The key to Our Freedom
By Peter B Meyer
Posted on January 18, 2025

The Shocking Truth
The story of what is about to happen is the biggest news story in the history of the human race on the planet Earth..
The Deep State Cabal oppressors with their criminal puppets and phony stories of debt banking, inside jobs, mass murders, mass surveillance, terrorist attacks, plane crashes and religious deception are falling apart.
- More than 13 centuries of elite-led misinformation will soon come to an end.
- Disclosure means LIGHT and change for the healing of humanity and our planet.
People, inside and outside governments, are beginning to speak the truth with more energy, clarity and less fear than ever before in human history. Their words are being heard, preserved and multiplied beyond the reach of our oppressors.
Many things will come to light to see the world in a different light, the revelation of these truths will show how humanity has been deceived.
Many historical facts will be examined to find the exact truth.
For example, how tsunamis, abnormal weather conditions and earthquakes in Japan, Central America and Haiti were deliberately caused by the cabal through secret government agencies.
The fate of thousands of missing children around the world will be known. Also how and why diseases such as cancer, Ebola, AIDS, SARS, MERS, H5N1, Zika, Morgellons and Covid have been deliberately created.
The Khazarian Mafiosi have set their sights on total control of the world’s population and possession of all the Earth’s resources, in which trillions have been invested.
Gold, silver and oil are the main goals of these Illuminati, in addition to absolute control over oil resources, water and fertile land, which are the preferred resources they need to further their agenda.
Anyone who opposes this is eliminated, as in the case of Hugo Chavez, the President of Venezuela, who was deliberately killed by infected cancer cells.
Wars are created and fought to get their hands on huge amounts of resources; Iraq and Libya are two known and obvious examples.
The attitude is that no country should own its resource wealth. Countries that are not served by the New World Order and stand up for their own sovereignty are crushed.
Hidden History of the incredibly evil Khazarian Mafia
Readers, are advised to take some time to read below very carefully the condensed information extracted from President Woodrow Wilson’s memoirs.
Think deeply about who exactly is responsible for the secretly controlled Federal Reserve Act & Income Tax legislation of 1913, and the horribly manipulated League of Nations of WWI & WWII that Wilson talked about.
Because President Wilson knew in his bones who the barbarians at the gate were, having been forced to learn the hard way!
It should be intuitively obvious at this late date that all the genocidal cataclysms meticulously orchestrated over the past 250 years could only have been carried out with such astounding success by an extremely close-knit tribe of criminally insane murderers and pathologically ingrained thieves. For only a deeply perverse and exceedingly diabolical bloodline, with such ingrained bloodlust and unrelenting savagery, could have ever achieved the following seventy odd assaults on humanity:
- The Second Boer War,
- Russo-Japanese War,
- Sixth Cholera Pandemic,
- Mexican Revolution,
- First and Second Balkan Wars,
- Armenian Genocide,
- World War I,
- Bolshevik Revolution,
- Russian Civil War,
- 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic.
- The Great Depression,
- Holodomor Genocide,
- Chinese Civil War,
- Spanish Civil War,
- World War II,
- The Holocaust,
- First Indochina War,
- Korean War,
- French-Algerian War,
- Israel’s War of Independence,
- First Sudanese Civil War,
- 1956 Suez Crisis,
- Asian Flu Pandemic,
- Cuban Revolution.
- 1967 Six-Day War,
- Yom Kippur War,
- Chinese Cultural Revolution,
- 1982 Lebanon War,
- Second Lebanon War,
- Soviet-Afghan War,
- Vietnam War,
- 1968 Hong Kong Flu Pandemic,
- 1973 Oil Crisis,
- HIV/AIDS Pandemic,
- Cambodian Genocide,
- Rwandan Genocide,
- First & Second Chechen Wars,
- Black Monday–October 19, 1987,
- Japanese Banking Crisis of 1990s,
- 1994 Mexican Peso Crisis.
- Yugoslav Wars,
- Iraq Wars,
- 1997 Asian Financial Crisis,
- 2000 Dotcom Bubble Burst,
- 9/11 Terrorist Attacks,
- Argentina Debt Default,
- War on Terror,
- Afghanistan War,
- Syrian War,
- Libyan War,
- 2007 Real Estate Market Collapse,
- 2008 Stock Market Crash,
- 2009 Global Financial Crisis,
- Ukraine War,
- COVID-19 Pandemic,
- Covid Super Vaccination Agenda,
For only a deeply perverse and exceedingly diabolical bloodline, with such ingrained bloodlust and unrelenting savagery, could have ever achieved the following seventy odd assaults on humanity:
They all have one thing in common: the Khazarian Cabal.
