Equilibrium in Changing Times
By Judith Kusel
Posted on February 20, 2025
To be on the earth – but not of her, takes self-discipline, as much as it requires rest, silence and being in nature. It also means that one continues to do the inner work, for as systems collapse, and the winds of change often feel more like hurricanes than a gentle breeze, and when we need to look inward, instead of outwards.
I had experiences in the last two weeks, where I was reminded of this. I was asking for assistance and guidance from my cosmic teams, but I was already organizing my own outcomes, instead of just staying steadily on course, and allowing things to unfold as it should.
Interestingly what happened then, was that I ended up in place where the owner of what was supposed to have become my work retreat, openly admitted to spraying pesticides in the home, plus even fumigating, for because of the “insects.”
Now this was right next to the swamp area, where of course insects, birds, and wildlife are the natural inhabitants. The end result was that I had an enormous allergic reaction – in more ways than once. I ended up home with a sore head, sore throat, sneezing and coughing.
It was then that I finally just simply let go, and decided I am going to stay put, and change my schedule instead, get up before dawn and work at nighttime and weekends instead.
The amazing thing which happened next was that suddenly everything started falling into place, once I had gotten out of my own way, and I finally sat down and had a good laugh! My cosmic teams, indeed, had orchestrated a miracle for me – and I could only see this once I had gotten out of my own way!
This is what is happening to so many of us.
Sometimes when I (without wanting to, but inevitably) stumble across the posts which come from a country, I will not mention, who just had a change in government, and the negative energy streaming forth from some of them, I just simply delete them from my feed.
And then I simply send in the violet flame of transmutation, even as I am sending it daily into my own country, for heaven knows, we have our own problems to deal with and there is not only single country in the world, who has not got their own share of problems and the negative karma is now surfacing everywhere, for those negative patterns need to be cleared and finally forgiven and let go, everywhere.
Globally. Collectively.
Yet, we can choose whether we will get stuck in all this negativity or not. I definitely choose to get my own life in order, and live the best life I can, and silently go my own way. The Cosmic way, knowing that in truth we are all one. What I see in others is there within me too!
It is no wonder that Mother Earth needs to purify, and purge for she is busy transmuting all the muck so that she too can breathe and live!
The good news is that when we keep ourselves disciplined and focused on what we truly wish to cocreate now, on the life we would love to live in the New Earth, then our whole energy fields shift. For I, for one, in my Huna Prayers every morning, am focusing on fulfilling my soul mission and purpose on earth, the new earth and the New Golden Age, and leave a lasting legacy for the new Humanity.
Yes, I have never had an easy life, and I have had to overcome so much that I realized years ago that my own life is my sole responsibility, and no one else’s. If I do not get my act in order, and be totally focused on rendering the highest possible service, with love and joy, then who will? I had no one to fall back upon. As simple as that!
It taught me an awful lot, for I realized that when the calling and the vision, is greater than myself, I cannot do nor be other than be and live that calling, that vision, and BECOME it!
Whatever my government was doing or not doing, has long since been of no concern to me. For I know that whatever has to play itself out, will, with or without my support. I spend my focus and attention on what I can do to render inspiration, to teach, to assist other souls on their journey through life.
And if something bothers me, like environment issues, animals, or land, or whatever, then I simply call in cosmic help. It never fails. More than this, to be grateful for life itself, for everything, and to seek to find beauty, harmony, joy, everywhere, knowing it first needs to start within myself!
Yes, I know so many of you are being challenged, and so many of you now face to leave the old life behind, and yes, it is not easy. I have been there – I know. Yet, what I also do know is that those are the exact times when one is being carried on the wings of angels, and you can only see it in retrospect! The eagle, to fly above it all, like an eagle and rise higher than before!
And when I am being challenged, I sit down and look for the upside. How is this serving me? Yes, the upside is somewhere, even if it finally slams the door shut in your face, and you have no other option than look for alternatives elsewhere. Yes, I have been there too.
It is not easy to shed skin, after skin, after skin, until we stand stripped naked to the core of our souls! No hiding places anymore. Just incredibly vulnerable. Yet at that moment, we finally arrived!
I have often in my life, like Martin Luther have stood before the Divine Source, and the cosmic counsels and said: “Here I AM. I can do no other. So, help me Divine Source (God is you prefer).”
Yet, in those moments, I felt at deep peace, and inner knowing, that here is a much higher masterplan unfolding, and I am but a tiny player within this masterplan, and yet, I slot in exactly where I am meant to be. And so do you!
When we finally let go of the outcome, and allow ourselves to dissolve, we find we can rise like Phoenix from the ashes and find ourselves reborn!
And through it, all LOVE holds us, carries us, strengthens us, nurtures us, Divine Love. Infinite Love. All embracing love.
Were we ever alone? No. We were carried in the heart of the Divine Feminine, as her dearly beloved child, with whom she is well pleased.
For in truth, we can never fall out the Divine Hands, only over, and then lovingly helped to stand up again and to allow ourselves to be carried on the wings of angels. And mostly we are not even aware of those angels, until we look back and finally see!
Yes, life is a journey, and not a final destination. We are here for not even a single eyewink in eternity.
And indeed it is an honor and a privilege to be here at this momentous time, and to be able to be purified and transfigured into our 7th dimensional Lightbody (yes it is already here) and with love, and pure intent, and from the depths of our heart and soul, co-create the New Golden Age.
Yet, that co-creation first starts within you. Not outside!
My notes: - God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
- All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
- My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite than the Zionists.
Reminder discernment is recommendedfrom the heart, not from the mind The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. TRUTH need no protection. Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?
Main Sites:
My notes:
- God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
- All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
- My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite than the Zionists.
Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT.
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?
Main Sites:
Social Media:
(email:nai@violetflame.biz.ly) Google deleted my former blogs rayviolet.blogspot.com & rayviolet2.blogspot.com just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford'sFebruary 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.(A Big Fat Lie) Also rayviolet11.blogspot.com on Sep/13, 2024
rayviolet2.blogspot.com just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.
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