Walmart stops accepting US dollars as troops deploy in New York; the battle for the Americas begins
By Benjamin Fulford
Geo-Political Report of September 9, 2024
Posted on September 12, 2024
The battle for the planet Earth is intensifying with huge developments in Europe and the Americas. The war in the Americas is especially intense with New York Governor Kathy Hochul saying “I’m redeploying nearly 1,000 members of the New York State Police, MTA Police, an MTA National Guard to conduct bag checks in the City’s busiest transit station.”
New York City residents are now reporting sightings of the National Guard stationed throughout the city.
This is happening as the culprit behind the mayhem: New York Mayor Eric Adams is being taken down with a corruption investigation.
The National Guard is also being deployed in Texas, Colorado, Chicago and elsewhere, Pentagon sources say. There is also fighting raging across much of Latin America.
The war in the Americas pitches the Latin drug cartels against the US military and, surprisingly, the Chinese. However, it can also be seen as jockeying for power between nationalist Latino oligarchs and North American oligarchs. The key point is that the about 20 million military aged males (according to Donald Trump) let into the US by the Obiden administration have now begun military-style attacks on crucial infrastructure. In Texas, for example, armed Cuban and Venezuelan paramilitaries are attacking oil facilities.
This now brings us to the attention-grabbing headline about Walmart not accepting US dollars. It is being reported in the Mexican Press (but not the English language news) that as of September shops like Walmart, Target, Dollar Tree and other stores along with banks and ATMS are not accepting “mutilated” US dollars.
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Mexican cartel sources say the real story here is that the Latino illegal immigrants have brought with them countless billions of dollars of drug cash the cartels have stored in warehouses over the past decades. This money is being laundered through things like Walmart purchases. From there, the money finds its way to China. That is why the Chinese and US military are cooperating to quarantine these dollars. This means a very large percentage of the cash now in circulation inside the US is becoming worthless paper.
Asian secret society sources further say joint Chinese and US military white hat operations against the cartels are ongoing in both the US (where 50,000 Chinese military are secretly deployed) and Latin America.
There is plenty of news floating around to indicate an undeclared war is raging in the Americas.
In Mexico, the war between the cartels and the US military can be seen in a fight between US Ambassador Ken Salazar and Mexican President Manuel Obrador over “judicial reform.” Obrador wants judges to be elected while Salazar insists “popular direct election of judges is a major risk to the functioning of Mexico’s democracy.” So here you have a US ambassador saying elections are a threat to democracy.
Mexican government sources say the real story “is a diplomatic war to undermine the control of the US elite in favor of the elite of untouchable Mexican millionaires like Carlos Slim.” The sources also admit Obrador was financed by the cartels and wants to install judges who will pardon him before he leaves office. Don’t forget the cartels have always worked in hand with the CIA (Cocaine Importing Agency).
There are similar battles raging all across the Americas. The big fight between Elon Musk and Brazilian judge Alexandre Moraes over the banning of X is a case in point. The US military white hats represented by Musk want to reinstall former President Jair Bolsonaro while the Khazarian Mafia wants to keep Moraes’ puppet Luis Lula in power.
If I was a betting man, I would say Bolsonaro is about to return to power. Look at the September 7 parade organized by Lula (Oops, nothing to see here folks. Just a lot of vacant space).
Now compare with the impeachment protest against Moraes organized by former Bolsonaro.
It is also a good bet there will be a war between Brazil and Argentina if Bolsonaro gets back in power.
To understand why, we need to look at a very unusual thing that happened in Holland on August 28th:
Flights were grounded, civil servants were locked out of their computers and police officers resorted to texting one another in the Netherlands on Wednesday as a network outage at the Ministry of Defense caused major IT failures across the country…”There is no air traffic at all and we have very little information about the cause,” [Eindhoven Airport] spokesperson Judith de Roy said.
It was speculated the blackout was to cover the arrest of Satanic Politicians like Macron in France and EU head Ursula von der Leyen.
