Thursday, August 15, 2024

Ops Lion Gate

Ops Lion Gate

The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev 

Posted on August 15, 2024

How many operations Co-Creators carry out right now? What are their goals, scale, timing, and forces involved? The most accurate characteristics are: countless and boundless. Such is the scope of the tasks being solved. All of them were and are coincide and tightly correlated with processes in the Local Universe and the Greater Cosmos.

Through this transfinite sentient ocean, its endless densities and spaces, rivers and waves of time and energies, Co-Creators upgrade words, their civilizations and evolution scenarios. Earth and earthlings are an integral part of these processes and are moving now on the next, a higher level of evolution along with the entire Local Universe. Hundreds of ops described by Disclosure News, and thousands of others, which remain behind the scenes so far, remove everything old, obsolete and futureless and clear extension for the new space and its races.

For the same purpose, Co-Creators continued operations in July and August. As DNI mentioned earlier (see – Resetting, DNI, 18 July 2024), on a Subtle Plane, a cellular Matrix is turned on at full power, which scans each person for redistribution to separate frequency clusters and enclaves (from 3.14D to 3.95D) on the surface. The Matrix is run by an energy ray from the Pleroma through Milky Way’s Center and our Sun. In addition to scanning, beam non-stop checks and keeps a needed luminosity of Earth to download new soft and codes for the planet and earthlings’ transition into 4D and 5D.

The 3D System, its Power Pyramid and their NAA rulers know that perfectly well, and by all means try to block or derail the process. To weaken the planet’s shining, they intensify the work of all underground and surface low-vibes generators, use wars and pandemics, politics and mass media hypes, culture, showbiz and sport (hallow to the Olympic Games Satan’s opening and closing ceremony) and much more. Their negative emanations are not only remains the main vital source and fueler for Darks and Grays, but also their protective field with its toolkit, with which they try to obstruct the soft and codes’ rewire for terrestrial reformat.

On the eve and during Lion Gate, Co-Creators and the ground team conducted a series of new space operations. Recall that this Portal is the conventional name of the Sun’s zodiac position from 26 July to 15 August, culminating on 08.08 at 08:08:08 LT. During this period, new Light energies and transformation apps arrive on the planet. Their mix is always different, but mostly consists of batches from the Milky Way’s Central Spiritual Sun.

This year, for the first time, Co-Creators used the Portal of Alpha Leo – Regulus (Cor Leonis), one of the brightest in the night sky, to deliver data to Earth. Moreover, they have chosen Regulus as one of the Stellar Logos to patronize our planet and help its terrestrial peer, 14D Al-Terra-Gaya. Some friendly Light races from the Leo constellation are becoming new supervising (not running) civilizations for humanity. Co-Creators are also considering Regulus (along with Vega, Sirius, Alcyone, and Arcturus) as a temporary anchor for the Earth’s North Pole until they finally link it to the Milky Way’s Center.

To do this, it’s necessary to carry out important preparatory works. Disclosure News already described Earth’s horrible state (see – August Vortex, DNI, 28 July 2024). Our planet resembles a patient in intensive care. With a broken spine (displaced axis of rotation), vertebral injuries (deformation of the crystal lattice in places of wars), multiple bone fractures (split and drift of continents), concussion (collisions with asteroids, falling fragments of two moons), skewed skeleton (displaced poles), poisoning (by chemical and radioactive waste and harmful industries chemtrails, pesticides and herbicides, etc.), constant loss of vitality (due to human parasitism, killing of flora and fauna, unnatural axis orientation and orbital motion).

But there is something else. Our Sun, Earth and other planets of the Solar System (except Venus and Uranus) rotate counterclockwise. At the same time, the Sun moves clockwise around the core of the Milky Way, as the latter (with all the stars) does around its mass center. This difference in movement is the result of the NAA’s bombing of the cores of the Sun and Earth during the invasion and capture of the Solar System. This led to a sharp weakening of the general force field (it became energy-consuming) and a deep lowering of terrestrial vibrations, ideal for Dracos, Repts and other parasitic races that occupied the planet for millennia… Such are the scale of the tasks to be solved.

