The Waves of Light Will Not Stop
By KejRaj (KayRy)
Posted on March 21, 2025
Greetings! From heart to heart with great love in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj(KayRy).
How have you been enjoying the ride?
We speak of the ride of your life with the light. With the waves, the ups and downs, the curves, the exhaustion, and yes the bliss.
There have been continuous waves of light coming to Earth from the Sun for the past couple of weeks, and each wave is stronger than the previous one. All of this offers humanity a chance for greater expansion, with the energies made available to you on this Spring Equinox of 2025.
The experiences vary for each individual, depending on their own level of consciousness and stage of clearing. For some, they may feel very tired, while others feel more energized. The aches and pains can be felt throughout the body. Tingling and vibrations may be felt at the top of your head, tips of your fingers and toes, arms, chest and naval area, and other parts of the body.
You may also be having intense dreams, from your past life experiences coming to the surface. At times you may have pleasant dreams, giving you glimpses, in preparation for the future events that await you.
All of these symptoms and others you may experience as more blockages are being cleared, and more room is made for the light body, and a higher percentage of your DNA is activated.
Take time to be alone, in nature. Exercise, as this will help the body loosen up, and energy will flow easier.
You must make changes to your diet if not all ready done so. Drink purified water, eat light food, and take an organic multivitamin daily. Be certain the multivitamin you take contains iodine. This element will protect your body from radiation.
These are essential now to keep your body strong and help its adjustment to the higher frequencies.
Expect these energy surges to become more powerful in the coming days. Besides you changing and growing, you will see in the outer world as well that much is changing. Much remains to be released from the Collective and Earth’s body as well. You will see this manifest now more than ever.
You are all ready seeing big changes in politics, economical, human to animal kingdom, and nature, Earth herself in particular. Mother Earth is adjusting her physical vessel as well. So you may notice more ‘water waves’, volcanoes erupting, shaking of her body here and there, ‘land into to water, water into land’, weather patterns going crazy, and so on.
All that is necessary will be done to make this a perfect transition into the Fifth Dimensional reality. And we truly stand on the edge, and ready to uplift into the next realm.
That is all for today. I am Kejraj!
Compiled by from:
My notes:
- God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
- All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT.
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?
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( Google deleted my former blogs & just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.(A Big Fat Lie) Also on Sep/13, 2024
February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.
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