Ascension symptoms associated with the influx of incoming new Earth energies
By Ascension LightWorkers
Posted on December 30, 2024

LETTING GO OF THE 3D COLLAPSING MATRIX, Brain washing and mind conditioning , lightening the load , dropping past baggage, Shedding layers in ego and stagnate internal aspects , dissolving past anger , irritation , intolerances , agitations etc . Consciously moving into New earths vibrations , learning how new energy on our planet works.
Resounding in Truthful awareness , surrendering to the natural life that is unfolding on a new conscious level, consciously dissipating fear structures , expanding in the flow of birth right abundance, embracing and enhancing accelerated transformation.
The Ascending have a choice each and every day , to choose to feel blessed. To choose to feel grateful. Now choosing to be at peace within and excited for what is ahead . Choosing to live in gratitude no matter the outer appearance , feeling thankful.
The Shadow in humanity is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, No one can become conscious of the shadow without extensive and considerable genuine and moral effort. To become conscious of it , this involves recognising the darker aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any form of self-awakening , there will be considerable resistance from the ego in Truthful self-knowledge and self awareness , Ascending from the shadow self requires much painstaking work and inner change extending over a long period of time.
Opportunities are now available to ascending individuals, assisting in making conscious and clear decisions based in true self expression. The ascending will be attracting new situations and experiences in new earth reality. New earth resonates and resounds in truth energy only, any thing in new earth that is not based in alignment and authenticity will be fully exposed and revealed for transmutation .
Breaking free and breaking through the past self conditionings and routines. Making conscious based choices to express the authentic self expression.
The Ascending self is never alone, nor is it expected to tackle or solve everything on its own. The universe, master ascendants ,angelic allegiances, the ascension team are always close by and listening, waiting to be asked for their help support and guidance. Prayer/ meditation does not need to be formal or structured as has been the traditions for so long in many diverse beliefs and cultures, conversing with the universe is natural to all beings of light , as self has its own unique language.
The universal power in new earth is our loving friend. The pure essence of creation consciously responds to all requests for help and support . Due to the universal law of choice, it will not act or intervene unless it is asked to do so.
The Ascending never actually change the world , the world they are on changes in accordance with their conscious vibrations. This is the shift into a new earth parallel reality, representative of the change within the self amongst beings in a higher state of consciousness . The world changes in accordance to conscious vibrations and frequencies . Choosing to live in new earth energy and higher vibrations creates a preferred reality.
CONSCIOUS ALIGNMENT : The Ascending are releasing what they have been carrying around for a long time , things that have nothing to do with their true self . They are moulding into vibrational compliance , with new earth energies and desires.
The Ascending have made significant strides this year, with internal transformational healing, reducing reactivity, enhancing self-awareness, and preparing for deeper and light minded experiences and connections.
Despite storms and challenges that may arise from time to time , the ascending are now standing stronger and more united than ever before , choosing to remain sovereign and committed to the transformational path ahead.
The Collective Ascending will take on a slower physical pace to be energetically aligned to the present, to breathe, to listen, and to admire nature’s beauty , the true essence of life. Deliberately creating space and making time to fully connect , to physically unwind, to unplug , to contemplate, and harmonise rather than constantly being caught up in busyness and haste.
Following new earth resonance ensures
The ascending can no longer be Controlled, Manipulated, and Enslaved by the outer 3D world , It has now become impossible for them.
A profound energetic transformation is unfolding on Earth, revealing and dismantling fear-based and dishonest systems. Truth is setting many free as collective consciousness experiences a widespread awakening, with increasing individuals awakening and becoming Metaphysically aware. The current societal structures are in the process of breaking down to pave the way for a new earth era Based on love and authenticity.
Becoming magnetic in new earth , this is about expressing the true self, free from societal conditioning, and breaking through self-imposed limitations. Trusting in higher self’s abilities and authenticity.
The Universe has orchestrated your existence on transforming earth and will provide all that will be needed and required. By allowing the genuine self aspects to express , the self harmonises with the Universe’s natural rhythm and radiates magnetic energy. This not only fulfills the soul’s desires , it also inspires others ascending to do the same.
The Collective Ascending will take on a slower physical pace in 2025 to be energetically aligned to the present, to reflect , to integrate , to breathe, cognise , to listen, and to admire nature’s beauty the true essence of planetary life. Deliberately creating space and making time to fully unwind, to unplug , to contemplate, and harmonise rather than constantly being caught up in busyness , rush and haste.
The rest of December is a time of deeper integration and reflection on the last 12 months , this catalyses life reviews , releasing density , surrendering to the unknown forces at work , this strengthens internal self foundations , to build a solid structure In New Earth conscious living.
In Loving and Devoted Ascension Service
Ascension LightWorkers.
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On the Blogs:
My notes:
- God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
- All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
- My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.
Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT.
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?
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( Google deleted my former blogs & just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.(A Big Fat Lie) Also on Sep/13, 2024
February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.
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