However, we contacted white hat sources around the world and learned this was in fact
a blackhat operation to evacuate the Dutch Royal family and many other top Satanists to Patagonia. The KM have bought a thousand miles of coastline in Patagonia and many of them are now fleeing there and counting on Argentine President Javier Milei to provide them with protection.
The head of MI6 gave us the backstory saying:
The Dutch House of Orange Nassau is the Satanic control center. The Queen of Netherlands was a monster. She was the head of a Satanic cult called the mothers of darkness. We had her on massive crimes in Yugoslavia which was a blood sacrifice. She was a million times worse than Bush. Horrific…We have them on the run…To my knowledge, she was probably the worst mass murderer after the late Queen but they had a club between them like playing cards…They kill for sport…The various Venetian Black Nobile families often times used their service staff for sex and sacrifice, usually some kind of sex kill cult. It was all controlled by The Vatican.
MI6 says the British Royals’ Balmoral Castle is now a crime scene being investigated by Scottish Police because of the annual human sacrifices that were carried out there. Dr. Michael van de Meer (real name Battenberg), a first cousin of Queen Elizabeth II, personally confirmed this to me, by the way.
In the news, this investigation was reported as a gathering of British Royals along with UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer at Balmoral Castle during the last weekend of August.
The article linked below shows an obvious CG image of Charles and Camilla supposedly joining other royals at Balmoral Castle. Look at “Charles’” elbow and Kamila’s hand etc. to see for yourself it is CG.
Asian secret society sources confirm the head of the mothers of darkness cult has surrendered and that a clean-up operation is underway in South America.
Russian FSB sources for their part say this flight to Argentina was prompted by Russia’s recent seizure of 11 CIA dark hat bases in Ukraine. The bases were “biolabs working with DNA, viruses, etc.” They said they also put an end to a “a huge slave market for females and children and organ trafficking. Organs were also harvested from injured Ukrainian soldiers. The organs were sent to different countries, especially reputed Israeli clinics.”
The Russians also freed thousands of women being kept as baby-producing slaves saying; “nobody knows where newborn babies went.” The source says it is all connected to biolabs where they carried out “all sorts of experiments” as well as the “production of adrenochrome and many other bio substances.”
In a visible sign the war in Ukraine is ending with KM defeat, the French branch of the Rothschild family had a meeting in Paris at the end of August to discuss restructuring Ukraine’s debt. As a result of the discussions the IMF, the US Government and creditors like BlackRock agreed to write off $45 billion or 37% of the $122 billion they lent to Ukraine. This was followed by a complete revamp of the Ukrainian government with 9 cabinet ministers being replaced.
As an FSB source comments: “That means [US “President” Joe] Biden gave to Ukraine money collected from the taxes of US citizens, but then the property in Ukraine becomes property of the Rothschilds. Interesting.” We explained to the FSB source that since the US Government and US citizens are de facto property of the Rothschilds, they were just shuffling their books.
The failure of the KM’s attempt to bankrupt Russia also played a role in the de facto fall of the Ukraine government.
India played a key role as its petroleum exports to Europe increased 253,788% since 2018. India needs to import 82% of the petroleum it uses so clearly it was laundering Russian oil to avoid EU sanctions. India also provides lots of Western military technology to Russia.
Russia’s oil and gas sales in August were up 20% to $8.7 billion compared to the same month last year.
Meanwhile, the Ninth Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) that took place in Vladivostok on September 3-6, resulted in a record 258 agreements worth 5.4 trillion rubles ($60 bln) being signed, a 40% increase from last year. Guests from 75 countries, including 16 unfriendly ones, visited the forum.
What all this shows is that it is the KM-controlled US rump state and its allies who are suffering from sanctions, not Russia.
We are also getting more evidence of a budding Russian alliance with Germany against the EU.
