Humanity is Being Liberated
By Ascension LightWorkers
Posted on January 21, 2025

You have dedicated yourself to conscious growth, healing and transformation having faced many fears and navigated through the darkest of nights. You have worked on clearing past traumas and taking responsibility for your new found reality. Starseeds are helping many others begin their own Ascension process .
The 3D aspect of the planet is currently experiencing an escalation in higher levels of dysfunction, leadership dramas, and global crisis. It can feel like people’s worlds are falling apart, which is why Starseeds are here.
The planetary purpose is to evolve, grow, and assist those undergoing the Ascension process. Many people are unaware of Ascension occurring on this planet , it’s about trusting the unseen forces in this planetary process even while others remain asleep and in the dark.
Ascending souls can now see that they have been guided lovingly through their profound Ascension, making the arduous journey worth it. Your trust has allowed you to rise above perceived troubles , knowing that everything is taken care of. Most importantly, you recognise that humanity is finally being liberated.
A profound spiritual evolution is currently unfolding for humanity. We are rediscovering our inherent unity with all life and realising that the universe is infinitely loving. As our awareness expands and we remember these truths, we may also grapple with feelings of loneliness and being lost. even “lightworkers” who play an active role in the evolution of consciousness, experience these emotions and possibly intensely. However, know that this phase is temporary and will pass.
Anchoring the Self in the present moment
Allows for peace and bliss in every breath. Allowing Love to fill the being until it overflows with positivity. You came here to channel divine love, eliminating distractions that hinders from experiencing birthright joy and bliss.
Nothing is more important than connecting to the universal force of unconditional love. You have been shedding these distractions and corruption to fully embrace this love. You don’t have to make it complicated, and you don’t have to wait for outside rescue. Your purpose is to embody love in every possible moment and, by doing so you replenish the soul and revolutionise our world.
Humanity is currently undergoing an evolution that may be hidden but is undeniably evident. This evolution involves completing our inner healing process by releasing old traumas and judgments from this and past lives. The aim is to become unlimited and unconditionally loving. You personally are evolving by working through your own past pain and healing deep-seated traumas and judgments that have blocked true self expression .
The key to your healing process is in understanding that you came to this life to overcome experiences that severely limited your progress , for you to eventually become completely unlimited. You were meant to embrace self responsibility, power, and unconditional love to attain infinite freedom. freeing the self from limitations to experience the opposite at the deepest level of your soul.
The world is going through radical and significant changes right now, and it can be challenging to keep up with the revelations that keep unfolding. These upcoming disclosures may feel surreal to many and in many ways. Even those who consider themselves awakened to the truths of the world will witness new revelations, revealing much more that was previously unknown. The Earth is on the brink of transformational shifts that may bring discomfort to many still sleeping and impact the world at large.
Whistleblowers are emerging with vital truths that can no longer be hidden or suppressed. The process of disclosure is rapidly accelerating, propelled by the energies of the expanding universe. These universal energies, represented by the number nine in 2025 will activate many endings and disclosures. The higher frequencies will illuminate what aspects of our world need to come to a conclusion.
The Ascending will soon confront the dualistic nature of our planet, where choices will have profound implications. The embodiment of ascension highlights the importance of aligning with the world we genuinely want to create , as we cannot coexist in conflicting realities. The Earth is surfacing long-hidden and disturbing truths, shedding light on what has been concealed for so long.
These evolutionary shifts are inevitable on ascending planet , urging us to face uncomfortable truths and choose the path forward thoughtfully and consciously. Embracing these changes leads to a more enlightened and harmonious world for all.
The universal energies represented by the number nine signify endings, closures, disclosures and completion of cycles. It symbolises a time of endings and conclusions, making way for new beginnings and transformations.
The energy of number nine encourages letting go of the old to create space for new opportunities and growth. It signals a time for wrapping up unfinished business, releasing what no longer serves and preparing for the next phase of our journey.
You are rescuing yourself from human conditioning, breaking free from the systematic patterns that belittle self and others through unworthiness. Overcoming trauma requires acceptance, letting go of blame and focusing on self healing . Although integration is not always easy, it sets us free and catalyses self-awareness and entry into higher spiritual timelines and higher conscious dimensions .
Accepting and acknowledging the purpose behind the cruelty of others can be paralysing. However, true acceptance involves compassionate recognition that we are here to overcome and embody unlimited, unconditional love.
Through our healed pain, we help each other on this journey. Healing inner pain involves ending the struggle over how others should be and surrendering control. It is through this surrender and loss that freedom, peace, and the fulfillment of dreams are manifested.
Earth’s Ascension is currently intensifying. Massive waves of light and solar flare explosions are reaching our planet, catalysing a collective evolutionary leap of greater magnitude and positivity.
This process will lead to a mass awakening, as many more now prepare to remove human conditioning and return to the original template of true self / love. You are transcending the limits of what you once thought possible and you are not alone. Universal guidance and protection are always available in this higher frequency of energy on the new Earth.
Together with ascending souls, our collective spiritual movement is profoundly changing life on Earth. The integration of metaphysical knowledge into human experience is radically improving the human condition for all.
This ongoing evolution is part of our natural progression, an extraordinary leap forward in consciousness. Every human is called to evolve in this way at this time, often referred to as Ascension or Shift. It signifies a transition to a higher level of consciousness and spiritual growth.
As more people awaken, they help humanity as a whole. By bringing your own life-changing unconditional love to this Earth, you are assisting in the revival of an entire species that has forgotten its true essence.
You possess immense power. Starseed souls are energetically interconnected, so when one returns to love, it energetically inspires others to do the same. Starseeds all originate from the same collective oneness, and as you awaken spiritually, your perception expands, and you realise the interconnectedness that exists among us. You are growing and expanding metaphysically.
As you consciously ascend higher, you have the power to shape your experiences through your internal state. Returning to love is the key to experiencing elevated moments, and it begins with shedding the past human conditioning. This process takes time and effort, as all ascending souls strive for this complete transformation into true self awareness and expression .
The ultimate goal is to bring heaven to earth and experience it firsthand in this lifetime. Ascension leads to a higher state of living, where 5D conscious awareness becomes your only preferred reality.
As you progress and make your way forward on your ascension journey, you are returning to Love , your natural state of being. Ascension expands your awareness, enabling you to perceive life through the lens of unconditional love. In this process, you are elevating the human experience .Fulfilling this purpose is what you came here to accomplish.
In loving and devoted service by
Ascension LightWorkers
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My notes:
- God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
- All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
- My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.
Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT.
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?
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( Google deleted my former blogs & just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.(A Big Fat Lie) Also on Sep/13, 2024
February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.
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