Problems are Situations Plus our Reactions
By Steve Beckow

Credit: Entrepreneur. We can’t see the situation for our reactions
I’d like to continue the discussion of having problems not being the problem.
I have so many points arising in my mind that I don’t know where to start.
(A) Years ago, we discussed an intergalactic form of communication, developed to see that the intergalactic wars never happened again, called Perro. (1)
At the time, Michael verified that it resembled the type of communication that would be expected in a refugee hearing, which helped me grasp what it was like. (2) I quipped that it sounded like Dragnet from the 1950s. “Just the facts, ma’am.” And he agreed.
Fact-based communication. If I communicated this way, many problems would just become situations.
Fact-based communication implies that it isn’t emotion-based, reaction-based, or self-serving-bias-based. Factoring these out takes practise and dedication.
On this dimension, speaking that way would require discipline. On a higher dimension, it would be natural.
(B) I don’t know if you’ve ever seen a picture of a barnacle-infested whale, but I see our situation as somewhat like that. The barnacles are old issues we’re dragging around. I’ve called these, “vasanas” or seeds of future action, after Vedantic practice).
We’re burdened in every way because of our unfinished business. Picture Morley dragging his chains around in A Christmas Carol. (3) Yes. Woe is me.
I’m not sure if I’m correct in saying that, if we succeeded in releasing all our unfinished business completely, we’d ascend. That seems to follow logically, and it has a ring of truth from my own experience, but I’m not certain of it.
It would nonetheless propel us a great deal farther down the road towards that culmination.
(C) Problems are situations plus our reactions. We react to the situation and thenceforth appraise the situation through the filter of our reaction, rather than as the facts themselves might suggest or dictate.
If we can remove the situation from our reaction – or declare our bias to ourselves and then watch out for its influence – that might just be the best that can be expected while we’re on 4D.
(D) I’m reminded of the military experience, where a soldier becoming overwhelmed with emotion about a circumstance – under fire – was a distinct liability. There, “just the facts” saved lives. So there are settings where “just the facts” is a mandatory, life-saving skill.
(E) We assess things on a spectrum from positive to neutral to negative. Communication that works usually, I believe, remains in the positive to neutral. Communication that doesn’t work is usually found in the negative.
If we’re in the negative and finding our communication doesn’t produce the desired effect, a lack of neutrality, of Perro, of just the facts, ma’am, may be the answer.
If I can’t be immersed in the love of the higher dimensions at this moment and therefore communicating factually as a matter of course, I can do it as a discipline.
(1) See “Galea of Neptune ~ Avenues of Communication,” Council of, March 12, 2018, at
(2) My last position before retirement was as a Member of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, where I presided over hearings into refugee claims. Invaluable training.
(3) 06:34 at [https://].
- God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
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