You Are a Threat to the Dark’s Agenda
The Pleiadian Council of Light
By Chellea Wilder
Posted on March 21, 2025
Greetings beloved ones, we are the Pleiadian Council of Light.
It is very good to connect with you in these moments of Transformation. Thank you for this transmission.
The Energies from the Photon Belt, are being amped in frequencies, creating a dynamic interplay that is crucial for facilitating a stability within the High 4th dimension. These frequencies are a significant shift in the vibrational landscape of Earth existence. Many factors are contributing to the waves of Love Light that your dear Mother Earth is currently receiving. As the rays of our Alcyone Star, Dance in Harmony with your Star–the Sun–whose radiant energy is instrumental in this transformation, it becomes amplified in its frequencies. Along with the many Planetary alignments, and Moon cycles, you continually experience, also contribute to the symphony of Higher Light. In tandem, the Earth herself is responding to the influx of these Higher Vibrations, adapting and evolving in ways that resonate with the new frequencies being introduced into her atmosphere.
You each possess immense power, a latent ability to alter your reality and to effectively integrate these transformative energies into your daily lives. This power is also Collective and is a reflection of your interconnectedness and the shared consciousness that binds all of humanity together.
However, amidst this uplifting energy, there are still remnants of the Dark ones who remain on Earth, desperately trying to cling to the illusion of control that they have maintained for so long. Their agenda, which seeks to divide and conquer the human race, is increasingly crumbling beneath the weight of a rising collective consciousness, as more individuals choose to join hands in Harmony and embrace a greater awareness of their interconnectedness. These forces of darkness are still attempting to instigate division in any way possible, employing various tactics to sow seeds of discord and confusion among the populace.
At this juncture, we witness a significant amount of deception, cover-up, and trickery unfolding within your current reality. Many things are being obscured, in these moments, and nothing is as it seems to be.
It is crucial to remember that you are Anchors of the Light; your frequencies pose a significant threat to the darks insidious agenda. By simply existing in a state of awareness and love, you nullify any and all Darkness that crosses your path. The act of becoming aware of the Dark Plan triggers a wave of Light energies that resonates through the emotions you project toward the situation at hand. When you stand firm in the Light, your first instincts naturally gravitate toward Love and Light. Emotions such as compassion, forgiveness, and the ability to witness the Light in others become your instinctual responses. This is not merely a passive reaction; it is a powerful force of Light that you emit, often without even realizing the extent of your impact.
The Human Collective, in its quest for understanding, finds itself confused about the direction from which the Light is emanating. Many individuals still look outside themselves for a savior, for answers that they believe lie in external sources, when, in reality, the truth resides within their own being. This internal journey toward self-discovery and empowerment is essential, as it allows individuals to tap into their innate wisdom and recognize that they possess the tools necessary to navigate these turbulent times. The awakening of this inner light is not only vital for personal growth but also crucial for the collective evolution of humanity as a whole.
By standing resolutely within the Light, you not only shield yourself from adversities that may hinder your personal journey, but also contribute to the dissolution of any negative agendas that those who seek control, may attempt to impose on the Human Collective.
Your unwavering presence in the Light serves as a beacon of hope and a catalyst for change, promoting healing and unity in a reality lost in illusion.
We Love you, and are here with you.
We are the Pleiadian Council of Light.
Pleiadians of Alcyone.
- God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
- All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
- My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite than the Zionists.
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