Polish intelligence tells us a Russian-Spanish journalist accused of spying for Russia and released last month in a prisoner swap was shown confidential files while in detention in Poland…this happened because the government of Prime Minister Donald Tusk…is cooperating with Russia.
Also Hungary has begun sending migrants on a one-way bus ticket from the border to the EU capital, Brussels thanks to PM Viktor Orban
This video of an immigrant stealing from a shop in Poland shows why the people of Europe are sick of them.
In any case as these videos below make clear NATO has lost the war in the Ukraine and that is the real reason so many Satanic elites have fled to Patagonia.
So now you see why Brazil and Western military white hats will eventually have to go to Patagonia to hunt these criminals down and bring them to justice. In the clip below you can see the Argentine embassy in Venezuela is already under siege for sheltering criminals.
Another group of war criminals who are about to face justice are Canada’s Justin Castrudeau and his Nazi cabinet. Castrudeau is about to lose power because the head of the NPD Party government, which he needs to survive, has withdrawn his support.
This means Trudeau -who has been voted the most unpopular Prime Minister of all time by Canadians- will have to call an election that will all but wipe out his political party.
As an example of the mood of Canadians towards Castrudeau, he got an earful during a photo op from a cash-strapped steelworker who told the leader his policies have left his family scratching to make ends meet.
The unidentified worker spurned Trudeau’s offer of doughnuts to complain about high taxes, medical bills and giveaways to people he deemed “lazy.”
“What about the 40% taxes I am paying? And I don’t have a doctor,”
The fact is -if Trudeau’s father had not betrayed Canada by handing control of the Bank of Canada to the KM- Canadians would not have to pay any federal taxes.
Once he is out of power, it is only a matter of time before members of his government face war crimes tribunals for mass murder via vaccine. Here, you can watch his health minister make a Freudian slip and basically admit the vaccines they forced on Canadians cause AIDS.
Furthermore, Moderna has admitted its mRNA COVID vaccine causes cancer after billions of DNA fragments were found in vials of the dangerous injection.
What is true of Canada is true of the rest of the West and their slave governments in places like Japan and South Korea.
In Japan, citizens were shocked on the morning of August 28 as the government-run broadcaster NHK aired a special feature on COVID-19 that highlighted real-life experiences of individuals who have suffered severe side effects, prompting an overwhelming public response with over 2000 messages received.
When the government-owned media outs vaccine crimes, legal authorities will follow up for sure.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is among many who say individuals who engaged in “criminal” behaviour during the pandemic to enforce “totalitarian controls that were not science-based” need to be held accountable. “It’s a story, really, of people involved in really terrible, immoral, homicidal criminal behavior,” Kennedy says.
It is happening. Last week Kansas became the first of 5 states to go after Pfizer. In the video below you can watch Kansas Attorney General Kris Kovack accuse Pfizer of false and misleading marketing of a vaccine.
In another example, 47,000 children were crippled and permanently disabled as a direct result of Bill Gates’ Polio vaccine and now Israel has had the courtesy to halt the killing of children in Gaza so that they can be vaccinated against Polio.
As confirmation the person behind this: Israeli Crime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, is a Satanist. Look at the hand sign made behind him in the Israeli Parliament.
Mossad sources insist Netanyahu has already been executed. They say the recent video of him below was fake. “Look at his hair, ears and blinking almost nonstop. This may be CGI or an actor in a mask but it is not the real deal,” the source says.
Even if he is still in charge, Israel is doomed. “The only step that will stop Israeli arrogance, Israeli banditry, and Israeli state terrorism is the alliance of Islamic countries,” Turkish President Recep Erdogan says,
If you look at the graphic of Middle Eastern military power you understand Israel has no choice but to beg for forgiveness.
Seeking to do just that, the highest and most dominant Rabbinical Authority in the Holy Land, Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch said “True Jews around the world and in Palestine, with God’s permission, will not accept the ideology of Zionism and the evil plans of Zionism.”
