Saturday, March 22, 2025

The Changemaker You’re Looking For Is You

The Changemaker You’re Looking For Is You

Hakann trough A. S.

Posted on March 22, 2025


My dearest brothers and sisters,

This is Hakann speaking. I greet you in peace and love.

As always, what I share isn’t the sole objective truth. Instead, I’m offering a perspective — and if I were in your shoes, my perspective might be entirely different. Obviously, I am speaking from a very privileged position, living in a society that many of you would consider to be utopian.

Still, it is useful to be able to view the world from different perspectives. So I will offer my perspective, without implying that it is the only valid perspective. Your perspective may be different yet be entirely valid too.

My perspective is that a much better world isn’t far away.

That better world is going to arrive regardless, but how quickly it arrives, and how graceful versus how painful the journey to it will be, depends on humanity’s free-will choices.

From my perspective, the current greatest obstacles to a speedy arrival of this far better world aren’t the dark controllers. It’s also not the refusal of the sleepers to wake up. It’s not Trump, or the gray hats in general moving more slowly than would be ideal. It’s not us galactics refusing to land already.

From my perspective, the two current greatest obstacles to a speedy arrival of this far better world is:

– one, a lack of consciousness, which also means a lack of love. To address this, most of our recent messages have been focused on self-improvement. Doing your own spiritual and self-healing work, and being kind to others, remains of critical importance.

– and two, people are programmed to think that they are powerless, and they need to wait for some other person to be the changemaker.

You’re like the elephant that grew up being chained to a small wooden pole, and back when it was small it tried to free itself and it learnt that it couldn’t.

And now that the elephant is big and strong, it still thinks that it can’t free itself. But in actuality, it easily could free itself today.

I understand that in previous years, attempts to peacefully demonstrate, to come together with others to build better or alternative structures, to share truth et cetera, haven’t worked as well as you had hoped. Yet the energies are much higher now than they were even a few months ago, and now a relatively small amount of effort by a relatively few light workers could make a huge difference.

I’m not saying that one person starting one initiative will instantly bring about New Earth. However, your initiatives will have a huge impact, and may well have quite favorable conditions because the collective is ready for new ideas and new ways of living. Pretty much everyone realizes and agrees, from left to right, from man to woman, from young to old, that this current way of living isn’t working very well.

To be clear, I’m not suggesting that you pick up a gun and try to arrest the bad guys yourself. That wouldn’t be productive. That is the task of the military, police forces, intelligence agency forces or even for us Galactics.

I’m also not suggesting that you label one huge group of people as being the good people or the people who are 100% right, and one other huge group of people as being the bad people or the people who are 100% wrong. That’s not going to heal the world.

Although if you have a more nuanced perspective, and see that both sides have some valid points and some points where they’re wrong (not necessarily the same amount but at least some), then perhaps you could make some positive contributions to a political war, culture war, gender war or literal war situation. If you feel called towards that — if you don’t, it’s entirely fine to avoid those topics.

I suggest that you follow your heart or your soul or your inner guidance, and see if there’s some desire in you. For example there may be a desire to peacefully protest, or to come together with like-minded people, or to create new ways of living together with people, or to form a meditation group, or to share truth, et cetera. Any of these initiatives, and many others besides, would be wonderful idea and a great contribution.

The changemaker you’re looking for isn’t Trump, and isn’t Ashtar. The changemaker you’re looking for is you, yourself. Or perhaps you and a group of like-minded people.

It’s a cliche at this point, but the advice “be the change you want to see in the world” really is as precious as gold.

Now, will it be a challenge to indeed be that change you want to see in the world? Yes. But you are up for the challenge. You are so much more amazing and so much more powerful and well-prepared than you are likely giving yourself credit for.

So many people think that first someone else needs to create a nice environment for them, and then they can do their work or create their community or publicly offer their service or live their purpose. But if everyone else waits for someone else to be the changemaker… then things will still progress, but they will do so more slowly than you might like.

After all, you are a reincarnating soul, and your lower self (your body, conscious mind and emotions) are merely your vehicle for this one life you’re currently in.

Galactics, angels and even most souls of Earth humans care far more about soul growth than about the well-being of your lower selves. Which is why us galactics are certainly going to intervene at some point if necessary, but that point may be later than your lower self would prefer. More specifically, the point of our intervention will likely be the exact moment when most souls of Earth humans start wanting us to intervene openly — which isn’t yet the case.

Therefore, waiting for us to intervene is a choice you can make, but we think Earth humans in general, and likely you specifically as well, will be happier if you take action yourself before that point.

It’s about 70 – 75% likely (although it depends on your choices, and probabilities change all the time) that we’ll either land openly this year, or that we’ll privately meet individual lightworkers this year who are ready for that. And if it’s not this year, it’ll likely be in 2026 or 2027.

Still, either us landing openly or us meeting ready Earth humans doesn’t mean that instantly you will live on New Earth. It will be an amazing and wonderful and heart-opening moment, certainly, and I am very much looking forward to it, and we will help you and we are covertly helping right now. However we’re still looking towards Earth humans to build New Earth. We’re not just going to walk out of our spaceships, have a swarm of robots start mass construction projects, and impose a new way of living upon you. Instead, it is people like you who will, and quite possibly already are, contributing towards building this better New Earth.

