Friday, March 21, 2025

Gold Frees Humanity from Enslaved Debt

Gold Frees Humanity from Enslaved Debt

By Peter B Meyer

Posted on March 21, 2025

As uncertainty increases, so does the price of gold.

Gold is considered by investors to be a safe investment when competing with stocks and bonds.

Gold is now assuming its role as the most stable long-term monetary investment the world has ever known.

Everyone should be buying gold and silver now, as many sensible people are already doing. This is evidenced by the fact that the price of gold continues to rise despite massive manipulator intervention to drive it down.

Think about it: if stocks continue to fall, gold will fall less. On the other hand, if stocks rise, it will be because central banks have pushed them up with more fiat money.

Then gold will rise even more. And that is because it is real money and fake money is pushing it further and further apart. So as uncertainty increases, the price of gold increases.

The world’s monetary system is based on creating money out of nothing, something that does not exist, to lend to governments, people and corporations at interest.

Worse, it is money created out of debt, essentially ‘debt money’. But debt is the opposite of money, in fact it is a claim on money for an unfulfilled payment called debt. In other words, counterfeit money.

Central banks turn debt into an asset by bribery, because they have illegally acquired the right to hold debt as an asset on their balance sheets, while the little guy like you and me has to list debt as a liability.

Read that sentence again until you fully understand the fraud that has been committed. For this is the essence of what allows banks to steal from humanity.

This money scam turns us into debt slaves.

Only gold and silver are fool proof and indestructible in today’s sea of worthless paper debt currency.

Global debt about to explode

Government debt is exploding; most countries are bankrupt. Central banks are bankrupt but printing money in unprecedented quantities.

But that will not be enough to save bankrupt nations, whether Japan, Greece, Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, or bankrupt Italian and German banks, whose balance sheets are loaded with billions of toxic assets and whose only buyer is the ECB or the Fed. Both the European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan, and now the Fed, have been buying up billions of dollars of bonds every month. In fact, they’re buying so much that they’re quickly running out of eligible bonds to buy. This could make the stimulus-addicted markets nervous.

Cash generation is slowing, and that will be a problem for servicing existing debt. There is so much debt that it can’t be repaid. This is the problem that has been explained many times over the years in FWC articles; once the credit markets break, the distribution of food and other things will not happen and then it is credit game over.

The Deep State thought that by manipulating the price of gold to keep it low, and continually driving it down when it would rise slightly, they would discourage the world from investing in gold. However, they have failed to realise that they are not dealing with simple and ignorant private investors, but with intelligent individuals who can easily see through the charade being perpetrated by the authorities.

Their Plunge Protection Team is not only trying to prop up the stock market, but also to suppress gold and silver prices. They don’t want people to get the idea that their safe haven is in physical gold and silver. In other words, they are trying to steer investment away from gold and silver by smashing it with paper contracts, aka artificial gold made out of thin air.

Think about it: the first stage of a major debt crisis is deflationary. Prices fall. Companies go bankrupt. People get laid off. Investors typically rush to the safety of government bonds, leading to higher prices as corporate and junk bond prices fall.

But then comes the next stage: inflation. When central banks pump trillions of dollars of new money into the system, as they are doing now. And that’s why T-bonds are going down. – Why? Because the only way central banks can fight a downturn is to issue more fake money. More bonds. More quantitative easing (QE). More dollars/euros/yen. More stimulus. More deficits. More repo madness. – Sooner or later, all this new, fake money will drive down the value of money itself, and with it bonds.

Global debt exploding

Eventually, the unpayable debt will drive the price of precious metals into the stratosphere, that much is certain. Be vigilant and buy precious metals before it is too late. As a reminder, the heyday of debt-backed fiat currencies is over. The world is moving towards money redeemable for fixed amounts of gold. Gold is real money. It is the best money there is. It is the only money that has stood the test of time for more than 5,000 years.

The global paradigm shift is well underway. The global currency reset is approaching, more accurately described as the return of the gold standard.

Human nature being what it is, people will eventually rush into gold/silver, causing the price of gold/silver to soar to unimaginably high levels, eventually reaching multiples of the current artificially suppressed low price in fiat currencies. Remember, debt is inherently worthless.

Debt is intrinsically worthless

he current private central bank debt money system is a rigged scheme to let the insiders steal from the outsiders. And, control the nominal paper value of today’s currency, which isn’t money at all.

They lie about what is really going on, steal wealth from savers and workers, line their own pockets and pay the stolen money to their zombie bank friends. That’s the way it’s always been and will always be.

  • Money is simply a medium of exchange and must have the appropriate characteristics to be a medium of exchange; unitary and a store of value.

But today’s money is nothing more than currency because it doesn’t meet these criteria.

  • People are forced to use this worthless money because it is nothing more than money made out of nothing. Designed to rob, cheat, and bribe anyone at will.
  • Real money is based on natural characteristics, such as the fact that it is intrinsically valuable, durable, divisible, uniform, portable, scarce and widely accepted; these characteristics are essential for a medium of exchange to become an honest standard of widely accepted payment,
  • which isn’t the case with central bank currencies!

On the contrary, gold has always been valuable because debt is someone else’s burden, with unreliable promises attached that may not be honoured in the end.

  • Debt-backed money is a crime against humanity.

It is an invention of Mayer Rothschild, based on the fact that money is an energy flow, actually a currency, generated from raw materials, goods and services, where labour is the key to all activity on earth.

In order to achieve a monopoly over all energy on Earth, the Rothschilds have developed a worldwide slave labour system by issuing debt money through their private central banking system that has infiltrated every government. This flow of energy gives them a powerful first strike opportunity in the field of financial and economic control.

By controlling the flow of energy money and bribing all governments, they are able to fleece all outsiders of their valuable energy output, which only benefits the insiders.

In short, money created out of nothing and backed by debt should not be allowed to buy anything of value, as it is pure fraud.

But as long as the illusion is kept alive that ‘debt-money’ has value, and we the sheeple believe in this fantasy, this fraud will continue.

Modern Slavery


Nixon’s abandonment of the gold standard in 1971 severed the fundamental link between the economy and money. Without the link to gold, bank reserves could be created by fiat, as they were. This led to a huge expansion of the money supply and debt.

The power to use this debt and control the creation of new money is the most powerful tool in today’s economy. Governments can now create unlimited amounts of credit to control the economy as it is at the core of the economic structure.

It also gives privileged status to certain companies – especially banks.

  • In this way, fiat money privatises the benefits of New Socialism.

Most may not understand how the historical link to gold and silver made it impossible for the banking system to grow beyond clear limits. The answer is that gold and silver limit the amount of money in circulation, which in turn limits the amount of money banks can lend.

Under the gold standard, the maximum total debt to GDP ratio was limited to around 150%. But as soon as the link to gold was broken, the total debt-to-GDP ratio began to rise. It’s now a thousand per cent or even higher in some countries.

  • Without the link to gold, the amount of economic mischief the government could engineer became virtually limitless.

No social objective was too absurd… no war too expensive… and no government insurance scheme too patently self-serving not to be funded.

Send this article to your friends as an invitation to wake up and not tolerate this fraud.

Peter B Meyer


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