Guarding Portlas
By Adama of Telos
Channel: Aurelia
Posted on April 13, 2024

They are mainly evolved beings from the angelic kingdom, as well as those you call extraterrestrials. They have volunteered for these “jobs.” Since they exist in great numbers in each group in the Light Realms, they take turns fulfilling these positions, thus avoiding drudgery for anyone at any time. These portals and corridors of Light are filled with various kinds of wondrous and interesting “comfort stations” of great beauty that cosmic travellers use to meet friends, to recharge their energies, or to simply receive in-formation and direction. At times, they are the sites of great encounters between beings from many dimensions.
Following are a few guidelines for some of the portals for this planet, solar system and galaxy. The same principles apply everywhere, but the higher you go in frequency, the more highly evolved are the guardians of these portals.
The first rule is that no one can travel freely through por¬tals or gateways to dimensions higher than the level of consciousness they themselves have attained. You must first have the permission of those who reside where you want to go.
Permission is sometimes granted to souls who are not yet at the necessary level if they are accompanied by a sponsor, a being from a higher dimension who accompanies them. A planetary ascended master who has attained a high level of consciousness may also volunteer to take such a soul to their destination.
For example, if you were personally called to the Great Central Sun of this Universe for an interview with the Father/Mother God, a being such as Sananda, Mother Mary or Saint Germain could take you there or an emissary from that plane would come to get you.
In order to get there, you would have to travel through various multi-dimensional planetary, galactic and universal corridors and gateways. Unless you are with someone who has a cosmic passport to travel those corridors, you may not be allowed to go all the way to the Great Central Sun.
The role of the guardians is to maintain the integrity and purity of the various planetary systems, galaxies and universes.
Each corridor, gateway, portal and grid system is guarded by beings who resonate with the level of frequency of the place they are protecting. Unless this resonance is matched, entry may be denied. These rules safeguard the integrity, purity and efficiency of those portals and corridors. Understand that if you were to travel to the Great Central Sun or the Galactic core through these corridors, it is a very great physical distance from the Earth plane. If I were to explain in detail all the steps, it would fill several chapters and you would see how complicated this becomes.
In reality, when one has attained the level of evolution that is required to travel to those places, it only takes seconds to arrive there.
These corridors allow cosmic travelers to visit countless planets or galaxies and places beyond this uni¬verse. Your travel happens in the twinkle of an eye, unless you choose to make several stops along the cosmic highways to enjoy the view and social activities.
A long time ago, in our solar system and Milky Way galaxy, the Arcturians took on the job of creating and maintaining a large percentage of our multi-dimensional portals and cor-ridors. They have become great experts in this work, and their expertise has been and will continue to be in demand throughout this entire universe. The role of the guardians of portals is to prevent unwanted energies from infiltrating places of great purity and wisdom. It is also to offer direc¬tion, guidance, comfort and information to travelers who are learning multi-dimensional travel and traveling those corridors for the first time. You may want to consider these guardians as “diplomatic relation teams.”
Actually, none of this happens exactly the way I am explaining it to you now. The complexity simply cannot be explained and comprehended from a third dimensional perspective. This explanation will give you a basic idea, how¬ever, of how it works. Spacecraft also travel through those systems of corridors, gateways and grid systems to go wherever they want at great speed.
Although I mentioned that the Arcturians are the great masters and guardians of the main portals of this galaxy, they are not the only ones. Each planetary system has its own portal and corridor system that is guarded and maintained, usually by advanced souls from that same sys¬tem.
The Sirians and the Andromedans, among others, also work in close collaboration with the Arcturians to maintain these vast and numerous multi-dimensional openings.
Those of you who are star-seeds, who have come to this planet from other worlds, are already familiar with most of these portals, corridors and the Beings who guard them. When you are not in a physical body, you already know how to get back and forth.
Once you have completed your evolutionary process here of ascension and enlightenment, you will remember how to do this quite easily. Your grand cosmic passport will be returned to you with the stamp for a much expanded arena of cosmic traveling than the one you previously were allowed. I promise that you will never be bored or weary again unto eternity. You will be free to join those who are busy exploring and expanding.
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My notes:
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT.
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?
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( Google deleted my former blogs & just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.(A Big Fat Lie)
February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.
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