By the way, in a big boost for Islamic power, the fourth largest oil and gas reserves in the world have been found off the coast of Pakistan.
Anyway, once Israel falls their fake US Presidential theater show will also end.
Nonetheless, since so many of our readers and viewers are based in the US, let us look at the ongoing Presidential election reality show.
We will start with this video of the Kamala-Walz dog and pony show not being so welcomed in Rochester, PA. You won’t see this in the corporate media.
To understand this really is a farcical show, watch the video that made Trump comment “There’s something weird” with Tampon Tim…
Even Walz’ own family doesn’t support him and yet the corporate media does.
However some corporate media like CNN appear to be flipping to the WH alliance:
CNN’s David Chalian Warns Of ‘Trouble Sign For Harris’ As She Lags Behind Trump’s ‘Huge Numbers’ With Key Demographic.
Nonetheless, Donald Trump warns they do not intend to partake in the “peaceful transition of power” if Trump wins, and they will say it’s necessary to preserve our “democracy.”
The Russians also look like they are going to “interfere in US elections” again. In a great spin for the sheeple, Vladimir Putin says Russia will back Kamala Harris.
“I said that our ‘favorite,’ if I may say so, was the incumbent President Mr. Biden. He was removed from the race, but he recommended that all his supporters support Ms. Harris. So we will do the same, we will support her,.
She laughs so expressively and infectiously that it means that everything is fine with her.” a grinning Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday.
This caused Trump to say; “I wonder why Putin endorsed Kamala? I was very offended by that. Putin is a chess player. He is 19 steps ahead of us!”
However former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev appears to support neither candidate;
“Out of spite for the current administration, Donald Trump has threatened to lift sanctions against Russia. But will he really do it if elected? No, of course not. For all his apparent bravado as an ‘outsider’, Trump is ultimately an establishment insider. Yes, he is an eccentric narcissist, but he is also a pragmatist. As a businessman, Trump understands that sanctions harm the dollar’s dominance in the world. However, that’s insufficient reason to stage a revolution in the United States and go against the anti-Russian line of the notorious Deep State, which is much stronger than any Trump…
Harris is inexperienced and, according to her enemies, just plain stupid. Beautiful meaningless speeches and boring ‘correct’ answers to questions will be prepared for her, which she will read off a teleprompter while laughing contagiously…
So, it’s sanctions forever. Or rather, until the US collapses during an imminent new civil war. After all, Hollywood makes films about this for a reason.”
Since both Putin and Medvedev mention her cackle, here you can watch Epstein Island regular Kamala laugh as she talks about buttering up a baby for the oven.
Then again, we also know the Trump appearing in public is a reality show actor and not the real man. As more proof of a Trump double you can see Trump standing beside Alina Haba, one of Trumps attorneys who is 5’6” tall (I checked her bio). The real Trump is 6’3” tall.
Even though an actor appears on behalf of the real Trump, he does appear to represent something different.
Take a look at who supports Kamala:
The Cheneys
The Bushes
The McCains
Paul Ryan
Mitt Romney
The old GOP establishment have been booted out of MAGA, and remain loyal to their uniparty cohorts on the other side of the aisle, hence why they all support Kamala.
This proves that a Deep State/Uniparty exists, and confirms that Trump/MAGA are the opposition to this entity.
Also look at the weird Democratic flip flop on Dick Cheney:
1970’s: Dick Cheney is a war criminal!
1980’s: Dick Cheney is a war criminal!
1990’s: Dick Cheney is a war criminal!
2000’s: Dick Cheney is a war criminal!
2010’s: Dick Cheney is a war criminal!
2021: Dick Cheney died of a heart attack.
This is further confirmation that the old GOP is dead, and Trump has taken over the Republican Party.
Even if the US does not go bankrupt on September 31st and even if there is an election, the US cannot survive under its present system.
