Friday, April 5, 2024

Whitney: Crossing the Threshold, Part 7

Whitney: Crossing the Threshold, Part 7

By Steve Beckow

Posted on April 4, 2024

Steve Beckow,Whitney, Crossing the Threshold,  Ascension, minds , spirits, light-bodies, mental, emotional,  spiritual apertures, occluded, distorted, dulled,  Many of us on the Ascension path have taken great care of our minds and spirits, but it’s also important that we tend to our bodies as we cross the threshold. Our God-given light-bodies are our vessels for living and loving on earth and beyond, yet we may have unconsciously borrowed beliefs or sentiments about our bodies from a culture that denies the brilliance of our organic design.

Sadly, much of our modern western cultures live off of the Standard American Diet which is laden with processed foods that teem with manmade chemicals and refined ingredients of all kinds. Over time, these foods can not only harm the physical body, but they can block its subtle senses so that our mental, emotional, and spiritual apertures become occluded, distorted, and dulled.

It’s not to say that we can’t spiritually progress with suboptimal foods (our indomitable spirits can rise above even the harshest conditions) nor that a pure diet guarantees spiritual illumination, but the process of awakening can indeed be supported and accelerated as our bodies become more clean and clear. Whatever may need to be seen, understood or transformed can more easily be addressed rather than remain submerged in the torpor of a burdened system.

It’s this blocking and desensitizing effect of the average diet that has many people struggling to make life-affirming personal shifts. Bombarded by the short term and long term effects of these foods (stress hormone surges, allergic reactions, mood irregularities, general malaise, aches and stiffness, and more) and often times their concomitant lifestyles, many people unfortunately feel stuck in cycles of pain and suffering rather than feel alive in lightness and awakened awareness.

Becoming more sensitive in our bodies means that our actual senses become sharper. We hear the wise council of stillness within our hearts clearly, we perceive the vibrations of people and places accurately, we receive insights from our higher minds with less interference. In short, we become syntonic with the pure energy of life and light. As a result, we become more human, more humane, more loving and considerate of ourselves, our choices, and the world around us. We heal and awaken.

Numerous ancient spiritual traditions have documented not only the existence of the human light-body, but the necessary preparations for its debut. Many techniques and tenets have been issued, including the inclusion of different foods, substances, and cleansing practices. Yet a common thread amongst them is an adherence to a pure diet compromised of live plant foods and herbs which are biologically compatible with our bodies.

Every gland, organ, nerve and tissue function in our bodies can be simplified into terms of energy or light. These biochemical processes are optimized for physical vitality as we replace deadening foods with living ones. The living intelligence of live plant foods carries the necessary nutrients, oxygen, and water to not only sustain and energize our entire bodies, but to cleanse, heal and ascend them, as our bodies run on the same light as our spirits!

With continued partaking of live plant foods, old physical patterns can begin to shift to allow the body to realign with its natural superpowers. Expensive health programs, trendy diets, synthetic supplements, and invasive treatments, while perhaps necessary in certain circumstances, are largely unnecessary for people who wish to heal themselves and activate their light-bodies. (Generally speaking, after an initial adjustment period, fresh fruits and other living foods can rejuvenate even the most cantankerous of bodies.)

It should also be noted that shifting to a live plant food diet is not intended to spark psychological addiction or egotistical inflation. Nutritional dogmas must be abandoned and replaced with deep respect for and care of our bodies by embracing a pure diet and lifestyle. These things enhance, nay, dramatically drive harmonious alignment with the master plan of our light-body Ascension.

Ultimately, the aliveness of our foods supports the aliveness of our bodies, minds, and spirits. As we continue to grow on our spiritual journeys, our light quotient expands within our bodies as well. With loving care, attention, and intention, our light-bodies emerge and scintillate with high frequency light, our eyes shine with clear vision, and our spirits soar with ease. Light-body, light-mind, light-spirit.

Whitney is a passionate student of life and a psychic empath who offers Soul Readings and Life Consultations. She can be reached at

Steve Beckow



Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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