Among the many preps for “draining the swamp”, Co-Creators built a powerful Earth-Sun-Galactic cores’ energy channel to direct higher frequency and transformative flows to our planet. Lightwarriors also took part in that. Acting from numerous power places, they, at first, on 23 July, with the help of their aspects in three Logos synchronized vibes of Earth and Sun’s cores; on 27 July, – planetary and Galactic cores; on 30 July, – Logos of the Sun and the Milky Way; and on 4 August, – simultaneous multi sync of Earth, Solar and Galactic Logos. Judging by the soared Solar flares and magnetic storms, the channel already started working.

During the following ops, Co-Creators shared new details almost daily. On 7 August, they reported that in addition to Regulus, other Portals of the Stellar and Planetary Logos of the Leo constellation were used to deliver the new quantum energies and batches to Earth. These Gates worked like a giant parabolic repeater-antenna of the Galactic Center. Through them were also conveyed the programs suites of Leo civilizations that will settle on a renewed Earth (see – Ops In The Maldives And Azerbaijan, DNI, 5 April 2024).

On the same day, 14D Al-Terra-Gaia confirmed that the foundation of the new humanity will be seven Light civilizations created by seven dipole pairs of Primary Light Archons born in Pleroma, as well as a number of other positive space races. Each their diaspora will live on its own separate territory or islands. If two supercontinents in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres are restored, then the neo-aborigines can be provided with the entire latter half-globe. Another category is Wanderers, individual Monads coming to Earth for one or two embodiments in an individual format (see – The Great Quantum Transition, Part 2, DNI, 26 August 2020).

Stricter regulations are set forth for all those staying on Earth. Earthlings are exempt from the need to obtain a permit, since they already have permanent registration. The new settlers will have to get a group “guest visa” indicating the length of stay that can be extended. Wanderers will receive permission for one incarnation, also with the possibility of its extension or full naturalization. At first, the ratio of earthlings to the population with “visas” is planned to be 80% to 20%, but this proportion may change in one direction or another.

The implementation of this plan is forecasted only after the completion of the active phase of terraforming. But already now several Leo civilizations, mainly from 5D, have begun collective energy co-tuning with Earth, although, as individuals, many have been living on our planet for a very long time.

On 8 August, at the peak of Lion Gate, the Lightwarriors ground team twice helped Co-Creators relay to Earth and terrestrial core new Light energies and codes – at 08:08 AM LT and at 08:08 PM LT. How exactly?

During deep joint meditation, each group member linked to own Higher Self and grounded well. Then, tuned in and sync with the Earth’s core and after that did the same towards Leo constellation and its Guardians, greeting and sending them hearts’ Love. A similar procedure was performed with Regulus and its Keepers. For better adjustment, Lightwarriors used the Reality’s Pixel Mandala. Via Regulus and Lion Gate, they took in selves the incoming Light energies and, using own hearts as remitters, direct on entire planet, and then, through separate channel, – in terrestrial core. For long, were staying in this state. After finishing, thanked with Love everyone involved in the op.

The growing activity of the Portal has been felt since the night. By morning, the energies and vibrations were off the scale due to many new, previously unknown radiations and their mix. For almost a day, Lightwarriors worked as a bio-translators, taking streams with the heart chakra for assimilation and retransmission. Having reached the highest intensity, the energies were fixed at this level in a constant mode.

On the same day, 14D Al-Terra-Gaia exchanged aspects with the Regulus’ Logos, which, along with its cosmic civilization, became our official curator. Late at night, the first group of this space race arrived on Earth through transmigration, in which, with the consent of the Monads, in the human body (avatar), one Higher Self is replaced by another. This format is applied in emergency cases when there is no time for a full-fledged incarnation, with the need to choose parents, conception, infancy, growing up, gaining experience, etc. Transmigration is always carried out by mutual assent of the Souls being withdrawn from the body and entering it. This is the main difference from possession, which brutally violates the cosmic Law of Free Will and Choice Freedom.

