The Light is Overcoming the Shadows of Darkness
Archangel Michael
Channel: James McConnell
Posted on April 13, 2024

I am Archangel Michael. I come to be with you at this time, at this amazing time of change that you are moving into at this point. Change that many of you have been expecting for quite some time but have been largely discouraged because it hasn’t happened yet. Those things that you are expecting to happen, that you have heard will happen, will indeed happen, but not on your timeframe, not on the timeframe of the people of the earth, but on divine time, divine happening.
What is approaching is a divine happening that you are moving into. I speak now, yes, of that solar eclipse that you have spoken of in your discussion earlier. And this is a momentous occasion that is about to happen. Not so much the solar flash, but a prelude to the solar flash. Just as the solar eclipse in the 2017 was a prelude to this solar eclipse. One is leading to the other and to the other and to the other. This is how it works. And look back on those things, those changes that happened in 2017. It was the birth of a new era that began in your political scene with the advent of the one that came in on the scene at that time and began to shift, creating many shifts in the consciousness of man at that time. Not only here in this country, in America, but all across the world, those changes began. And this is the advent which you are approaching now, the advent of changes once again.
A doorway opening up into a higher realm of consciousness, of moving closer and closer to the oneness that you all are seeking, into the higher level of life and the freedom that you are all looking toward. But yes, indeed, there are those forces of darkness that are seizing this opportunity to express themselves and to spread fear wherever they can. But there are the forces of light that are there to counter those moves. So you must understand that it is all part of the divine plan. As the Prime Creator, the Source of this universe stepped forward and said enough is enough. And has put forth the energy and the effort to bring about the changes that are needed to bring light from the shadows. And this is what is represented by your solar eclipse. The shadow moving over and the light overtaking the shadow once again. But the light that comes forward after the shadow is a new higher level of light, a new higher level of energy that will spring forth.
And it is indeed springing forth, because this is the advent of spring in this area of the country that most of you hail from. So understand that it is all part of the signs of the times and the signs of the skies that are springing forth at this point to point the way to a new higher level of understanding and oneness and truth. Truth to come forward from every direction, from directions that you will not even expect. But once they do come forth, you will look back at this day, these days, these weeks, these months ahead and say to those who will listen at that time, I was a part of this! I was there when it all began.
I am Archangel Michael and I leave you now in peace and love and oneness and that you will continue to understand that this is all part of the miracle that is ahead for all of us.
Compiled by from:
- james mcconnell, archangel michael, michael,
alliance, ascension, awakening, boots on the ground, breakthrough, changes, crystal pendulum, cloning operations, compression, finish the game, great awakening, greater plan, guidance, higher consciousness, higher self, independence, kara, kara of the pleiades, life itself, lockdowns, love, med-bed, meditate, one who serves, ows, pleiades, reset, revaluation, saint germain, shanti, shoshanna, the cabal, the jouney, the picture, the storm,
My notes:
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT.
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?
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Google deleted my former blogs & just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.
February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.
(A Big Fat Lie)
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