Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Get Excited About What Is to Come

Get Excited About What Is to Come

The 9D Arcturian Council 

Channel Daniel Scranton

Posted on March 19, 2025

We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 

We have no reason to doubt humanity because we have seen all of your future timelines, and we can assure you that you are moving in the right direction, which is the only direction you can be moving in at this time of ascension. And so, we encourage you to enjoy your ascension experience. Don’t work so hard. Don’t put so much pressure on yourselves, and don’t think that you should be further along than you currently are. Because if you think that way, you will create that experience for yourselves. Acceptance is key in your expansion and evolution.

You must accept yourselves where you are, your governments where they are, the other people in your life where they are. And you must accept that you have to wait a little longer for extra-terrestrial contact to occur on a worldwide basis. Now, we know that you have been taught to believe in a good, hardworking ethic to bring about changes that you want to see in your world. You have been taught that it takes hard work, sacrifice, long hours, and even pain in order to experience gain.

You are supposed to be enjoying this ride, and if you are not, then you are in resistance to something. Resistance is the opposite of acceptance. And as we said, acceptance will get you everywhere. Resistance will get you nowhere. You will be coming to us and saying that you feel stuck, you feel blocked, and you don’t know why. You may be resisting your life as it is. You may be resisting yourself as you are. You may be resisting humanity as it is, showing up right now in your current reality, and all of these things will keep you in that loop so that you keep experiencing what you are experiencing until you change.

You always have the opportunity to change, and acceptance will be that first step to the change that you want to experience. So when we say acceptance, we do not mean that you accept it, and then it stays that way forevermore. We mean that you must accept what is in order to bring about what is next, and there is always something next. Don’t be in such a hurry to get there. There are lots of pieces of the journey to experience and enjoy along the way, including your own personal e.t. contact experiences, which are not dependent on humanity’s readiness for theirs.

If you feel that you should have unlocked more of your spiritual gifts by now, then you need to relax more, open up more, and receive what is already yours, what is already there, already coming to you.

You don’t have to go struggling around looking for those spiritual gifts. They will float up to the surface as you drop your resistance to yourself as you currently are.

Get excited about what is to come while simultaneously accepting what is, and you will be on the best possible path. You will put yourselves on the best possible timeline as individuals, And there will always be a collective of humans for you to travel with on each and every timeline that you choose. Choose wisely, because you are always choosing, and you are choosing with your thoughts, beliefs, and vibration.

Let everything that feels dark and heavy to you go. It does not need to be a part of your experience anymore. You are doing better than you think, and we just wanted to give you these little reminders in case you started to go down a path of despair by looking around yourself at your life and the world at large. Instead, you can always look for the positives. You can always look for how humanity is changing for the better, because there is evidence to be found of that every single day.

We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.

Daniel Scranton

My notes: 

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