Monday, August 5, 2024

Activation of Your DNA

Activation of Your DNA

By Ansaluia, Goddess of Creation

Channel: Shelly Dressel

Posted on August 5, 2024

I greet you, beloved family. I reach out from my heart to yours. I reach out in this now moment to connect with you while you are here present in your everyday life.

With every breath that you take in, breathe that energy down within you. With every breath that you breathe out, let go tension, let go stress, let go of anything at all that may be hanging over you. This is an opportunity for you to not only be present within yourself, but this is an opportunity for you to look at your life. To look first and foremost within your heart center.

How are you looking at yourself? Are you feeling love and compassion? How are you looking at others? Do you see others through the eyes of love and compassion? Where is your focus in your life? Is it on problems around you? Or is your focus upon anything that you may have that supports you in this life? There’s so much that people have in and around them that becomes a habit. It is a habit that you may think about things in a particular way. It becomes a habit that you look at the world through the eyes maybe of the victim or perhaps through the eyes of someone optimistic.  This is your chance to pay attention to where your focus is as you look at yourself and as you look at the life around you.

As you go into your heart center, create a ball of light. As you create this swirling energy in and around you, you can feel it as that ball is created from your heart energy.  You can then pull it bigger and bigger so that it becomes something that is more than just the size of your heart. This is but one way that you can work consistently with your energy bodies. So, let that be your focus in this moment.

And as you see the light and energy of your heart just turning and swirling, allow an aspect of it to move down. It goes through your solar plexus, your sacral center, your root center, and then it goes all the way down into the earth. As you feel this connection to the earth, ask to know or ask to sense that soul of the earth. Ask to sense Gaia so that you may connect at an even deeper level within this space.

I invite you to take this moment and you can listen to the heartbeat of the earth. Through that heartbeat you can find Gaia. The earth is not something that is completely separated from you and you are just here living upon it. There is an alignment to the earth that is always within you. For everyone living upon the earth, they have that vibration, that alignment, that frequency that allows them to flow up and down, aligning with Gaia.

Allow that consciousness to flow back up through that stream of energy. You feel it once again circling within your heart center and then it goes up again through your throat, your third eye, your head center, and you send it up as far as it needs to go so that you may link with your higher self. Look around at what this place is for you.

Your higher self, you may see some of those projects that you are working on, perhaps some of the things you seek to manifest, perhaps relationships, perhaps some inner growth. Whatever it may be, you take this moment so that you may feel the alignment and then that may possibly give you even more information.

You then follow that stream of energy; it goes even further up. This thread of energy goes directly into your soul. As you feel this energy linking to your soul, you may feel yourself expanding even bigger.

Take in this consciousness that is your soul. You can almost feel as if it surrounds you with love and light. You can feel as it just gives you unconditional love, perhaps information, perhaps a perspective that you are so much more than this human in this lifetime.

So be present within the moment. I, the Goddess, walk in and amongst each one of you. As I blend with you, as our energies merge together, we shift moving into the All That Is.

Look around at this space and what it is for you. One of the things that I’m noticing is that it’s very busy. Most often when we arrive in the All That Is, there may be energies, there may be an aspect of you that is working on something.

However, this time there’s this distinct perception that there are universal beings, that there are angels, that there are aspects of you that are all here present to work with you in this now moment. There have been multiple steps that humanity has gone through with this ascension process. For many of them, you were very conscious and aware, and there were others who were in the process of perhaps waking up, didn’t know what was happening, but knew something was going on.

So if you are one of these two or something else totally different in this now moment, I invite you to look around. Look around at the many beings that are here. I know that you have heard about the solar flares. I know that you have heard about other impulses of light, not necessarily from the Sun, but from the Universe, and that these are working hand-in-hand with one another to help humanity ascend to the next level of consciousness.

There is another solar flare coming in that is a little more significant than others, most likely within about a week of the time of this channel. So whether it has already passed or you’re listening ahead of time, this is an opportunity for you to connect with that energy of the flare, to consider how to consciously shift your focus so that you may be fully aware of whatever it is that happens.

For so many, because we are saying this, it then ends up being something that you don’t even feel because you’ve done the ascension prior to the time that the energy comes in. But either way, this is your chance to open up the doorway to whatever is next for you. So look around this space of the All That Is.

Look at what is in your space as your soul. I’m noticing many of you feel more comfortable if you create a space that is somewhat enclosed as if it’s not a little box or anything, but instead of something that’s as big as the All That Is, this is something that just gives you a sense of containment so that you can better process whatever it is that you need. So, as you walk within this space, you find in front of you that aspect that is there for you.  This aspect, again, may be something from your own soul, or an angel, or a light being, most often one of those three.

Okay, as soon as each one of you was able to find that conscious alignment, there was a ripple of energy that went through everything. For you, in your conscious focus right now, take a moment, and as if you are expanding the energy around your head center in your physical body, expand that energy of your head center so that more of your consciousness can move within that space.

