dissonance; know that it is perfectly acceptable and normal. 

The most constructive thing you can do is make recognize it for what it is and release. Extend this understanding to those around you, knowing they are most likely experiencing the same thing and it will pass. 

Allow yourself the space to feel
 you will be back to your bright and shining self in no time. 

The Creator
Jennifer Farley 

 Reminder discernment is recommended


Things to Know about Evil

Things to Know about Evil

Prolotheos is the Teacher

Received by Valdir Soares

Posted on May 30, 2024


Chicago, US of A, March 12, 2015

Prolotheos: “Evil is exceedingly bewildering for human beings on Urantia. Most of you conceive of evil as being the opposite of God, and you wonder how evil and God can co-exist. Such a contrasting view is understandable — God, being your highest value of goodness — but it is incorrect. There is no comparison between the unique and infinite person that is God and anything else. Evil is not the opposite of good. Evil has its origin in creatures and is, in fact, a negation of the goodness of God revealed in His will. Therefore, evil has no bona fide origin. Consider these basic concepts about evil:

“Evil exists, but it is not enduring. Philosophically speaking, it could be said that evil exists, but is not ontologically real. It exists, but it lacks enduring reality substance because only that which primarily originates in God has bona fide reality and is endowed with enduring existence. Evil brings in itself the seed of rebellion against God and the consequent destruction of itself. Also, it could be said that evil is an aberration of the goodness of God. Goodness is expression of God's nature, but evil has no nature. Evil is devoid of substance. Evil is just ‘un-reality’ in progress — the non-being becoming unreal.

“To be effective, evil must be embraced. God created humans by granting them the faculty of will. Human free will actually is free and sovereign only to determine the individual’s eternal destiny: with God by choosing to do the will of God, or without God (as if never having been) by rejecting the will of God and having embraced the non-reality of evil. Evil, if left to itself, can be devastating and certainly will destroy even those that identify themselves with it. It may not always appear aesthetically ugly. It is, however, always eternally spiritually fatal, when ultimately embraced by the individual.

“Evil succumbs before faith. Faith in God is an invulnerable spiritual shield. Evil cannot ever penetrate it. Faith guards your mind and protects your soul. Faith is believing in the spiritual and in the eternal beyond your earthly life. Faith is desiring being with God accompanied by a sincere and constant striving for doing the will of God. Faith is not theological accuracy. It is about sincerity and the certainty of eternal values — even if these values may be misrepresented by the individual’s religious confession. Evil can never prevail over a believer that has chosen to wholeheartedly believe in his God.

“So, my pupil, do not fear evil. Your planet was tainted by evil with the Lucifer Rebellion and it is still encrusted in your civilization, through supposed sovereign and independent nations, preventing your world to act as one, as the human race is one, and instigating endless wars between the nations. However, God’s Bestowal Plan through His divine and Paradise Sons is functional on Urantia and will ultimately render ineffective these evil residues of the Lucifer Rebellion and it will ensue the enduring reality of the Kingdom of God promised by Jesus of Nazareth.

“I am Prolotheos, your Tutor-Teacher on High. Peace be with you.”

Edited by Linda Abell.

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Rest assured, I will not fault you; be sure you too, do not fault me
– Thought Adjuster, March 2014.