On 10 August, new information from Co-Creators regarding further terraforming was received. They decided not to set maximum goals and objectives yet, in particular, the reorientation of the planet’s axis to the Galactic Center and the establishment of new geographical poles. As mentioned above, the Logos of Sirius, Arcturus, Alcyone, Regulus, Vega are considered as the temporary focus of the North Pole, and Canopus and Fomalhaut – of the South Pole.

This is not just a technical matter. The new running civilization should be exactly where the North Pole oriented, receiving the Galactic rays of the supervising Logos, directed from its existential field. It’s a cosmic magnet that holds the stable position of Earth in orbit, and the store of a backup copy of the terrestrial Logos’ Causal Matrix.

Today, the North Pole is focused on Alpha Ursa Minor, Star Cynosure. This is a purely subordinate Portal, in which there are no copies of the Earth’s Causal and Incarnation Matrices. Just a “loadstone” that Co-Creators used to urgently save our planet after another global catastrophe as a result of the NAA’s series of triple scalar and thermobaric shelling on Eurasia, which housed four Light space races from Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Orion and Beta Leo system (see – Siberia Ops, Part 5, DNI, 16 June 2024). To keep our planet in orbit, torn away from the former Polar Star, the latter had to be hastily replaced with Cynosure.

On 11 August, Co-Creators announced that a new Polar Star’s Logos had already been chosen in Pleroma, but decided not to disclose which one yet. Instead, they shared details of the further upgrade of the planetary core. It will receive the new, even more powerful Light energies. To withstand them, it’s necessary to raise its vibrations and freqs of the Earth’s crystal lattice, as well as of all physical matter and biological Intelligences of forms with the help of external and internal impacts.

From the outside – by the energies of the Center of the Milky Way, different civilizations and constellations, Stellar and Planetary Logos, whose radiations come via the Sun and are assimilated through numerous Portals, power places, pyramids, dolmens, cromlechs, seids and other megalithic structures. From there, they are partially distributed across the terrestrial field, and partially, amplified by focusing and shape effect, are directed to the planet’s core. The same function is performed by live Portals – embodied Higher Light Beings, Starseeds, Crystalline and Radiant Entities, Lightwarriors and Lightworkers (see – Mission, DNI, 10 October 2023; Live Portals, DNI, 26 February 2024).

The internal source is the Earth’s own energy potential, namely atmospheric electricity, standing electromagnetic ether waves (Schumann resonance effect) and especially plasma orbs and lightning balls. They have been greatly activated and impact on the Earth’s core, similar to stun guns, through volcanoes and strato-volcanoes by striking their vents and inner wave ducts, generating igneous bolts that amplify vibrations and speeding up the terrestrial nucleus.

All this is an integrated prep for larger-scale and powerful Galactic and Solar flares that will radically change life on this planet. And it will happen not when planet and earthlings are ready, but when the two Logos, of the Milky Way and the Sun, are good to go. The Logos of the Galaxy is ready for 99%, the Solar Logos – for 77%, and the terrestrial Logos – only for 57-60%. This is not enough. Therefore, the preparation will continue as fast as possible and without stops until the end of 2024. How do Co-Creators schedule this? The action plan is as follows:

12.08-18.09.2024 – the stage of intensive transformations, the replacement of old energies with new ones and the increase in vibrations of people and Earth;

18.09-02.10.2024 – karmic stage, the corridor of eclipses, confrontational escalation and global chaos to identify hidden pockets of negative energy;

03.10-11.11.2024 – the stage of an even more radical and profound replacement of old energies with new ones and raising the frequencies of the planet and earthlings;

11.11.2024 – making a preliminary decision on the beginning of the active phase of a new terra-formation before 25/12/2024;

12.11-12.12.2024 – the stage of the next acceleration of the Earth and humanity’s transforming.