Look at this report on San Francisco as an example:
“I thought Gavin Newsom was having a clean up in California, cleaning up the homeless tents? Well, I guess he didn’t wanna have a clean-up in his hometown of San Francisco, he didn’t want to move his friends.”
One in five children in the US is going hungry.
Meanwhile, social security has $63 trillion in unfunded liabilities.
Add this to the debt and other unfunded liabilities and the US owes $250 trillion to its’ people and the rest of the world they can never pay.
The current regime is also destroying people’s minds:
When they’re at school…your children are not your own but are, in fact, wards of the state…where parents have to worry about school resource officers who taser teenagers and handcuff kindergartners, school officials who have criminalized childhood behavior, school lockdowns and terror drills that teach your children to fear and comply, and a police state mindset that has transformed the schools into quasi-prisons.
Instead of being taught the three R’s of education (reading, writing and arithmetic), young people are being drilled in the three I’s of life in the American police state: indoctrination, intimidation and intolerance.
At the same time, the UN is on the verge of passing a treaty that could legalize child sexual content, saying it is acceptable if it is deemed “private” or “consensual.” If signed, the treaty could pave the way for some forms of pedophilia and child abuse to be normalized.
“Everywhere we look, there is a subtle push to sexualize children—in order to blur the lines of pedophilia. They have workshops where teenagers learn how to ‘have sex safely;’ and public events where children perform in skimpy costumes. These are not isolated cases. The UN wants to legalize ‘consensual’ child pornography. The treaty is expected to be formally adopted by the General Assembly in September of this year and can then be signed by individual countries,” warn Ignacio Arsuaga and the entire CitizenGO team.
They are also arresting teachers who oppose KM-led pushes to genitally mutilate children in order to turn them into “transsexuals.”
Never mind the rate of sexual offenses for male-to-female transsexuals is 600x that of women.
Also why are all recent mass shooter transsexuals?
Even as they promote perversion they persecute prominent heterosexual males. A good example is well-known internet persona Andrew Tate who was just freed by a Romanian court. On release, he told reporters:
They took every single female we have ever interacted with and labelled them as victims against their will. They are all furious as they were defending us.
They also took every Romanian man we know and labeled them as money launderers.
This was a desperate attempt to put us in jail with no evidence, simply piles of junk and a made-up story.
The haters who push these narratives are directly paid by Dicott and Zionist NGOs to discredit our names. Many are pedophiles who have achieved plea deals with the government to peddle misinformation.
The Matrix is blowing children apart in Gaza, and people think WE are the bad guys?
No wonder the call for a real revolution is getting stronger:
The Red October timeline begins when everyone refuses to pay mortgages, credit cards, and rent. Instead, people will stockpile food and essentials, cutting off the parasite’s control. Bankers will lose their yachts, and the stock market will collapse. They’ll be staring down from their skyscrapers, contemplating the fatal jump.
There’s nothing they can do—lockdowns won’t work this time.
This collective revolt will trigger a total financial reset, and in the end, we’ll be the ones who win
Finally this week, we noticed someone or something appears to be trying to turn the deserts green.
The largest sandy desert in Saudi Arabia is now almost an ocean. After a series of heavy and unusual rains, the Rub al-Khali desert, between Al-Aflaj and Al-Salil, turned into an inland sea. Historic rains, dams overflowed and huge lakes formed in unusual scenes.
Something similar has happened in the Sahara desert.
These really do seem to be biblical scale events. Expert an escalation over the coming weeks.

KM = Khazarian Mafia => Deep State => Dark Cabal, etc.. (most Khazar Jews 'Zionist' elites, or "fake Jews")
Must of Ashkenazim Jews are descendants of the Khazars converted to the Jewish Talmud in the eighth century. ~ Benjamin Fulford.
Mote: Ashkenazim was a sub-tribe of the Khazars (West-Turks) expelled from central Asia by other Turkish tribes, due to violations of Turkish culture/rules.
February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography. (A Big Fat Lie)
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