Tuesday, March 18, 2025

It's the end of the (solar) year and the next 2 days are full-on

It's the end of the (solar) year and the next 2 days are full-on

By Jennifer Hoffman

Posted on January 18, 2025

In 2 days we start a new solar year, the Equinox is March 20. This is a very important Equinox and not just because it features Venus and Mercury retrograde, and is right in the middle of 2 eclipses.

We are moving between stress and success, between the density of 3D and creative force of 5D, being shaken from our lethargy and pulled from polarity into duality.

The 4D bridge is either a very attractive option or it's a 'no go zone'.

So many options but really only one choice - do you move along the Ascension path into 5d living or stay in 3D and continue to heal, integrate, align, and stay in karma cycles.

And the choice isn't obvious because it means big changes to how we live, who we live with, who is in our inner circle and who is not going to be part of our lives any more.

It is stressful and exciting at the same time.

Our energy field is stretched to the max and our emotions are in a battle with our intention.

What is the final outcome in this final countdown to our new solar year?

This is the first solar year with Pluto in Aquarius, a real watershed moment for us.

It is also the last one with Neptune in Pisces as it ends its 14 year Pisces placement.

Our Ascension path is changing course and we have to be ready for this monumental change.

A lot is changing in these next few days and weeks. Are you ready? I am!

Shine on - hands on the wheel and eyes on the road because we're traveling fast now.
We have come full circle - no way to go but up, out, and beyond.

Shine on - go with the glow.

Many bright blessings,

Jennifer Hoffman

about Jennifer Hoffman

  • Jennifer Hoffman is the celebrated master intuitive, iconic Energy Savante, 8x best selling author, host of the Enlightening Life LIVE broadcast and the longest newsletter in publication, starting in February 2004.
  • Jennifer is the expert on energy congruence, alignment, and integration, the leading voice in self awareness and energy boundaries, and the author of more than 5000 articles and publications. She is also the founder of the GPS Business Academy, (gpsbusinessacademy.com) where she shares her business education, experience, and expertise to help people start, manage, and grow their business.
  • And Jennifer’s new skin care line, Peau D’Ange is gaining international acclaim as a source of high vibe, restorative, and nourishing skin treatment. Learn more about Peau D’Ange and the Femme Force community at femmeforcenow.com

Compiled by http://violetflame.biz.ly from: 


My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: No one is more anti-Semite than the Zionists [fake Jews].

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