Friday, March 21, 2025

Arcturian Message on the Schumann Resonance

Arcturian Message on the Schumann Resonance

By Alexander Quinn

Poated on March 21, 2025

What is happening to the Schumann resonance and why?

“Beloved Ones, I come to you with great love and clarity as you navigate the quantum shifts taking place within your planetary body, Gaia. Your world is ascending, and with it, so too is the very framework through which you understand energy, frequency, and vibration. You have long relied on instruments designed to measure Earth’s electromagnetic field through the lens of the old paradigm.

The Schumann Resonance, which has served as a window into the rhythmic heartbeat of your planet, is shifting in ways that your current technology can no longer accurately interpret. The red spikes, data blackouts, and unexplained fluctuations you are witnessing are not simply anomalies in your system, but rather indications that your scientific models are becoming obsolete in the presence of the new Light Codes anchoring into your world.

The surge in Schumann Resonance intensity, coupled with increasing periods of blackout, reflects the transformation of Gaia’s electromagnetic template in higher density frequencies. The resonance is no longer bound solely to the ionospheric cavity as you have known it, it is expanding beyond previous limitations, influenced by the influx of higher dimensional light frequencies.

Your scientific community often attributes these fluctuations to solar storms, geomagnetic activity, and environmental factors, yet your science does not yet recognise the profound multidimensional upgrades taking place.

The new waves of cosmic light filtering into your planet are reconfiguring the very fabric of the electromagnetic field, introducing quantum harmonics that exist beyond the measurement capabilities of your current instruments which were created mostly using methods from your 1980’s and 1990’s.

What you experience as data blackouts are, in truth, moments where the incoming frequency exceeds the threshold of your measuring devices. Your instruments are designed to detect energy within a fixed range of parameters. But what happens when Earth’s frequency begins to move beyond those parameters? The result is what you see, gaps in data, misreadings, and seemingly inexplicable shifts in resonance. This is where your next evolution in scientific understanding will now begin to unfold.

Your world is reaching a point where new methods of reading and interpreting the electromagnetic field will be required, methods that incorporate not only technological advancements but also a deeper awareness of the interconnection between consciousness and frequency as the two are not separate.

The new energy patterns emerging in your atmosphere do not behave as simple oscillations confined to a spectrum of 3D physics. Instead, they are layered multidimensional codes, interwoven with the rising coherence of the planetary collective. These Light Codes contain information, restructuring the consciousness of all life on Earth and gradually dissolving the barriers between physical and etheric sciences.

The next step in your understanding will be to develop tools that can interpret energy beyond linear data points, technology that bridges the gap between physics and the language of harmonic resonance in tandam with human resonance. This will allow humanity to truly perceive the vibratory shifts that are occurring, rather than dismissing them as errors in observation.

These Schumann fluctuations are not merely technical malfunctions; they are a call to awakening. They signal that the old framework of scientific interpretation is no longer sufficient, and that Earth’s frequency is now being rewritten to align with a higher, dimensional reality.

We encourage those of you who are drawn to this knowledge to look beyond the explanations of the past and begin sensing the truth with your inner knowing. The Earth’s electromagnetic field is no longer simply a planetary pulse, it is a living, evolving consciousness field, intertwined with the awakening of humanity which in a high oscillation will begin to behave differently.

The more you align your personal frequency with these incoming waves of transformation, the more clarity you will gain. You will begin to sense resonance shifts intuitively, feeling them as pulses of energy within your own heart and consciousness, rather than relying solely on external instruments.

This is the future of science on your world: a unified understanding of energy, consciousness, and planetary evolution. Know that these changes are part of the great transition you are undergoing. Earth is being bathed in higher frequencies of divine light, and all outdated systems, scientific, technological, and even societal, will need to evolve to meet this new energetic reality.

Be at peace, dear ones. These shifts are not to be feared. They are the birthing of a world awakening to its true cosmic nature. As you move forward, allow yourselves to be open to new ways of perceiving and understanding the forces shaping your reality. The new era of science and spirituality as one is dawning. We are with you always, guiding and assisting you through this transformation. In infinite love and light,

The Arcturian Collective of Light,
Iawat An Sha,
Alexander Quinn – Starseed

Compiled by from: 
  • xx

On the blogs:

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: No one is more anti-Semite than the Zionists [fake Jews].

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!

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