What’s the critical point?
The above list of crime waves against humanity and criminal exploits of various nations were all ‘obviously’ long planned ventures and highly organised enterprises.
Which in turn means that a very secret cabal of co-conspirators, who possessed an extraordinary amount of real wealth and raw power, were always working diligently in the background, pulling the right strings and pushing the necessary buttons to trigger centuries of truly apocalyptic events and intermittent Armageddons.
Well, guess who this incorrigibly criminal clan of hardcore killers and crazed kleptomaniacs might be?
The Hidden History of the Khazarian Cabal
Note: The below video presentation provides a grand sweep of the most consequential history of the last 2000 years regarding the “Khazarian Mafia” which has indeed been terrorising planet Earth for many centuries.
However, it is crucial for the viewer to correctly understand that it is actually the Khazarian Cabal that rules the entire planetary civilisation, of which the Khazarian Mafia is both the primary terrorist organisation and the law enforcement arm.
The other two major arms of the Khazarian Cabal are the
- Ashkenazi Banksters and the
- Zionist warmongers.
The neocon propagandists are also quite prominent in this conspiratorial plot to take over the world through terrorism and war.
While this video does an excellent job of telling the true story of the genocidal Khazarian Clan, there is one crucial chapter that has been left out due to the intended brevity of this production.
- “If the devil were ever to create the perfect entity through which he could carry out his most nefarious deeds undetected, it would be the public corporation”.
This monumental chapter concerns the Northern Italian Black Nobility (NIBN). And, in particular, the collusive relationship of business convenience that developed between the
- the Italian Catholic nobility, landed gentry and merchants And (ii)
- the Khazarian terrorists and their partners-in-crime – the pseudo-Jewish moneychangers/banksters who migrated to Northern Italy before and during the 13th century and throughout the 14th century.
Finally and most importantly, the great cities of Northern Italy such as Venice, Genoa, Milan, Turin, Florence, Bologna, Verona, etc. were the home of the world’s first corporations.
All of these corporations were founded under the auspices of the Roman Catholic Church, which means that even today the Vatican – a Khazarian-controlled institution – has full command and global control of the entire corporatocracy through the Jesuit overlords of Rome.
Source: Northern Italian Black Nobility:
Who They Really Are & Where They Came From
The corporatocracy, which wraps itself around the planet like a bloodsucking octopus, has been secretly established by Khazarian henchmen.
But where did the necessary capital come from that so quickly facilitated the formation of a global corporation and capitalised the largest banking houses in Europe?
Khazarian henchmen have secretly established the corporatocracy that wraps around the planet like a bloodsucking octopus
After all, it took a massive infusion of capital to build the necessary corporate architecture in those rudimentary stages of corporatocracy. And especially when the subsequent construction of the massive global military-industrial complex was the ultimate goal to sustain the planned perpetual war economy of today.
The black nobility of northern Italy built their fortunes on three of the greatest conquests of all time.
- They inherited the accumulated wealth of the most rapacious empire in history – the Roman Empire, ahead of the British Empire.
- They seized the spoils of the nine great crusades to the Middle East.
- They were the direct beneficiaries of the unprecedented transfer of wealth from East to West that followed the voyages of the Venetian Marco Polo to the Mongol Empire of Kublai Khan, from where the Silk Road was rebuilt.
Source: Northern Italian Black Nobility
The key takeaway from this well-concealed history is that the current global economic and financial system was built around these NIBN banking houses and original corporations, all set up throughout Northern Italy under the protective umbrella of the Roman Catholic Church.
This obscured fact of history is a highly significant development because it is how the NIBN oligarchs and their Khazarian henchmen have secretly established the corporatocracy that wraps around the planet like a bloodsucking octopus.
This means that the “corporation” is the primary means by which the Khazarian-controlled Northern Italian Black Nobility today continually rapes, pillages and plunders the world community of nations with virtually absolute impunity.
So the whole world is controlled by these Khazarian mafia families.
Please watch below video to the end. It’s not only the best history lesson you’ll ever get, it will give you a good understanding of everything that’s going on around the globe today.
Take the time to learn first-hand about our global evil that can and must now be eliminated by We the People with the help of our Galactic brothers and sisters.
Remember, it is now or never. So stand up and be counted in this process, for together we are the most powerful force for the Khazarian removal from planet Earth.
Information submitted by Revisionist Historians for World Peace
Stay tuned to FWC as more major revelations are expected about the endemic professional corruption in health care. Pharmaceutical medicine will be shown to be a manipulative tool designed to make people sick rather than heal them.
Spread this message far and wide.
- God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
- All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
- My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.
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