12.12.2024 – assessment of the possibility to start the active phase of terraforming before 25.12.2024;

12.12-22.12.2024 – end of the world events’ scenario correction and start of the transformation’s active phase until 25.12.2024. In its course, to the Causal Matrix of the planetary Logos will be uploaded an image file of the New Earth and upgraded Merkaba. The batch will contain all the systemic data: from physical constants and the composition of natural elements (see – New Matrix, Parts 5-1 and 5-2, DNI, 21 May and 23 May 2023) to the location of poles and the continents’ outlines. All this is planned on a planetary level, but how will we feel it personally?

These days, many of us have noticed that they are even more out of touch with reality. We’re either alive or passes away. Either everything is happening indeed or in a dream. In fact, the old us is dead and no longer exists, and there is nothing to regret about. It’s all gone pixelated. And that’s when we lost our sense of reality.

A lot of people complain of a vague and confused state of consciousness, of poor vision, as if everything is blurred and smeared before their eyes. Many are frightened, losing their footing because no longer feel selves. This is how we transform, free from the former personality, karma and egoism. At the same time, a powerful cleansing goes on. We pass purgatory during our lifetime, the nullification of everything connected with the past, individual and collective.

“We will not all die, but we will all be changed.” The former life decays and recedes, but people still cling to it through resentments, traumas and attachments. And suffer greatly, tearing out literally everything with blood and meat. Many fall into depression, and lose the meaning of life, plunged into black pain, which they can’t overcome. It prevents them from taking a step, plunging deeper into fatigue and apathy.

Those with whom this is occurring now don’t need to be frightened. It’s only a zeroing, assembly of a new field, and a change of personality. The old one is vanishing, disintegrating. Other algorithms are being built in. The programs will be more elevated, with a higher bar of responsibility. No one needs to be dragged along. The consciousness of many is not ready, their higher chakras are locked, and there is nothing to do. They have their own way.

We came here with the basic level of consciousness. It corresponds to the level of energies, and vice versa. If a person doesn’t live harmoniously, focused solely on money, lives his life in sex, debauchery, alcohol, idle affairs, he loses his entire base, and not develops a new one. His Soul weakens, and with energies lowering his consciousness also decays. Drag or not drag them, there is nothing to hold on to.

Such people are now disintegrating, falling apart and leaving. We can recognize them by their behavior, how conscious they are of everything, or not conscious at all, and there is only a program talking to itself, giving serious failures and glitches. It’s very hard to talk to these men, in fact, impossible, and better avoid them. They don’t even understand the meaning of what is said, and go into demagoguery, sucking energy out of others. Typical case of parasitism.

Once immersed in this way of life, they cannot come out of it. Their consciousness fades away, the upper chakras remain closed. Such a person will not awaken. It means opening of these centers, unpacking of their energies, according to which consciousness expands. For this he should go deep inside self, but hasn’t strength. The vital power runs out, and the new not gained. Degradation begins. A person looks kind and good, but with an absolutely empty Soul. And there is a huge amount of null Souls around. To prolong their existence, they provoke scandals, discontent, and fights, often falling into drug addiction or incurable alcoholism, disintegrating completely.

As below, so is above. Co-Creators are already dealing with it. Our service nullifies all karmic debts. It becomes much easier to ascend, although there will still be difficulties, and not simple ones. But, at each level they are different, because the bar is raised gradually, taking into account the individual readiness to overcome the next one. Those, who continue to upgrade, are helped and given the necessary energy.

The main thing is to remain human and survive tough times, saving own avatar. The outer will show in people all inner beauty or all inner ugliness. The karma of all our lives, both good and bad, is all around us. It’s our environment. The mirrors are always in front of us, demonstrating the bitter truth. Many refuse to take it and don’t give a damn about everything. But they will quickly snap out of it when the strongest global changes and great upheavals begin. We have reached their next peak and another one is not far off. The task is to continue ascending, and ignore the System’s games.


 Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!

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