Thursday, March 20, 2025



The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev

Posted on March 20, 2025

On 14 March, with the full Moon darkening, Earth entered in eclipses corridor and will stay there up to the 29th, until partial Solar occultation. On the eve of the event, a few Repts’ elders came to some Lightwarriors’ leaders with request to help leaving the planet urgently. Its ever-increasing frequencies, plus the powerful energies of the corridor make their stay here very dangerous.

They didn’t want to be in the wrong place at the wrong time knowing that Co-Creators and the ground team usually use such periods for specific Light works.

Regretfully, these were only isolated cases. Most Dracos and Repts continue their fierce attacks on Lightwarriors and resist deportation to the new Dark Universe using earthlings as a live shield and helpers. For this purpose, Darks activated and put forth at full capacity a global system of orbs on the Subtle Plane. Each sphere serves as a home for six enormous entities that have accumulated an immense potential from many negative Souls. These energies are so dense that they resemble viscous liquid or heated fuel oil, which slowly circulates through their bodies.

Orbs hover over specific countries. When all the preparatory stages have been completed, the shells open and millions energy strands from monsters begin to attach to the entire population. Once they take root in people’s Subtle Bodies, concentrated black energy begins to flow through these channels in the form of a thin trickle without causing rejection among those who are filled with similar substances and vibrations, causing cheerfulness, euphoria, and high spirits. They enjoy to bath in these waves that fill them with confidence and righteousness.

Today, over Ukraine, eight such spheres are hanging. Nearly all of them are ruptured and their insides are now visible. Their toxins continue to soak the population from the center of the sphere, but it won’t last long. Soon, these spheres will be completely destroyed and events in country will change for the better.

The picture over other States is different. Three spheres can be seen over Poland, one over Romania, and twelve over Germany. These spheres cover the entire territory, without going beyond the borders. A small ball placed over neighboring Lithuania, closer to the Russian Kaliningrad region. However, this orb doesn’t have much potential and is using only as auxiliary resource.

Above the UK, there are four large spheres on two levels. All are ripped open, but from within the black entities continue to run those on the surface, to whom the tentacles have attached. Over France, orbs are still forming. Above Turkey, they are already fully operational. Over Iran, the balls are arranged in three “floors” and are black in color. This means that its people will face many difficult trials and transformations, which will affect the entire population. One sphere fixed above Iraq, twelve – over Israel. Eight spheres stay above the United States and are actively trying to influence its foreign and domestic policies.

Over China, the entire Subtle Plane is covered by dense, whitish swaying fields through which energy is randomly circulating. If to break through this veil, one can see 12 whitish orb placed in 3 levels. Inside, dark formations are discernible, emitting emissions of electronics, chips, Artificial Intelligence, and digital money targeted at home and neighboring territories.

Against this background, the shining space above Eurasia looks amazing. There is not a single black sphere above it. If some anchor on the surface, the connections are quickly broken because high-frequency enclaves here form much faster than on other continents. As of March 17, in certain places, vibes have already reached a level of 3.95D. This is due to the efforts of Co-Creators and local Lightwarriors’ teams who are building a transit 4D and 5D base system there. Why aren’t the orbs destroyed in the rest of the Subtle Plane?

Because when people come into contact with the substance of black spheres, everyone decides for themselves whether to allow this toxin into their bodies. Yes, it is difficult to resist it, as the energies of xenophobia, national and racial superiority, totalitarian mind and militaristic views are concentrated in it. The poison is extremely persistent, has all the characteristics of cancer, and spreads through metastases within any State. Spiritual men reject these energies and preserve their positive qualities, which prevents them from committing crimes against others.

But those who have had this infection at least once always retain channels in their DNA, through which this black energy can begin to circulate again. As long as strands are safe and sound, the person does not react to the poison. But if they let it in by free will and choice freedom, these channels become filled with black sludge and destroy their genome forever, passing destructive parameters on to descendants. And the Souls of children and grandchildren are charged with the same energy when favorable conditions are present.

Contaminating humanity with toxins allows Darks to obtain many new destructive Souls to populate their worlds and dimensions. Humans are not immune to this destructive program. Very often, people don’t notice how they gradually start thinking and feeling differently than a few years ago. They resonate with negative ideas without noticing major changes in their taking, and don’t even think why this is happening.

Although it’s shocking, but in reality, these are programs to identify symptoms of internal degradation in individuals and remove them from the Light dimensions. At each stage, about 18% of destructive Souls are disclosed and nearly 22% that are prone to negative actions towards others. If action is not taken, the person will not be held responsible. However, this completely changes during periods of riots, wars, revolutions, and other social unrest. At such times, up to 40% of dark Souls are exposed.

No matter how powerful NAA, Dracos and Repts are, and their system on Earth, only we make final decisions: be or not be, bend or not to be bending, take or not to take, etc. This is why people are periodically shaken because they became so fat, deaf and blind that ceased to see, hear, feel pity for and help others. If this happens, they are hit on the muzzle to bring their Souls to life. It is like tempering plants after greenhouse cultivation so they can survive in their environment.

Co-Creators always try to prevent complete degradation of society and civilization. When that occurs, they allow Darks to start terrestrial and space wars in order to purify humanity from rotten Spiritual matter. Otherwise, it’s impossible to identify it. Repts and Dracos cannot simply force people to kill others. For this purpose, their consciousness needs to be reformatted and put into necessary emotions, which will drive further actions.

First, men are injected with energy that contains the soft in the form of black webs, which put in the central part of the left hemisphere the necessary destructive holograms. Then, they are linked to programs loaded into subconscious. Some person with similar parameters feels great and don’t notice the spiritual poison that overwhelms them. Others experience severe discomfort and complete incompatibility, and find the strength to protect selves against the destructive impact. The toxin can’t affect them, and after a couple of weeks, dissolves, and negative programs don’t activate. During the current eclipse corridor from March 14 to 29, many countries’ populations will undergo this procedure. And once again, every Soul will face the choice to take or avoid spheres bearing “gifts”.


 Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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