No one is asking that you single-handedly transform Earth society. All I’m suggesting is that you do your best to offer your own contribution towards this process. And if currently doing your best means just taking care of yourself, then that is absolutely fine, and that too is a contribution towards New Earth.

The good news is that with energies rising, starting new initiatives and speaking the truth is now easier than it used to be. You will have the metaphorical wind in your back. That doesn’t mean it will be easy or that everything will immediately succeed without pushback, but it will be ultimately doable. And the energies also mean that every day, more and more people are waking up and are feeling nudges towards doing the right thing.

Note that two seemingly opposite worldviews are both born out of a drastic underestimation of how amazing you are and how much you can contribute if you put your mind to it.

On one hand, there are people saying that white hats, or us galactics, are amazing and that very soon we’ll single-handedly fix everything. This sounds superficially like an inspiring message, however it completely overlooks how amazing you are and how much you can contribute towards building a new Earth. This message implies that people should wait for either white hat saviors or galactic saviors. And likely you didn’t come to Earth to wait for someone else to save you. You likely came to Earth to be one of the changemakers yourself.

On the other hand, there are people saying that every Earth person in a position of power is a black hat and that us galactics are either all evil, or that we’re just not going to land or help or meet people any time soon. And this message, too, underestimates just how wonderful you are, how amazing you are and how profound the change is that you can make. The real power on Earth lies in the people — they’ve just been passive. But if the people actually productively and non-violently start working towards a better world, without letting themselves be divided into separate opposing groups or giving their power away, then there is nothing that the dark controllers can do to stop that.

For the sake of completeness, I will also add that both of these worldviews aren’t just overlooking the importance of people like you working towards New Earth. Both of these world views are also simply not true.

About the “white hats or galactics will save us” narrative:

If Earth humans keep failing to take sufficient action, then yes at some point us galactics will intervene, but that won’t be in the very near future. And it’s also not logical to say that those Earth humans in positions of power who are fighting the dark controllers, are white hats who are in full control behind the scenes. If they were fully in control white hats, for example they would have stopped the chemtrailing. But they haven’t.

They’re not white hats, they’re gray hats. And they’re merely largely in control, they’re not fully in control. Hence, while they genuinely are doing some good things, I wouldn’t advise just waiting for them.

I also don’t agree that every person in a position of power is a black hat. If that were the case, you would be in either a pandemic lockdown or a climate lockdown today, and new health-destroying injections would be mandatory. You would have the choice between either using a central bank digital currency, or literally being unable to buy groceries.

If every person in a position of power was a black hat, then the relatively small number of awake people wouldn’t be able to prevent those things, because there would be too many asleep police officers and similar just following black hat orders. There would also be a hot war between NATO versus Russia and China going on today. The fact that these things aren’t happening illustrates that while there are very few outright white hats in positions of power, there are quite a few gray hats in positions of power and they oppose the black hat agenda.

Those who claim that everyone is a black hat, may point at Trump and claim that he’s a black hat. Now, certainly there are a number of valid criticisms you can make about the person pretending to be Trump (the real Trump is dead). However, Trump 2.0 is a gray hat, not a black hat.

For one, he has taken important steps to secure the border, which is severely hindering black hat drug trafficking and human trafficking. If Trump were an actual black hat, he wouldn’t be disrupting those black hat money makers. Also, Trump is revealing via DOGE just how corrupt and wasteful the government is. This is doing a whole lot to wake up the people. And that is an absolutely crucial variable in this ascension process. The very last thing that the dark controllers want is for the people to wake up.

So: both the positions that white hats or galactics will fix everything any day now, and the position that every person in a position of power is a black hat, are both false views. They dramatically overlook the very important factor that awake people can make a huge difference and can together create a New Earth.

You are the ones you’ve been waiting for.

Us galactics have suggested to the gray hats that they move faster in certain areas (such as stopping chemtrailing), and they refused. So this slow pace of Earth’s liberation isn’t our preference. However, the slowness of this process is offering the lesson to people that waiting for external saviors isn’t a New Earth thing to do. So while it’s still not our preference, the failure of the gray hats to move quickly is offering the lesson to people that they themselves should be the change they want to see in the world.

And yes, it is very hard. It is very unfair. It is very tough. But that’s why you’re on Earth. If it wasn’t hard, you wouldn’t have needed to come to Earth to share your light and to make a change.

If building New Earth had been an easy job, then a soul as experienced and wise as yourself wouldn’t have had to come to Earth.

It’s not that you’re on Earth, and it’s very tough. It’s because Earth is very tough that someone as amazing as you are there.

It’s not that you’re on Earth, and people are so unconscious. It’s because people are so unconscious that someone as clear-seeing as you are there.

You’ve got this.

With my deepest love and respect for you,

Your star brother,


A. S.

These channelings are exclusively submitted to by the channeler. If you wish to share them elsewhere, please include a link back to this original post.

If you are interested in local meetings with other people also seeking first contact with benevolent ETs, then please see . If you search with control-F for @, then you can quickly find email addresses of those who are organizing local groups. It's also not too late to post a new (secondary) email address yourself to start a new local group, because we plan to keep linking to that post for the foreseeable future. 


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 On the Blogs:

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

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