Letting Flow Back into My Life
The Process of Integration – 2
By Steve Beckow
Posted on May 7, 2024

Wouldn’t hurt!
One immediate result of walls falling down over here is that my anger subsides a great deal. I’m not defending anything or behaving properly any more.
I’ve had two Ph.D. dissertations be turned down for not observing disciplinary boundaries so I think I have some experience in what results when one crosses the line.
The common wisdom on Ph.D. dissertations is that they follow and validate your thesis advisor’s research lines 90% and add in 10% of your own. I saw that as such a waste of time given how much there was to explore.
But decompartmentalizing the mind is a radical act. It says you’re not paying attention to the conformity that exists in our society, not just in academia.
That would surely jangle chains at all levels of society. Conformity is surely a message that is relentlessly put out by our mainstream media, explicitly and implicitly.
***Coming along with this breaking down of the walls of the mind, is a growing appreciation for flow. To my way of thinking, flow is a paradigm of the higher dimensions. (2)
Compartmentalization and flow are not a good fit. The one is designed to restrict uncontrolled flow. The other has no respect for compartmentalization.
It’s inevitable that we’ll enter a world of flow and leave a world of 3D compartments behind. We’re told that the Elohim have removed the 3D template from Planet Earth. Tazjima has given the most coherent explanation of their actions:
“The [Third-Dimensional] delusion is rapidly breaking up under the constant and increasing onslaught of cosmic energies designed to do just that.
“The underlying structure of the third dimension has been removed by its Creators, the Elohim. It was set up for the purpose of preventing further decay in the consciousness level being experienced by the inhabitants of the planet.
“It has served its purpose, but that purpose is now complete. As the threads of the energies of the divine feminine and the golden Christic light are now being interwoven into the tapestry of life upon the planet and into the heart centers of every living being, a new center point, a stillpoint, is being sought out.
“In coming to stillpoint, the energies of dark and light, female and male, flexibility and strength, will discover their need for each other in order to reemerge into wholeness.” (3)
While as a society we don’t recognize being in a higher plane than we were, experiencing it probably only awaits that recognition. Meanwhile the invitation is to allow flow back into our life as a means of loosening the bonds of the old 3D ways of living and inviting in the new.
Later that day
I hear myself saying, “Flow, Steve, flow. Free the mind.” Flow does seem to be the only viable response to the gavel effect or integration.
I suspect – it seems practically a given – that all of this is the effect of the rising lovelight energies.
(1) “Decompartmentalizing My Mind,”
(2) Search on “flow” in Toward a New Age Philosophy at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Toward-a-New-Age-Philosophy-R3.pdf
As an aside, if you were to say to me, well, what’s another paradigm? I’d quite readily reply: The Mother’s pattern of creation, preservation, and transformation is another.
(3) “Higher Self and the Light Collective: On Integration,” channeled through Tazjima, November 9, 2013 at http://bluedragonjournal.com.
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