The aspect that is working with you is communicating with you, asking what you personally would like to either clear out or open up within your life. As I spoke that, it was fascinating to see a ripple of energy. I could hear some communication through music. I could see bursts of light. I could see others settling down into a very peaceful state. This is to name a few.

So you may have something like that, or something completely different. Allow your consciousness to be present and to receive whatever it is for you to know at this now moment.  Take an opportunity, and as if you are stretching your consciousness some more, to this time, invite your mental body, your thoughts, your beliefs, that human aspect of you, to become present and merge with all that is happening in this now moment.

As I spoke those words, some of you actually got smaller, and then others were able to have a deeper understanding of what was happening. If your perception was that you got smaller, then once again, literally push the walls out from where you are. There we go.

Now I can feel each one of you much more in a balanced state. The next phase is that they are sending this information that goes in through your consciousness, that is going to activate energies within your DNA. In particular, the energies associated with this flare, or this evening, are about your perceptions expanding.  In other words, when you look at things, you may see the non-physical energies with greater ease. As you go into meditation, or in a space of looking inward, your perception expands through your inner feeling or your inner knowing. As I speak these words, I invite each one of you to consciously expand and to consciously reach into those energies.

The inner knowing, or perhaps that greater vision. Many of you in your life have wanted to be able to see more fully, or more clearly, clairvoyantly. Many have been frustrated by the perception that they don’t see anything.  In this now moment, putting forth that intention that you can see more of what is around you, then let that wave and that frequency go through your consciousness. Let it find whatever needs to be inside of you that will expand and trigger this so that you can see the energies around you. Expand your third eye.

Again, expand your consciousness. Indeed, there is so much more that you can see. Okay, what I just heard as I said those words, were a number of people saying, I still don’t see anything, this doesn’t work for me. So, for those that no matter what gets done to them, no matter what activation, no matter what happens, their perception is they still don’t see anything. Then, let that belief system, almost as if it’s just fracturing, and let it fall apart, and let it go by the wayside.  ~whew~

Because indeed, you will never see if you don’t believe you will ever see if you don’t believe you will see. (I had my sister’s dogs and one started nudging at me.)  So, with these energies that are going on right now, flowing around the room, these animals that are not as accustomed to it are reacting, and they can feel it themselves. So, energy is felt by all beings at one level or another.

Let this now moment, let this activation within you that is about the clarity of your vision, and it’s not just the vision.  It’s about that opening to perception where you take in so much more through all of your senses, and let your DNA, it’s a very physical, cellular level, support all of that for you. I could feel things expanding even further within you.

There is a sense of separation.  Whatever aspect was in there, it may have been one, it may have been a group, but now is an opportunity for you to ask them whatever question may be on your mind or on your heart.

Understand that as you ask this question in this now moment, not only is it something that’s coming up within your own consciousness, it is something that will assist you as this activation within your DNA continues to expand. It is as if you are getting the jump on it right now, and then as these continued influxes of energy take place, instead of feeling wonky, you may perhaps feel some of those answers slipping into your consciousness if you don’t get them in the now moment.

You may also find that your energies are expanding much more fully. So now I have that sense of them disappearing until you are in your own space here within the All That Is, and this is your opportunity to look around. Look around at what you may see, perhaps sense, perhaps feel. Let it be present for you.  Some of you are instantly noticing a difference.

What is very interesting this evening is that people are already in such different places of their consciousness or their perceptions.  After this, it is as if the entire All That Is, is shifting into a higher frequency. It’s happening! The All That Is was created as a place for each of you to experience things as potentials. It is a place for you to grow.  In doing so, the All That Is also grows and changes.  Be present in that moment.

I invite you to gather together as a group.  Here coming up within you take a moment to open your perception to see if there is more that has been unconscious that’s coming forward.  OK, I heard someone say, ‘how can we tell’? Even with your eyes closed, look around the room, look around this space. Do you see more colors? Do you feel things more deeply as you know just about this moment expanding in other ways?

This energy is available to every single person on the planet if they so choose. It is coming up within the ethers that are in and around you it is coming up into the water,  the trees, and all that is here. The remainder of your own consciousness slides down it comes down into this space within and around you. Allow yourself to anchor back here in your everyday reality.

You can feel it. You know that you are in an expanded state. Take some moments to become accustomed to this change.

As you live your life consider the moment-to-moment, day-to-day, at various times; but consider what it is to be in this lifetime at this time.  During this journey this evening every one of you created a deeper alignment not only with your own soul and source but with these other beings that are here assisting you in this growth.  Allow it to really do everything that it can for you.  Allow your own personal growth to expand in whatever way is possible.  There is so much that is happening on so many different levels. Be present, be in balance, be in alignment so that you are living the very best life that you can have.

Beloved, you know that I am ever with you and within you.


Shelly Dressel

This is Shelly Dressel channeling the Goddess of Creation; the feminine aspect of source essence, for the free teleconference offered on the first and third Sundays of each month. All rights are reserved. You are welcome to share this information; we just ask that you keep it intact. For further channels and information on both the Goddess and Shelly please see our website:

Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


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